刘子心 孙治国 王长达
摘 要:在高校的涉灾领域研究生培养中,防灾减灾工程及防护工程是与应急管理最为直接相关的学科,也是目前众多高校普遍设置的研究生培养学科,近年来发展较为迅速,培养了大批防灾减灾与应急管理类人才。为厘清防灾减灾工程及防护工程的学科概况、学科基础、人才培养以及科学研究等现状,文章针对我国目前开设该学科的高校情况、师资队伍以及人才培养等方面进行了全面细致、深入系统的调查研究,并对该学科的近期发展概况进行了总结。该调查研究可为了解相关领域的人才培养现状提供依据。
中图分类号:C961 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-000X(2021)29-0167-06
Abstract: In the field of disaster-related postgraduate training in colleges and universities, disaster prevention and mitigation engineering and protection engineering is the most directly related subject with emergency management, and has also been set up in many universities. In recent years, this subject has developed rapidly, and a large number of talents associated with disaster prevention and mitigation and emergency management have been cultivated. In order to clarify the general situation, subject foundation, talent cultivation and scientific research of disaster prevention and mitigation engineering and protection engineering, this paper implements a detailed and systematic investigation on the current situation of universities, teachers and personnel training of this subject in China. The recent development of disaster prevention and mitigation engineering and protection engineering is summarized. This investigation can provide a basis for understanding the current status of talent cultivation in related fields.
Keywords: disaster prevention and mitigation engineering and protection engineering; subject overview; subject foundation; talent cultivation; scientific research