李帅 胡少军 范玉超
摘 要:为了解生物质灰在土壤改良与修复领域的研究热点和发展趋势,通过Web of ScienceTM核心数据库,利用Histcite和VOSviewer软件,从被引频次Top10的作者、期刊及研究热点等方面对2000—2021年间发表的该领域文献进行了计量分析。结果表明:高被引的作者主要集中于西欧发达国家,主要期刊有Plant and Soil、Forest Ecology and Management及Biomass & Bioenergy;主要研究热点是生物质灰水溶液中重金属铜、镉、铅、锌的吸附机理,生物质灰自身养分、活性组分(活性硅等)在农业生产及重金属土壤钝化修复方面的应用。
中图分类号 X53 文献标识码 A文章编号 1007-7731(2021)19-0111-05
Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on Remediation and Improvement of Soils by Biomass Ash Based on Web of Science
LI Shuai1, 2, 3 et al.
(1School of Earth and Environment, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan 232001, China; 2Engineering Laboratory of Anhui Province for Comprehensive Utilization of Water and Soil Resources and Construction of Ecological Protection in Mining Area with High Groundwater Level, Huainan 232001, China; 3Institute of Environment-friendly Materials and Occupational Health, Anhui University of Science and Technology , Wuhu, 241003, China)
Abstract: In order to get a deep understanding of highlights and trend of the researches on in the field of remediation and improvement of Soils by biomass ash, a study was carried out on bibliometric analysis of the researches in these aspects. In this study, based on the Web of ScienceTM core collection database bibliometric analysis was performed of the articles, published during the period of 2000—2021, from the citations of related topics, high-citated authors, source journals and hot spots, etc. using the analysis tools by HistCite and VOSviewer software. Results show that in this research field, the authors with high citation frequency are mainly concentrated in the developed countries of Western Europe; the Plant and Soil, the Forest Ecology and Management and the Biomass & Bioenergy, etc. are the most important publishers of the papers in the field; The main research focus is the adsorption mechanism of biomass ash on heavy metals such as copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) in aqueous solution. In addition, nutrient and active components (active silicon, etc.) of biomass ash in agricultural production and heavy metal in-situ remediation of soil is also a hot research direction.
Key words: Biomass ash; Soil improvement; Soil remediation; Econometric analysis