李梦莹 袁君萍
摘 要:党的十九大报告提出“实施乡村振兴战略”,对乡村振兴战略作出重要部署,按照“产业兴旺、生态宜居、乡风文明、治理有效、生活富裕”的总体要求推进“三农”工作。报告提出要培育造就一支懂农业、爱农村、爱农民的“三农”工作队伍,基层农业技术推广人才是实现乡村全面振兴的重要力量。该研究以福建省418名农技骨干人员为对象展开问卷调查,发现当前人才培养存在顶层设计存在偏差、培养理念未与时俱进、培训方式单一、培训过程缺乏有效协调等问题。研究认为,观念、制度、经济等因素相互联系,共同制约着基层农业技术推广人才培养工作。培养工作应从以下几个方面进行改进:在人才培养过程中融入全新的农业发展理念;以乡村振兴为指导开展教育培训工作;职前教育和职后培训分别建立系统完善的人才培养运行机制。
中图分类号 F327.63文献标识码 A文章编号 1007-7731(2021)19-0182-04
Cultivation of Talents for Basic Agro-technical Extension of Rural Revitalization Strategy
LI Mengying et al.
(Huzhou College, Huzhou 313000, China)
Abstract: The report of the 19th CPC National Congress for the first time pointed out that we will implement the rural revitalization strategy.The construction of “Three-Rural” work should follow the Rural Revitalization Strategy,which means “industrial prosperity, ecological livability, rural civilization, effective governance and rich life”.The report advances to train a group of people who understand agriculture, love rural areas and peasants.Talents for basic agro-technical extension are the important force that realizes rural revitalization.A questionnaire survey was conducted among 418 backbone staffs in Fujian province,the author finds that the current cultivation exists the following problems:the top-level design of talent cultivation is biased and doesnt adapt and lead the development of modern agriculture;the concept of cultivation has not kept pace with the times;the training method is single and lack of practical teaching;the training process lacks effective coordination.The study suggests that mutually interrelated factors such as concept,system and economy restrict the cultivation of talents for basic agro-technical extension.The author thinks that the future training should be improved in the following aspects.First of all, the new concept of agricultural development should be integrated into the process of personnel training.Secondly,we should carry out education and training under the guidance of rural revitalization.Thirdly,a systematic and perfect talent training operation mechanism should be established in pre-service education and post-service education respectively.
Key words: Rural revitalization strategy; Talents for basic agro-technical extension; Cultivation of talents
1 鄉村振兴战略对基层农业技术推广人才素质提出的新要求