
2021-03-29 08:04:18韩世伟罗展蒋晓谭攀李小飞许惠斌
精密成形工程 2021年2期





(1. 重庆铁马工业集团有限公司,重庆 400050;2. 重庆理工大学 材料科学与工程学院,重庆 400054)

采用填丝搅拌摩擦焊方法,研究螺纹搅拌针直径对6061铝合金/304不锈钢搅拌摩擦焊接接头组织及性能的影响。通过使用3种不同直径的螺纹搅拌头,观察不同结构搅拌头对焊缝成形及接头微观形貌的演变规律,并对其进行力学性能测试,研究搅拌头结构对接头性能强化的影响。随着螺纹搅拌针直径由M4增加到M6,焊缝表面成形逐渐粗糙,同时在接头焊缝中易产生大尺寸钢屑;另外,随着螺纹搅拌针直径的增加,接头界面处容易生成HOOK缺陷,同时在界面附近区域易出现钢屑的聚集;接头的抗拉强度随螺纹搅拌针直径的增加,呈明显下降的趋势。当螺纹搅拌针直径为M4时,接头的抗拉性能达到最大值156 MPa。通过采用直径为M4的螺纹搅拌头,能够获得具有最优综合性能的接头。






1 试验

选用304不锈钢和6061铝合金作为被焊母材,通过机械加工制备为80 mm×45 mm×3 mm的板材,其化学成分如表1—2所示;Al-5%Si焊丝选用规格为85 mm×3.5 mm×0.3 mm,其化学成分如表3所示。

表1 304不锈钢的化学成分(质量分数)

Tab.1 Chemical composition of 304 stainless steel (mass fraction) %

表2 6061铝合金的化学成分(质量分数)

Tab.2 Chemical composition of 6061 aluminum alloy (mass fraction) %

表3 Al-5%Si带状焊丝的化学成分(质量分数)

Tab.3 Chemical composition of Al-5%Si ribbon welding wire (mass fraction) %

铝/钢填丝搅拌摩擦焊示意图如图1所示。选用H13模具钢作为搅拌头材料,轴肩设计为内凹状,直径为15 mm,搅拌针设计为圆柱带螺纹,针长为2.7 mm,焊接转速为660 r/min,焊接速度为44 mm/min,向钢侧偏移量为0.4 mm,压入量为0.35 mm。

焊后沿焊缝垂直方向上截取接头横截面,用扫描电镜(SEM)等分析接头内部成形及各个区域的微观组织。按照GB/T 2651—2008,采用电火花数控线切割机将接头切成标准试件如图2所示,在WDW- 6000C型万能试验机上进行测试,拉伸试验速率为1.5 mm/min,每组参数至少选用3个焊接试件,在相应位置截取拉伸试样并进行力学性能检测。

图1 铝/钢填丝搅拌摩擦焊示意图

图2 拉伸标准件

2 结果与讨论

2.1 焊缝表面形貌

螺纹搅拌针直径为M4,M5,M6时焊接接头的焊缝表面形貌见图3,可以发现,螺纹搅拌针直径为4 mm和5 mm时,焊缝成形中有较多的金属毛刺;螺纹搅拌针直径为6 mm时,表面有沟槽出现,焊缝成形较为粗糙。

图3 不同螺纹搅拌针直径的接头焊缝成形

2.2 焊缝横截面形貌


图4 不同螺纹搅拌针直径的接头横截面形貌

2.3 接头界面形貌分析



图5 不同螺纹搅拌针直径的接头界面SEM图(×100)

图6 不同螺纹搅拌针直径的接头界面SEM(×1000)

2.3 接头力学性能分析

对6061铝合金与304不锈钢异种金属搅拌摩擦焊焊接接头进行拉伸强度测试,如图7所示。分析发现,随着搅拌针直径的增大,接头的抗拉强度先由156 MPa缓慢下降至153.7 MPa,而后接头抗拉强度大幅下降至138.1 MPa。通过对抗拉强度进行分析,发现螺纹搅拌针直径增加时,界面易出现大尺寸未被剥离的钢屑以及孔洞等缺陷,由于搅拌摩擦焊的焊接温度较低,大尺寸钢屑与铝合金焊缝金属的冶金结合效果较差,容易导致夹杂缺陷,从而影响了接头强度的提升。

图7 不同螺纹搅拌针直径焊接接头的平均抗拉强度

3 结论




3)接头力学性能试验结果表明,随着螺纹搅拌针直径的增加,接头平均抗拉强度呈现明显的下降趋势。当螺纹搅拌针直径为M4时,接头抗拉强度达到最大值,即156 MPa。

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Effect of Diameter of Thread Stirring Pin on Microstructure and Properties of Friction Stir Welded Joint of Al/Steel with Interlayer

HAN Shi-wei1, LUO Zhan1, JIANG Xiao1, TAN Pan2, LI Xiao-fei2, XU Hui-bin2

(1. Chongqing Tiema Industry Group Co., Ltd., Chongqing 400050, China; 2. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China)

The work aims to study the effect of the diameter of thread stirring pin on the microstructure and properties of 6061 aluminum alloy/304 stainless steel friction stir welding joint through wire filling friction stir welding. By using thread stirring heads of three kinds of different diameter, the evolution law of weld formation and joint micro morphology was observed, and the mechanical properties were tested to study the influence of the structure of stirring head on the joint performance strengthening. When the diameter of the thread stirring needle increased from M4 to M6, the weld surface became rough gradually, and large-scale steel chips were likely to be produced in the joint weld; In addition, with the increase of the diameter of the thread stirring pin, hook defects were likely to form at the joint interface, and steel chips were likely to gather in the area near the interface; Therefore, the tensile strength of the joint decreased with the increase of the diameter of the thread stirring pin. When the diameter of the thread stirring needle was M4, the tensile strength of the joint reached the maximum value of 156 MPa. Through the use of M4 diameter thread stirring head, the joint with the best comprehensive performance can be obtained.

diameter of diameter of thread stirring pin; dissimilar metals; friction stir welding; Al-Si fill metal






重庆市自然科学基金(cstc2018jcyj­AX0705);重庆市重点产业共性关键技术创新专项(cstc2015zdcy- ztzx600100);重庆市高校创新研究群体(CXQT20023);重庆英才·创新创业领军人才计划(CQYC201903051);重庆理工大学研究生创新项目(ycx20192038)



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