【摘 要】小學语文综合实践活动是语文课程的重要构成,能够进一步强化语文知识和生活实践的联系,帮助学生树立应用语文的意识,培养综合语文素养。本文主要讲述了小学语文综合实践活动资源开发和应用实践,旨在进一步提升小学语文教学的实践性和应用性,促进学生全面素质的提升。
中图分类号:G623.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7485(2021)14-0137-02
Development and Application of Comprehensive Practice Activities of Chinese in Primary Schools
(Experimental Primary School,Longxi County,Dingxi City,Gansu Province,China)HUANG Zhenhua
【Abstract】Primary school Chinese comprehensive practice activities are an important part of the Chinese curriculum, which can further strengthen the connection between Chinese knowledge and life practice, help students establish the awareness of applied Chinese, and cultivate comprehensive Chinese literacy. This article mainly talks about the resource development and application practice of the comprehensive practical activities of elementary school Chinese, aiming to further improve the practicality and application of elementary school Chinese teaching, and promote the improvement of students' overall quality.
【Keywords】Primary school Chinese;Comprehensive practical activities;Development;Application