
2021-11-26 10:32:12李朋飞张晓晨胡晋飞
农业工程学报 2021年15期

李朋飞,张晓晨,严 露,胡晋飞,李 豆,丹 杨


李朋飞,张晓晨,严 露,胡晋飞※,李 豆,丹 杨

(西安科技大学测绘科学与技术学院,西安 710054)

机载激光雷达(Light Detection and Ranging,LiDAR)可快速、高效的获取大范围地形信息,已成为高精度地形建模的重要数据获取手段。然而,针对复杂地形的机载LiDAR点云构建数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model,DEM)的插值误差研究缺乏,严重限制了其在土壤侵蚀、开采沉陷等地表过程研究中的应用。该研究基于黄土高塬沟壑区典型地形的机载LiDAR数据,对比了反距离加权(Inverse Distance Weighted,IDW)、克里金(Kriging)、样条函数(Spline)、自然邻域(Natural Neighbor,NN)、趋势面(Trend)、不规则三角网(Triangulated Irregular Network,TIN)等插值算法的插值误差。首先优选了IDW、Kriging、Spline、Trend等4种算法的关键参数,其次分析了不同点云密度和地形下IDW、Kriging、Spline、NN、TIN等5种算法的插值误差及其空间分布。结果表明:1)IDW最优插值参数为权指数1和搜索点数12,Kriging为无方向、高斯函数和搜索点数12,Spline为规则样条函数和搜索点数32,Trend误差达米级,不适用于地形复杂区域。2)当点云密度较小时(1~19点/m2),IDW、Kriging、NN、TIN4种插值方法较为准确地描述地形。当点云密度较大时(39~77点/m2),各个插值方法的DEM空间分布差异不大。3)针对黄土高塬沟壑区复杂地形区域,点云密度越大,DEM的误差越小。陡坡区域DEM的平均绝对误差明显高于缓坡区域,随着点云密度增大,陡坡区域误差明显减小,而缓坡区域变化较小。当点云密度较小时(1~19点/m2),缓坡和陡坡最优插值插值方法分别为NN和TIN;当点云密度较大时(39~77点/m2),缓坡和陡坡最优插值方法均为Spline。研究结果可为机载LiDAR用于地形复杂区域的高精度地形建模与地表过程研究提供依据。


0 引 言

高精度数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model,DEM)对土壤侵蚀监测[1]、地表沉降监测、径流和土壤侵蚀过程模拟[2]等研究有重要意义。其数据源获取途径包括地形图数字化[3]、传统地面测量[4]、航空摄影测量[5]、光学遥感[6]、合成孔径雷达[7]和激光雷达(Light Detection and Ranging,LiDAR)[8-9]等。相较于其他方法,机载LiDAR可部分穿透植被,快速获取较大范围地表的高精度三维点云,且不受天气影响[10],已成为获取高精度地形建模数据的重要手段[3]。

机载LiDAR获取的原始点云,需经过滤波、分类、插值等过程,才能获得高精度的DEM。其中,插值算法优劣直接影响DEM的精度,进而影响机载LiDAR在地表过程研究中的应用。已有插值算法可分为基于三角网插值与基于规则栅格插值两大类[6]。前者包括不规则三角网(Triangulated Irregular Network,TIN)[11];后者主要包括反距离加权(Inverse Distance Weighted,IDW)[12]、克里金(Kriging)[13]、样条函数(Spline)、自然邻域(Natural Neighbor,NN)、趋势面(Trend)[14]等。近年来,国内外学者已开展点云密度[15-16]、分辨率[17]、插值算法[18]、地形特征[19-20]、滤波算法[21]等对DEM精度影响的研究。然而,较少研究将不同算法用于机载LiDAR点云,并探讨所获得DEM的不确定性(即误差),制约了机载LiDAR在地表过程研究中的应用[22]。



1 研究区概况及数据预处理

1.1 研究区概况

董庄沟流域位于甘肃省庆阳市(106°20′~108°45′ E,35°15′~37°10′ N),属于黄土高塬沟壑区(图1)。年降雨量150~750 mm[23-24],年平均气温3.6~14.3 ℃[23],海拔1 200~1 350 m。流域植被以刺槐和旱生灌丛为主[25],土壤类型主要包括风沙土、砂质黄土、典型黄土及黏土[26]。流域侵蚀类型以水力侵蚀和重力侵蚀为主[27],经长期强烈侵蚀,沟壑纵横,梁峁和沟谷地形差异大,地形地貌复杂[28]。


1.2 数据获取与预处理

利用机载LiDAR系统(SZT-R250)于2019年5月采集目标区域点云数据。机载LiDAR具体参数为:激光发射频率为100 kHz,飞行速度7 km/h,航高50 m,扫描速度为100 000点/s,扫描角为90°~270°,获取的原始点云密度为86点/m2。

采集完成后进行飞行航迹和惯导姿态解算、点云配准和精简、坐标转换等预处理,生成las格式点云数据。以获取的野外实景照片、实地考察结果等为参照,在TerraSolid 2013中,采取手动方式进行滤波获取地面点云,获得的地面点云密度为77点/m2,并采用所获地面点云开展DEM插值与误差检验[11]。

2 研究方法


2.1 插值方法







2.2 插值参数优选


2.3 点云抽取


表1 不同插值算法参数待选取值


Note: IDW, Kriging, Spline and Trend refer to the inverse distance weighted interpolation algorithm, Kriging interpolation algorithm, Spline interpolation algorithm and Trend interpolation algorithm respectively.

2.4 精度评价

由于研究区域地形复杂,难以到达,同时缺乏地面控制点,因此未能采用地面三维激光扫描仪、GPS等仪器获取更高精度的地面高程数据,用以验证机载LiDAR点云所构建DEM的精度。鉴于此,本文基于机载LiDAR获取的地面点云,利用交叉验证法进行DEM误差分析。交叉验证法为插值精度验证的常用方法,已广泛用于滑坡、气象、地形插值算法的精度研究中[44-45]。在本研究中,将处理完成的地面点云数据随机分为两部分,一部分用于构建0.5 m分辨率DEM,占比99%,剩余1%用于DEM精度验证。首先在所构建DEM中提取与验证点云位置对应的栅格高程值;其次基于所提取栅格高程值与对应验证点云高程值,计算误差指标,评估插值算法的误差。

采用平均绝对误差(Mean Absolute Error,MAE)、均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error,RMSE)、决定系数(Coefficient of Determination,2)3个指标定量评价插值方法构建DEM的误差。其中MAE和RMSE的值越高,2越低,DEM插值精度越低,误差越大;反之,则DEM插值精度越高,误差越低。

3 结果与讨论

3.1 插值算法的参数优选





3.2 不同插值算法下DEM质量


3.3 不同插值算法所构建DEM的误差

3.3.1 整体误差评价

由图4可知,随着点云密度的增大,5种插值方法的MAE和RMSE均先减小后趋于稳定。当抽取率1%~12.5%(点云密度1~10点/m2)时,MAE和RMSE骤减,最大变化量分别为0.232和0.319 m;抽取率>12.5%~25%(点云密度>10~19点/m2)时,MAE和RMSE缓慢减少,最大变化量分别为0.024和0.073 m;抽取率>25%~100%(点云密度>19~77点/m2)时,5种插值方法的MAE和RMSE趋于平稳,最大变化量不足0.011 m。

当抽取率小于12.5%(点云密度小于10点/m2)时,TIN和NN的整体误差明显低于IDW、Kriging、Spline。当抽取率为1%(点云密度为1点/m2)时,TIN的MAE和RMSE最小,分别为0.208和0.298 m;当抽取率为>5%~12.5%(点云密度>4~10点/m2)时,NN的MAE和RMSE最小,分别为0.170~0.175 m和0.259~0.262 m。Polat等以伊斯坦布尔城区为研究区,在0.3点/m2的点云密度下研究发现IDW、NN、Kriging3种插值方法中NN插值效果最好[15],与本研究结果一致,但该研究区域较为平坦,未开展地形复杂区域各算法误差的对比,同时所获取点云密度较低,未能开展较高点云密度下的插值误差分析。

抽取率>12.5%~25%(点云密度>10~19点/m2)时,Spline的MAE和RMSE的变化量分别为0.024和0.073 m,高于其余4种插值方法,说明Spline对点云密度的变化更为敏感。当抽取率高于25%(点云密度>19点/m2)时,5种插值方法构建DEM的误差趋于平缓,且MAE和RMSE变化量均不大于0.011和0.010 m,说明当点云密度足够大时,插值方法对DEM的精度影响较小,同时Spline的整体误差小于其余4种算法,其MAE和RMSE分别为0.164~0.168 m和0.249~0.255 m。

不同的点云密度下,5种插值所得DEM与采样点实测值均有很好的相关性,决定系数2均大于0.99。Habib等以摩洛哥的平原和丘陵为研究区,认为IDW、普通克里金(Ordinary Kriging,OK)、薄板样条插值(Thin Plate Spline,TPS)这3种插值方法的2可达到0.99[48],但需注意,该研究区域为较平坦的平原与丘陵区,并未涉及地形复杂区域;Polat等研究也发现不同抽取率(10%、30%、50%、70%、100%)下的2变化不大[15],但如前所述,与本文不同,其研究区较平坦且点云密度较低。此外,本文中各插值方法在不同抽取率下2未有明显变化,可能原因之一为验证数据和训练数据均由机载LiDAR获取,并未使用更高精度数据(如GPS-RTK)评估DEM构建误差。后续可将GPS-RTK等仪器获取的数据作为验证数据,进一步评估构建DEM的精度。

3.3.2 误差空间分布


在缓坡区域(编号1~3区)随着点云密度增大,误差减小,当点云密度高于10点/m2时,5种插值算法的误差减小幅度低,表明缓坡区域对点云密度变化的敏感度较低,亦表明当缓坡区域点云密度高于10点/m2,点云密度的增加对降低DEM误差作用不明显。当点云密度为1~19点/m2时,编号1~3区NN生成 DEM误差低于其余4种算法,MAE为0.049~0.171 m;点云密度>39~77点/m2时,Spline误差值最小,MAE为0.010~0.123 m。

在陡坡区域(编号4~8区),插值误差随点云密度的增大亦减小,尤其当点云密度从1点/m2升高至4点/m2时5种插值算法的误差成倍减少;当点云密度>4~19点/m2时,各区域插值方法的DEM误差整体减小;当点云密度高于39点/m2时,DEM误差趋于稳定。因此,陡坡区域的点云密度越高,对地形变化复杂的区域细节描述越精确。当点云密度为1~19点/m2时,编号4~8区采用TIN方法的DEM插值误差低于其余4种算法,MAE为0.062~0.776 m;而在点云密度>39~77点/m2时,Spline算法最优,MAE为0.051~0.593 m。

4 结 论





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Comparison of interpolation algorithms for DEMs in topographically complex areas using airborne LiDAR point clouds

Li Pengfei, Zhang Xiaochen, Yan Lu, Hu Jinfei※, Li Dou, Dan Yang


Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology has widely been used to efficiently acquire terrain data over large areas, particularly providing data sources for the generation of high-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). However, little was known about the errors in the interpolation of airborne LiDAR point clouds for topographically complex areas, thereby resulting in the less application of airborne LiDAR in the earth surface process. In this study, the errors of six commonly-used DEM interpolations were assessed using the airborne LiDAR point clouds acquired from a topographically complex area in the gullied Loess Plateau, China. Six DEM interpolations included the Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW), Kriging, Spline, Natural Neighbor (NN), Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN), and Trend. Firstly, four parameters were optimized, including IDW, Kriging, Spline, and Trend. Secondly, the optimized algorithms were applied to produce DEMs. Lastly, the errors of DEMs were quantitatively evaluated using mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (RMSE), and coefficient of determination (2). Results showed that: 1) The optimal values of IDW weights and searching points were 1 and 12, respectively. The optimal parameters for Kriging included non-orientation, Gauss function, and 12 searching points. Spline performed best in regular spline functions and 32 of searching points. Nevertheless, Trend was unsuitable for the topographically complex area, due to the produced DEMs with meter-level errors. 2) In terms of quality, IDW, Kriging, NN, and TIN produced relatively sound DEMs at the 1%-25% subsampling rate (1-19 points /m2), whereas, unreasonable outliers were found in the DEMs produced by Spline. Additionally, there were similar spatial patterns in the DEMs produced by IDW, Kriging, NN, TIN, and Spline, when the subsampling rate was 50%-100% (39-77 points /m2). 3) Excellent relations (2>0.99) were found between the elevation measurements and the DEMs produced using point clouds of different subsampling rates. The average MAE and RMSE of produced DEMs firstly decreased rapidly, and then stabilized, as the point density increased, demonstrating that the reduction of interpolation errors varied slowly, as the point density reached a certain level. TIN produced the lowest error at a 1% subsampling rate (1 points/m2), with the MAE and RMSE of 0.208 and 0.298 m, respectively. At the 5%-12.5% subsampling rate (4-10 points/m2), NN produced the lowest error, where the MAE and RMSE were 0.170-0.175 m and 0.259-0.262 m, respectively. At the >25%-100% subsampling rate (>19-77 points/m2), Spline yielded the lowest error with the MAE and RMSE of 0.164-0.168 and 0.249-0.255 m, respectively. More importantly, the interpolation errors for steep areas were considerably higher than those for gently-sloping areas. The errors for steep areas decreased markedly, while those for gently-sloping areas changed slightly, as the point density increased. NN and TIN were the most suitable interpolation for gently- and steep-sloping areas at the point density of 1-19 points/m2, with the MAE of 0.049-0.171 and 0.062-0.776 m, respectively. Spline yielded the lowest interpolation errors for both steep- and gently-sloping areas with the MAE of 0.010-0.123 and 0.051-0.593 m, respectively when the point density was between 39-77 points/m2. The findings can provide promising potential support to the earth surface process, thereby generating high-resolution DEMs for the topographically complex areas.

LiDAR; DEM; interpolation algorithms; complex topography; Loess Plateau

李朋飞,张晓晨,严露,等. 复杂地形中机载LiDAR点云构建DEM的插值算法对比[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(15):146-153.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.15.018 http://www.tcsae.org

Li Pengfei, Zhang Xiaochen, Yan Lu, et al. Comparison of interpolation algorithms for DEMs in topographically complex areas using airborne LiDAR point clouds[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(15): 146-153. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.15.018 http://www.tcsae.org










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