宋悦孝 王然升
摘 要:测量的目的就是为了得到更准确的测量值,但在实际测量时,由于受多方面因素的影响,使得测量值与实际值之间必定存在误差,该误差即为测量准确度。本文从误差产生的原因、误差的性质特点,着重从减小系统误差的角度分析讨论提高测量准确度的方法与步骤。
关键词:测量準确度 测量精密度 系统误差 随机误差 粗大误差 剩余误差 算术平均值
Analysis of methods to improve measurement accuracy
Song Yuexiao,Wang Ransheng
Abstract:The purpose of measurement is to get more accurate measurement values. Due to the influence of many factors, there must be an error between the measured value and the actual value in the actual measurement, which is called the measurement accuracy. The paper proposes methods and steps to improve the measurement accuracy from the causes and the characteristics of errors as to reduce the systematic errors.
Key words:measurement accuracy, measurement precision, systematic error, random error, gross error, residual error, arithmetic mean