摘 要:通过对喀什地区2010—2020年经济发展状况及产业结构的研究,结果表明:喀什地区GDP从375.3亿元增长到1130.2亿元,经济发展较快;第三产业占比从35.46%增加到52.50%,逐渐成为地区的支柱产业。部分行业如旅游业、房地产业,近几年呈现快速发展的趋势,但也有部分行业如工业、建筑业发展缓慢。因此,政府應加快产业融合发展,进行产业结构调整升级,持续发展优势产业,加强工业投入,扩大对外贸易,加大职业教育度,形成具有地方特色的产业体系。借助“一带一路”的发展机遇,实现经济的高质量发展。
中图分类号 F327 文献标识码 A文章编号 1007-7731(2021)20-0187-04
Research on the Economic Development of Kashgar Region from 2010 to 2020
ZHANG Penghui
(1Northwest Branch of Shaanxi Land Engineering Construction Group Co., Ltd., Yulin 719000, China)
Abstract: Through research on the economic development and industrial structure of Kashgar from 2010 to 2020, the results show that the GDP of Kashgar has increased from 37.53 billion yuan to 113.02 billion yuan, economic development is rapid, and the proportion of tertiary industry has increased from 35.46% to 52.50%, Has gradually become a pillar industry in the region. Some industries such as tourism and real estate have shown a rapid development trend in recent years, but some industries such as industry and construction have developed slowly. It is recommended that the government carry out industrial integration development, adjust and upgrade the industrial structure, continue to develop advantageous industries, increase industrial investment, expand foreign trade, and increase vocational education, Form an industrial system with local characteristics. take advantage of the development opportunities of the " the Belt and Road Initiative" to achieve high-quality economic development.
Key words: Economy; Industrial structure; Kashgar Area
1 喀什地区概况
2 数据来源
3 情况分析
3.1 经济综合发展及产业结构 2010—2020年,喀什GDP从375.3亿元增长到1130.2亿元,增长2倍,一二三产业分别增长1.51倍、0.88倍、3.46倍,占比也发生了很大的变化,从2010年的34.43∶30.11∶35.46变为2020年的28.71∶18.78∶52.50。其中,第三产业增长速度最快,年均增长率为16.12%,在整个国民经济中的比重越来越大,逐渐成为地区的支柱产业。第二产业增长速度较慢,仅为6.05%,在整个国民经济中的比重越来越低。近年来喀什地区一二三产业发展状况如图1所示。