
2021-10-28 18:53张壮壮
科技资讯 2021年20期


摘  要:拓展训练是基于高校体育原有教学基础之上展开的,它在丰富体育教学形式与教学资源方面表现突出,非常有利于对学生体育学习兴趣的有效激发。当然,良好的体育教学拓展训练也能提升学生的体育技能与身体素养,促进体育教学改革发展。该文在对拓展训练进行理论分析的基础上,探索了高校体育课程引入实施拓展训练的必要性与影响,最后分析了高校体育课程引入实施拓展训练的课程设计。拓展训练课程在高校体育课程中实施应该适应当今大学生的基本价值观,所以在课程教学流程设计方面也必须追求创新,实践中总结了“引导—体验—感悟—总结—分享”五步法。

关键词:拓展训练   高校体育教学   可行性   影响   课程设计

中图分类号:G807                           文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-3791(2021)07(b)-0154-03

Rational discussion on the implementation of outward bound in College Physical Education

ZHANG  Zhuangzhuang

(Jilin Police College, Changchun, Jilin Province, 130000  China)

Absrtact: Outward bound training is based on the original teaching of physical education in colleges and universities. It is outstanding in enriching physical education teaching forms and teaching resources, which is very conducive to the effective stimulation of students' interest in physical education learning. Of course, good physical education outward bound training can also improve students' physical skills and physical quality, and promote the reform and development of physical education. Based on the theoretical analysis of outward bound training, this paper explores the necessity and influence of introducing outward bound training into college physical education curriculum, and finally analyzes the curriculum design of introducing outward bound training into college physical education curriculum. The implementation of outward bound training curriculum in college physical education curriculum should adapt to the basic values of today's college students, so we must also pursue innovation in the design of curriculum teaching process. In practice, we summarized the five steps of "guidance, experience, perception, summary, sharing".

Key Words: Outward bound; College physical education; Feasibility; Influence; Curriculum design


1  关于拓展训练

拓展训练主要利用自然地域与各种设施引导参与者展开体育训练体验,并从中深层次感悟拓展训练活动中所涵盖的各种理念,在反思过程中获取知识、改变行为、培养自身良好的心性品质,它属于一种动态的教育模式,所以它还被称之为“外展训练”(Outward Bound)。在中国,“拓展训练”作为一种体验式的体育教育模式存在,在多年来不断的拓展发展过程中已经形成了自己一套全新的教育理念与学习模式,是中国户外体育式教育的主打品牌。拓展训练中所包含的内容相当丰富,如定向运动、户外培训、户外极限运动、主题式冒险、拓展旅游等。现如今,伴随着学校体育拓展训练这一教育行为理念的出现,拓展训练也已经愈发适应了现代教育发展需要,更多突出现代体育教育理念内涵内容,迎合高校体育课程改革发展趋势,对校园体育文化、体育教学内容都是一种极大丰富[2]。

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