Architects: CHEN Jingheng, LEI Zhendong
项目信息/Credits and Data
设计团队/Design Team: 田虎,张伟/TIAN Hu, ZHANG Wei
建筑面积/Floor Area: 59,810.86 m2
摄影/Photos: 陈景衡,田虎/CHEN Jingheng, TIAN Hu
1 总平面/Site plan
2 平面/Plan
3 剖面/Section
4 鸟瞰/Aerial view
5 外景/Exterior view
The Xining Cultural & Arts Activities Centre building-complex and the Shenna Heritage Park form a complete urban space unit, serving as a new public cultural activities highland combining the four cultural venues of Xining City Museum - Library - Culture Activities Centre - Art Museum with the heritage park. The design of the complex actively links the site highland and the park, exerts the "place gathering effect" of the four cultural halls. The Library - Culture Museum uses the natural height difference to activate the three-dimensional flow of the city, architecture and park, and jointly constructs the main skeleton of multi-level public space structure with the Natural Museum-Art Museum. The architectural design uses the traffic tower to connect the underground parking, the groundlevel square and the public gallery of the Cultural Library to form the focal point and visual rhythm of the exterior contour of the building. To strengthen the shadow of building blocks and highlight the combined characteristics of regional traditional building volume, the building adopts thick wall and deep windows in the design of external maintenance structures, improving regional climate adaptability and green building efficiency, continuing the heavy and introverted regional traditional architectural style, and creating a distinctive and powerful image of a cultural landmark. It is the first building on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to receive the three-star green architectural design certification.
6 图书馆南侧主立面/South façade of Library
7 图书馆西山墙/West wall of Library
8 图书馆、文化馆围合的内院/The inner courtyard enclosed by Library and Culture Activities Centre