Architects: LIU Xu, ZHANG Haiyang, LIU Erdong
The Dong Zhuang-Building Museum of Western Regions is located more than 30 kilometres away from Urumqi City in Nanshan. It used to be a deserted grain store built more than 60 years ago. In order to protect the vegetation and trees from damage, the building is built on the original site, looking north towards the city and south towards the mountains. From afar, it looks like a grey stone rolled down from the mountain. It is neither obtrusive nor arrogant. It stands quietly in the blue sky and scorching sun, the desert and the Gobi, and the vast and beautiful region in the hinterland of Asia and Europe, completely without the glamour, order and edification of urban architecture.
项目信息/Credits and Data
设计单位/Design Company: 新疆玉点建筑设计研究院
有限公司/Xinjiang Wind Architectural Design & Research Institute Co.,Ltd.
结构设计/Structural Engineer: 张中/ZHANG Zhong
设备/Equipment: 张青/ZHANG Qing
电气设计/Electrical Design: 张健/ZHANG Jian
概预算/Estimated Budget: 刘玉芬/LIU Yufen
总建筑面积/Floor Area: 7700m2
设计时间/Design Time: 2014.07
竣工时间/Completion Time: 2016.07
摄影/Photos: 姚力/YAO Li
1 外景/Exterior view
2 天台一角/Roof view
3 从南山远眺东庄/Viewing Dong Zhuang from Nanshan Mountain
4 院落内景/Courtyard
5 采光井/Light well
6 外景/Exterior view
7 内景/Interior view