王 瑾,贺新福,曹 晗,王东杰,豆艳坤,杨 文
(中国原子能科学研究院 反应堆工程技术研究所,北京 102413)
图1 单纯螺位错滑移模型(a)和螺位错与[010]位错环交互作用滑移模型(b)Fig.1 Slip model of single screw dislocation (a) and slip model of interaction between screw dislocation and [010] dislocation loop (b)
a——2 K和823 K;b——300 K和600 K图2 不同温度下所有模型剪切应力-应变曲线Fig.2 Shear stress-strain curve of all models at different temperatures
a——ε=0.054;b——ε=0.056;c——ε=0.058;d——ε=0.075图3 螺位错与1.5 nm位错环交互作用滑移模型在2 K不同应变量下的构型图Fig.3 Configuration of slip model of interaction between screw dislocation and 1.5 nm dislocation loop under different strains at 2 K
a——ε=0.015;b——ε=0.023;c——ε=0.030;d——ε=0.048图4 螺位错与1.5 nm位错环交互作用滑移模型在300 K不同应变量下构型图Fig.4 Configuration of slip model of interaction between screw dislocation and 1.5 nm dislocation loop under different strains at 300 K
a——ε=0.003;b——ε=0.024;c——ε=0.030;d——ε=0.054图5 螺位错与1.5 nm位错环交互作用滑移模型在600 K不同应变量下构型图Fig.5 Configuration of slip model of interaction between screw dislocation and 1.5 nm dislocation loop under different strains at 600 K
a——ε=0;b——ε=0.030;c——ε=0.038;d——ε=0.048图6 螺位错与1.5 nm位错环交互作用滑移模型在823 K不同应变量下构型图Fig.6 Configuration of slip model of interaction between screw dislocation and 1.5 nm dislocation loop under different strains at 823 K
a——2 K,ε=0.068;b——300 K,ε=0.048;c——600 K,ε=0.068;d——823 K,ε=0.054图7 螺位错与4 nm位错环交互作用滑移模型在不同温度下构型图Fig.7 Configuration of slip model of interaction between screw dislocation and 4 nm dislocation loop at different temperatures
综上所述,随位错环尺寸增加,[010]位错环在自身稳定性及其对螺位错滑移阻碍作用存在两方面不同:一方面,[010]位错环稳定性会随位错环尺寸增加而增加,小尺寸1.5 nm位错环仅在2 K下稳定存在,而大尺寸4 nm位错环在2 K和300 K下均能稳定存在;另一方面,位错环尺寸增加,其对螺位错的阻碍作用会加强,在300~823 K下,1.5 nm位错环对螺位错滑移阻碍作用不明显,剪切应力增量最高仅为0.03 GPa左右,而4 nm位错环模型的剪切应力增量可增加至0.10 GPa。
3) 温度高达823 K时,位错环更不稳定,自发转变为1/2〈111〉位错环,螺位错与位错环始终无接触,剪切应力无变化;
4) 当位错环尺寸由1.5 nm增大到4 nm时,[010]位错环稳定性会增加,位错环对螺位错滑移阻碍作用也会增强。