對于英国人而言,每年圣诞节都有一个传统,那就是圣诞节当天下午三点的女王圣诞致辞。这是在英国政府不提供意见的情况下由女王亲自撰稿的公开发表个人看法的演讲。 女王的讲话会包含自己对一年世界大事的见解,用最适中的语速、最皇室范的英音对全世界播出。在今年的圣诞致辞里,女王提到了法国的恐怖袭击,提到了二战胜利70周年,提到四世同堂“长寿的乐趣”——夏洛特公主的降生,还提到她对来年的祝福……
At this time of year, few sights evoke more feelings of cheer and goodwill than the twinkling lights of a Christmas tree.
The popularity of a tree at Christmas is due in part to my great-great grandparents, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. After this touching picture was published, many families wanted a Christmas tree of their own, and the custom soon spread.
In 1949, I spent Christmas in Malta as a newly-married naval wife. We have returned to that island over the years, including last month for a meeting of Commonwealth leaders; and this year I met another group of leaders: The Queens Young Leaders, an inspirational group, each of them a symbol of hope in their own Commonwealth communities.
Gathering round the tree gives us a chance to think about the year ahead—I am looking forward to a busy 2016, though I have been warned I may have Happy Birthday sung to me more than once or twice.
It also allows us to reflect on the year that has passed, as we think of those who are far away or no longer with us. Many people say the first Christmas after losing a loved one is particularly hard. But its also a time to remember all that we have to be thankful for.
It is true that the world has had to confront moments of darkness this year, but the Gospel of John contains a verse of great hope, often read at Christmas carol services: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
One cause for thankfulness this summer was marking seventy years since the end of the Second World War. On VJ Day, we honored the remaining veterans of that terrible conflict in the Far East, as well as remembering the thousands who never returned.
The procession from Horse Guards Parade to Westminster Abbey must have been one of the slowest ever, because so many people wanted to say ‘thank you to them.
At the end of that War, the people of Oslo began sending an annual gift of a Christmas tree for Trafalgar Square. It has five hundred light bulbs and is enjoyed not just by Christians but by people of all faiths, and of none. At the very top sits a bright star, to represent the Star of Bethlehem.
The custom of topping a tree also goes back to Prince Alberts time. For his familys tree, he chose an angel, helping to remind us that the focus of the Christmas story is on one particular family.
For Joseph and Mary, the circumstances of Jesuss birth—in a stable—were far from ideal, but worse was to come as the family was forced to flee the country. Its no surprise that such a human story still captures our imagination and continues to inspire all of us who are Christians, the world over.
Despite being displaced and persecuted throughout his short life, Christs unchanging message was not one of revenge or violence but simply that we should love one another.
Although it is not an easy message to follow, we shouldnt be discouraged; rather, it inspires us to try harder: to be thankful for the people who bring love and happiness into our own lives, and to look for ways of spreading that love to others, whenever and wherever we can.
One of the joys of living a long life is watching ones children, then grandchildren, then great grandchildren, help decorate the Christmas tree. And this year my family has a new member to join in the fun!
The customary decorations have changed little in the years since that picture of Victoria and Alberts tree first appeared, although of course electric lights have replaced the candles.
Theres an old saying that it is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. There are millions of people lighting candles of hope in our world today.
Christmas is a good time to be thankful for them, and for all that bring light to our lives.
I wish you a very happy Christmas.
1. evoke vt. 引起
2. inspirational adj. 鼓舞人心的
3. reflect on 反思
4. confront vt. 对抗,面对
5. verse n. 颂歌
6. veteran n. 老兵
7. procession n. 队伍
8. go back to 追溯到(同义词组为date back to)
9. capture vt. 俘获,捕捉
10. displaced adj. 颠沛流离
11. persecute vt. 迫害
12. rather adv. 相反(此时相当于instead)
人们常在问候的时候说“Happy New Year”、“Happy Valentines day”,可为什么圣诞祝福用“Merry Christmas”而不用“Happy Christmas”呢? 今天我们来探究一下Merry Christmas的来源吧。
据说,Merry Christmas最早出现在1565年的一份海军元帅所写的祝福手稿上。手稿如下:(感觉像是英文中的文言文)
And thus I comytt you to god, who send you a mery Christmas & many.
而Merry Christmas真正流行起来要归功于英国文学界的“一哥”——查尔斯·狄更斯。1843年,狄更斯发表了一部中篇小说—— 《圣诞颂歌》(A Christmas Coral)。《圣诞颂歌》只是一本薄薄的书,可Merry Christmas却出现了14次。此外,精明的英国商人顺势推出了印有Merry Christmas字样的圣诞贺卡,卖到近乎断货。于是,1843年,史上最早的Merry Christmas 贺卡问世。从那以后,Merry Christmas的说法随着年复一年的圣诞贺卡传遍了世界各地,并和Happy New Year组成了经久不衰的黄金搭档。
但我们还是不禁想问:Happy Christmas真的就不可以吗?
其实,Happy Christmas从语法到用法都没有问题。不仅如此,使用Happy Christmas的都是些有文化有修养的大咖。没错,英国女王——伊丽莎白二世就是代表人物,她从不使用Merry Christmas。在每年的圣诞讲话的最后,女王陛下都会不疾不徐地道一聲:Happy Christmas。
女王为什么如此执着地“不走寻常路”呢?也许是因为merry一词的本义。早期的merry,总是和酗酒(intoxication)联系在一起。因此,“一身酒气”的merry明显没有happy健康、阳光。所以,即便Merry Christmas赢得了主流民意,Happy Christmas却依然深得上心。不过,happy也好,merry也罢,对于大众来说,不去计较圣诞背后的宗教情怀,它们都为寒冷的冬日平添一份节日的温馨。
So Merry/Happy Christmas!