
2021-03-09 01:47:30E.B.White
语数外学习·高中版中旬 2021年12期


The barn was very large. It was very old. It smelled ofhay and it smelled of manure. It smelled of the perspirationof tired horses and the wonderful sweet breath of patientcows. It often had a sort of peaceful smell -- as though nothingbad could happen ever again in the world. It smelled ofgrain and of harness dressing and of axle grease and of rubberboots and of new rope. And whenever the cat was givena fish-head to eat, the barn would smell of fish. But mostlyit smelled of hay, for there was always hay in the great loftup overhead. And there was always hay being pitched downto the cows and the horses and the sheep.

The barn was pleasantly warm in winter when the animalsspent most of their time indoors, and it was pleasantlycool in summer when the big doors stood wide open to thebreeze. The barn had stalls on the main floor for the workhourses, tie-ups on the main floor for the cows, a sheepfolddown below for the sheep, a pigpen down below for Wilbur,and it was full of all sorts of things that you find in barns:ladders, grindsones, pitch forks, monkey wrenches, scythes,lawn mowers, snow shovels, ax handles, milk pails, waterbuckets, empty grain sacks, and rusty rat traps. It was thekind of barn that swallows like to build their nests in. It wasthe kind of barn that children like to play in. And the wholething was owned by Fern’s uncle, Mr. Homer L. Zuckerman.

Wilbur’s new home was in the lower part of the barndirectly underneath the cows. Mr. Zuckerman knew that amanure pile is a good place to keep a young pig. Pigs needwarmth, and it was warm and comfortable down there inthe barn cellar on the south side.

Fern came almost every day to visit him. She found anold milking stool that had been discarded, and she placedthe stool in the sheepfold next to Wilbur’s pen. Here she satquietly during the long afternoon, thinking and listeningand watching Wilbur. The sheep soon got to know her andtrust her. So did the geese, who lived with the sheep. All theanimals trusted her, she was so quiet and friendly. Mr. Zuckermandid not allow her to take Wilbur out, and he did notallow to git into the pigpen. But he told Fern that she couldsit on the stool and watch Wilbur as long as she wanted to.It made her happy just to be near the pig, and it made Wilburhappy to know that she was sitting there, right outsidehis pen. But he never had any fun—no walks, no redes, noswims.

One afternoon in June, when Wilbur was almost twomonths old, he wandered out into his smalll yard outsidethe barn. Fern had not arrived for her usual visit. Wilburstood in the sun feeling lonely and bored.

“There’s never anything to do around here,” hethought. He walked slowly to his food trough and sniffed tosee if anything had been overlooked at lunch. He found asmall strip of potato skin and ate it. His back itched, so heleaned against the fence and rubbed against the boards.When he tired of this, he walked indoors, climbed to the topof the manured pile , and sat down. He didn’t feel like goingto sleep, he didn’t feel like digging, he was tired ofstanding still, tired of lying down.“I’m less than twomonths old and I’m tired of living,”he said. He walked outto the yard again.

“When I’m out here,”he said,“there’s no place to gobut in. When I’m indoors, there’s no place to go but out inthe yard.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, my friend, my friend,”said a voice.

Wilbur looked through the fence and saw the goosestanding there.

“You don’t have to stay in that dirty—little dirty—littledirty—little yard,”said the goose, who talked rather fast.“One of the boards is loose. Push on it, push—push—pushon it, and come on out!”

“What?”saidWilbur.“Say it slower!”

“At—at—at, at the risk of repeating myself,”said thegoose,“I suggest that you come on out. It’s wonderful outhere.”

“Did you say a board was loose?”

“That I did, that I did,”said the goose.

Wilbur walked up to the fence and saw that the goosewas right—one board was loose. He put his head sown,shut his eyes, and pushed. The board gave way. In a minutehe had squeezed through the fence and was standing in thelong grass outside his yard. The goose chuckled.

“How does it feel to be free?”she asked.

“I like it ,”saidWilbur.“That is, I guess I like it.”

Actually, Wilbur felt queer to be outside his fence,with nothing between him and the big world.

“Where do you think I’d better go?”

“Anywhere you like, anywhere you like,”said thegoose.“Go down through the orchard, root up the sod! Godown through the garden, dig up the radishes! Root up everything!Eat grass! Look for corn! Look for oats! Run allover! Skip and dance, jump and prance! Go down throughthe orchard and stroll in the woods! The world is a wonderfulplace when you’re young.”

“I can see that,”replied Wilbur. He gave a jump in theair, twirled, ran a few steps, stopped, looked all around,sniffed the smells of afternoon, and then set off walkingdown through the orchard. Pausing in the shade of an appletree, he put his strong snout into the ground and began pushing,digging, and rooting. He felt very happy. He hadplowed up quite a piece of ground before anyone noticedhim. Mrs. Zuckerman was the first to see him. She saw himfrom the kitchen window, and she immediately shouted forthe men.

“Ho- mer!”she cried.“Pig’s out! Lurvy! Pig’s out!Homer! Lurvy! Pig’s out. He’s down there under that appletree.”

“Now the trouble starts,”thought Wilbur.“ Now I’llcatch it.”

The goose heard the racket and she, too, started hollering.“Run—run—run downhill, make for the woods, thewoods!”she shouted to Wilbur.“They’ll never—never—never catch you in the woods.”

The cocker spaniel heard the commotion and he ranout from the barn to join the chase. Mr. Zuckerman heard,and he came out of the machine shed where he was mendinga tool. Lurvy, the hired man, heard the noise and cameup from the asparagus patch where he was pulling weeds.Everybody walked toward Wilbur and Wilbur didn’t knowwhat to do. The woods seemed a long way off, and anyway,he had never been down there in the woods and wasn’t surehe would like it.

“Get around behind him, Lurvy,”said Mr. Zuckerman,“and drive him toward the barn! And take it easy—don’trush him! I’ll go and get a bucket of slops.”

The news of Wilbur’s escape spread rapidly amongthe animals on the place. Whenever any creature brokeloose on Zuckerman’s farm, the event was of great interestto the others. The goose shouted to the nearest cow that Wil-bur was free, and soon all the cows knew. Then one of thecows told one of the sheep, and soon all the sheep knew.The lambs learned about it from their mothers. The horses,in their stalls in the barn, pricked up their ears when theyheard the goose hollering; and soon the horses had caughton to what was happening.“Wilbur’s out,”they said. Everyanimal stirred and lifted its head and became excited toknow that one of his friends had got free and was no longerpenned up or tied fast.

Wilbur didn’t know what to do or which way to run. Itseemed as through everybody was after him“. If this is whatit’s like to be free,”he thought,“ I believe I’d rather bepenned up in my own yard.”

The cocker spaniel was sneaking up on him from oneside. Lurvy the hired man was sneaking up on him from theother side. Mrs. Zuckerman stood ready to head him off ifhe started for the garden, and now Mr. Zuckerman was comingdown toward him carrying a pail“. This is really awful,”thoughtWilbur.“Why doesn’t Fern come?”He began to cry.

The goose took command and began to give orders.

“Don’t just stand there, Wilbur! Dodge about, dodgeabout!”cried the goose. “ Skip around, run toward me, slipin and out, in and out, in and out! Make for the woods!Twist and turn!”

The cocker spaniel sprang for Wilbur’s hind leg. Wilburjumped and ran. Lurvy reached out and grabbed. Mrs.Zuckerman screamed at Lurvy. The goose cheered for Wilbur.Wilbur dodged between Lurvy’s legs. Lurvy missedWilbur and grabbed the spaniel instead.“Nicely done, nicelydone!”cried the goose“. Try it again, try it again!”

“Run downhill!”suggested the cows.

“Run toward me!”yelled the gander.

“Run uphill!”cried the sheep.

“Turn and twist!”honked the goose.

“Jump and dance!”said the rooster.

“Look out for Lurvy!”called the cows.

“Look out for Zuckerman!”yelled the gander.

“Watch out for the dog!”cried the sheep.

“Listen to me, listen to me!”screamed the goose.

Poor Wilbur was dazed and frightened by this hullabaloo.He didn’t like being the center of all this fuss. He triedto follow the instructions his friends were giving him, buthe couldn’t run downhill and uphill at the same time, andhe couldn’t turn and twist when he was jumping and dancing,and he was crying so hard he could barely see anythingthat was happening. After all, Wilbur was a very youngpig—not much more than a baby, really. He wished Fernwere there to take him in his arms and comfort him. Whenhe looked up and saw Mr. Zuckerman standing quite closeto him, holding a pail of warm slops, he felt relieved. Helifted his nose and sniffed. The smell was delicious—warmmilk, potato skins, wheat middlings, Kellogg’s CornFlakes, and a popover left from the Zuckermans’breakfast.

“Come, pig!”said Mr. Zuckerman, tapping the pail.“Come pig!”

Wilbur took a step toward the pail.

“No—no—no!”said the goose.“It’s the old pail trick,Wilbur. Don’t fall for it, don’t fall for it ! He’s trying to lureyou back into captivity. He’s appealing to your stomach.”

Wilbur didn’t care. The food smelled appetizing. Hetook another step toward the pail.

“Pig, pig!”said Mr. Zuckerman in a kind voice, andbegan walking slowly toward the barnyard, looking allabout him innocently, as if he didn’t know that a little whitepig was following along behind him.

“You’ll be sorry—sorry—sorry,”called the goose.

Wilbur didn’t care. He kept walking toward the pail ofslops.

“You’ll miss your freedom,”honked the goose.“Anhour of freedom is worth a barrel of slops.”

Wilbur didn’t care.

When Mr. Zuckerman reached the pigpen, he climbedover the fence and poured the slops into the trough. Then hepulled the loose board away from the fence, so that therewas a wide hole forWilbur to walk through.

“Reconsider, reconsider!”cried the goose.

Wilbur paid no attention. He stepped through the fenceinto his yard. He walked to the trough and took a long drinkof slops, sucking in the milk hungrily and chewing the popover.It was good to be home again.

While Wilbur ate, Lurvy fetched a hammer and some8- penny nails and nailed the board in place. Then he andMr. Zuckerman leaned lazily on the fence and Mr. ZuckermanscratchedWilbur’s back with a stick.

“He’s quite a pig,”said Lurvy.

“Yes, he’ll make a good pig,”said Mr. Zuckerman.

Wilbur heard the words of praise. He felt the warmmilk inside his stomach. He felt the pleasant rubbing of thestick along his itchy back. He felt peaceful and happy andsleepy. This had been a tiring afternoon. It was still onlyabout four o'clock butWilbur was ready for bed.

“I’m really too young to go out into the world alone,”he thought as he lay down.















































“小猪,小猪!”祖克曼先生和善地叫着,开始慢慢地往谷仓方向走,同时弄出一副纯真的表情回头92 看着,好像他不知道这头小白猪正跟在他后面走一样。














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