近年高考英语应用文写作的形式主要是书信,考生平时的练习也是以书信为主。可是2020 年新高考Ⅰ卷(供山东省使用)的应用文写作却是让考生为校英文报写一篇新闻报道,报道一次5 公里越野赛跑活动。考生习惯了“写书信”,在考场上碰到这种文体的作文的确有些“出乎意料”,难怪有些考生交完卷后感觉心里没底,不过他们也反映自己非常熟悉写作“题材”。该题材关注体育、关注健康,虽然考生有话可写,可有些考生走出考场后还是会担心自己写的文章不合乎要求。除了格式外,报道的难点还在于怎么描写“活动”和如何写“反响”。
【例】[2020 年新高考Ⅰ卷(供山东省使用)应用文写作]假定你是李华,上周日你校举办了5 公里越野赛跑活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:
注意:1.写作词数应为80 左右;
【试题分析】该题要求考生用英语报道上周日学校举办的5 公里越野赛跑活动及反响,写作形式为新闻报道,且属于开放性作文。题目给出了标题和三个写作要点,但除了跑步路线外,其余皆需考生自由组材,这就给了考生自由发挥的余地,可以“避难就熟”,充分展示自我。
A Cross-Country Running Race
Last Sunday,our school organized a cross-country running race(1).There were a lot of people attended the race(2).The students all stood cheering by the running route,which from the school gate and ended at the foot of Nanshan Mountain(3).Surprisingly,all the runners finished the race at last(4).Tired though they were,the players all regarded the race as a good way of building up their bodies(5).
【习作评析】该学生习作第一句开门见山地介绍了“学校组织了一次越野赛跑活动”,找齐了要点,时态运用正确,还使用了一些高级词汇(如cheering,surprisingly,regard,build up 等),这表明作者具有一定的词汇基础和遣词造句的能力。
但是习作中也出现了结构不清等重大问题。首先,在用词造句方面存在问题:句2 中attended 与race 搭配不当;句5 中players 不适合指“长跑运动员”;句2 为“汉语式英语”,attended (应为took part in)前缺少主语who;句3对应要点“跑步路线”,却出现在了从句中,给人以“备胎”的感觉。其次,活动描写过于“模糊”:如句1 缺少“越野赛跑里程(5 公里)”这个关键信息;句2中使用了过于“笼统”的词语a lot of people 等。最后,“活动反响”不突出:句5 是“运动员的赛后感受”,但糅合在了主体活动中,给人以缺少“结语(活动反响)”的印象。
确定好段落内容之后就要考虑如何开好头(写导语)。开头句通常要扼要地介绍消息的核心内容,可自成一段或与文章的主体(活动内容)合在一起。“毛病”不能出现在第一句上。譬如上述习作的作者虽使用了开门见山的方式,但不慎弄丢了“5 公里”这个关键信息。句1 可做如下修改(提供不止一种方式,仅供参考):
a.Last Sunday,our school organized a 5-kilometre cross-country running race.(good)(作定语)
b.In order to enrich our school life,our school organized a cross-country running race last Sunday,which covered 5 kilometres.(better)(放在从句中)
c.Last Sunday,our school organized a 5 000-metre cross-country running race,aiming to enrich our school life.(best) (aiming to...=in order to...)(转换表述)
【温馨提示】有考生使用了“5-kilometre cross-country running race was held (by our school) last Sunday.”,此句虽无语法错误,但“头重脚轻”,应尽量回避。相比而言,还是用上面几句话作导语好些。
一篇80 词左右的短文,不允许“拖泥带水”,进行过多渲染。活动描写应以“参加人员”“跑步路线”两个要点为主线,以时间为序安排相关语句,再通过适当增加细节(如比赛结果或氛围衬托等)进行充实。具体来说,应注意以下两点:
在体育报道中,通常多使用具体词语,少使用笼统词语,譬如使用具体数字,会给读者以一种科学严谨的印象,让人信服。习作中句2(对应“参加人员”)中的a lot of people 就太笼统了,缺少严谨性,可从选词和使用数字方面修改润色。
a.There were 100 students who competed in the race.(good)
b.120 participants selected from three grades participated in the race.(better)
c.90 participants took part in/joined in the (running) race,of whom thirty were girls.(best)
d.80 students aged over 17 years old competed in the race.(best)
分析:此语境中用participants 比people/students 更专业;用100、120、90、80 等具体的数字比使用笼统的a lot of 更合乎文体,给人以详实的印象。
a.The running route went from the school gate to the foot of Nanshan Mountain.The students stood along the route,cheering.(good) (直译)
b.The participants set out at the school gate,around the Lianhuashan Park,and finally arrived at the foot of Nanshan Mountain.(better) (意译)(虽然没有出现route,但线路非常明确)
在清楚了要点句的表达之后,可以通过添加细节,使用连接词、代词(或副词)等方式把它们串联成一个中心明确、语义统一的段落。譬如可以在句2 中增加of whom twelve were girls/exchange students,来详细说明“参加人员”;可以在句3 之后增加“(比赛开始和结束的)时间”以让读者了解比赛的“详情”。请看修改后的“活动”描写:
【段落1】Last Sunday,our school organized a 5-kilometre cross-country running race,aiming to enrich our school life.90 participants took part in it,of whom twelve were girls.The running route went from the school gate to the foot of Nanshan Mountain.The race started at 9:00 am.During the event,the other students stood along the route,cheering.After two hours,all the racers finished the course.
体育反响通常有一定的“倾向性”,重在“活动的意义”。为了避免“跑偏”,学生在写作时首先要确定好人称,然后按照“一点两面”的写作模式进行写作,即第二段首句应点出“评价”或“益处”,然后再从健身和品质/毅力培养两个方面展开。可用not only...but also;for one thing,for another;on the one hand,on the other hand;...as well 等连接。如习作中的句5 可独立出来,改作“反响”,修改润色如下:
a.After the event,we all thought it a good way to exercise.It can build up our bodies,and help develop our strong will as well.(good) (用After the event 承接上文)
b.The activity was highly spoken of.Not only can it improve our physical quality,but it can also help cultivate perseverance.(better) (用The activity 承接上文)
【温馨提示】写“反响”要注意“活动”的性质和内容。“身心健康(physical and mental health)”是“体育活动”常见的“反响”。“活动”不同,反响也各有侧重,如“长跑”侧重“培养意志品质/毅力(character/perseverance)”;登山、课外采摘侧重“亲近自然(nature)、放松自己(relax)”;“球类活动”侧重“团队合作精神(spirit/cooperation)”等等。
最后,教师要指导学生把两个修改后的段落合并在一起,组成一篇完整的新闻报道,完成规定的写作任务。在合段时学生要注意段与段之间的意义连接,篇幅应控制在80 词左右,以80~100 词为佳,此处不再重复展示。
A Cross-Country Running Race
In order to enrich our school life,our school organized a 5-kilometre cross-country running race last Sunday.
90 participants took part in the race,of whom twelve were girls.They set off at the school gate at 8:30 am,around the Lianhuashan Park,and finally arrived at the foot of Nanshan Mountain.Difficult as it was,all the racers held on to the finish line.
The activity is highly spoken of.Not only does it arouse our awareness to take exercise and build up health,but it also does good to character training.
2.地点:蒙山(Mount Meng);
注意:1.写作词数应为80 左右:
A Mountain-climbing Activity
A Mountain-climbing Activity
In order to celebrate May 4 Youth Day,our school organized a mountain-climbing activity last Saturday.About 300 participants took part in the event to climb Mount Meng,of whom 20 were young teachers.They set off at the foot of Mount Meng at 8:30 am.Tired as they were,they kept on and about two hours later,arrived at the top.Surprisingly,no one gave up halfway.
This activity is of great significance to us.Not only can it help us enjoy nature,but it can build up our bodies and cultivate our perseverance.We enjoyed ourselves greatly.