
2021-02-26 12:48魏泊岩田庆国葛宝臻
光电工程 2021年1期




1天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院,天津 300072;2光电信息技术教育部重点实验室,天津 300072

针对传统标定方法对靶标特征点模糊噪声适应性低的问题,提出一种基于彩色编码相移条纹的标定方法。以液晶显示面板为标定靶,依次显示水平和垂直彩色编码相移条纹;通过颜色通道分离,得到正交相移条纹;结合相移理论,以正交相位截断线的交点为特征点;多次改变靶标位姿,提取特征点,结合基于平面二维靶标的标定理论,实现单相机与双目立体视觉系统的标定。此外,在靶标图样四角添加彩色编码相移圆环,实现特征点的自动提取与排序,提高标定效率。实验结果表明,在拍摄靶标图像模糊时,单相机标定的重投影误差为0.15 pixels,标定后双目系统的测量标准偏差为0.1 mm。


1 引 言




2 基本原理

2.1 基于平面二维靶标的标定方法



2.2 靶标图案的生成


2.3 特征点的提取与排序


图1 基于彩色编码相移条纹的相位靶标。(a) 垂直彩色编码相移条纹图;(b) 水平彩色编码相移条纹图


2) 用1,2,3表示调制处理后图像中三个颜色通道的灰度分布。结合相移理论[19],可通过式(7)得到垂直和水平包裹相位图。

3) 由于相位调制区域与背景存在灰度差异,通过式(8)分离相位调制区域[20]


图3 去除背景后的效果。(a) 垂直包裹相位图;(b) 水平包裹相位图

4) 对垂直和水平包裹相位图进行边缘检测[22],将边缘检测的结果直接叠加,保存两张图中边缘交点坐标。此时边缘交点为特征点和彩色编码相移圆环引入的交点,对包裹相位图椭圆检测[23],提取定位点坐标,通过判断边缘交点与定位点的距离即可去除彩色编码相移圆环引入的交点,仅保留标定所需特征点,如图4(a)所示。

5) 特征点的排序:① 首先对四个定位点进行排序:选定一个定位点,作为定位点1,通过判断特征点是否在定位点1与其余定位点连线同侧确定对角定位点,将定位点1的对角定位点作为定位点3,其余两个定位点分别为定位点2和定位点4,如图4(b)所示。② 二维平面的射影变换可用式(9)表示:

3 标定步骤

3.1 相机标定步骤

相机标定步骤为:1) 使用液晶显示面板作为标定靶,改变(³3)次标定靶的位姿,在每个靶标位姿下,依次显示垂直和水平彩色编码相移条纹图,相机共计拍摄2张图片;2) 对于每个位姿下拍摄的垂直和水平彩色编码相移条纹图进行颜色通道分离,结合相移理论得到水平和垂直包裹相位图;3) 提取水平和垂直包裹相位图相位截断线,进行叠加,得到交点像素坐标;4) 通过定位点对特征点进行排序;5) 使用基于平面二维靶标的标定方法[15]实现相机标定。

3.2 相机标定结果的优化


4 实验结果与分析

4.1 单相机标定实验

单相机标定实验系统如图5所示,待标定相机CCD分辨率为5760 pixels´3840 pixels,镜头焦距为105 mm,液晶显示面板的分辨率为3000 pixels´2000 pixels,尺寸为12.3 inch(1 inch=2.54 cm),像素间距为0.087 mm。

相机对焦于1.5 m处,此时前景深为22.4 mm(允许弥散圆半径为0.03 mm),使用基于平面二维靶标的标定方法[15]进行标定,在成像距离1.3 m附近改变15次靶标位姿,分别使用棋盘格靶标标定方法、文献[7]提出的基于正交正弦条纹的标定方法、文献[9]提出的基于正交正弦相移条纹的方法以及本文方法进行标定实验,标定靶标图案均通过液晶显示面板显示,其中靶标相邻角点间距为28.7 mm。


图4 特征点提取与排序。(a) 特征点提取结果;(b) 定位点排序;(c) 排序后的特征点

图5 实验装置图

从标定的结果可以看出,在靶标离焦时,靶标位姿变换次数相同的前提下,棋盘格靶标标定的重投影误差最大,为0.53 pixels;三种相位靶标的标定重投影误差均在0.21 pixels以下;其中文献[7]提出的基于正交正弦条纹靶标在三种相位靶标中,标定精度最低,重投影误差为0.21 pixels;本文相位靶标标定重投影误差为0.15 pixels,标定精度略低于文献[9]提出的基于正交正弦相移条纹靶标,但标定所需采集图像数目为正交正弦相移条纹靶标的三分之一,简化了标定步骤。


当采集图像数目相等的前提下,比较各种方法的重投影误差,本文方法的误差最小,为0.12 pixels;棋盘格标定方法的误差为0.47 pixel;文献[7]方法的误差为0.26 pixels;文献[9]方法的误差最大,为0.53 pixels。

为了进一步验证所提标定方法在图像模糊时的鲁棒性,其他实验参数不变,通过改变靶标的成像距离,改变离焦程度,得到不同模糊程度的图像。相机对焦于1.5 m处,成像距离分别为1.4 m,1.0 m,0.6 m,在每个标定位置均改变15次标定靶的位姿。由于改变成像距离会改变靶标在相机视野中的占比,为了保证靶标在相机视野中的占比一致,需要改变彩色编码相移条纹的周期,不同标定距离下,条纹周期分别为:(1.4 m, 250 pixels),(1.0 m, 180 pixels),(0.6 m, 100 pixels)。

表1 内参数标定结果

表2 畸变系数与采集图像数目

表3 标定结果

标定过程中拍摄的部分靶标图像与对应特征点提取结果如图6所示,其中6(a)~6(c)为距离1.4 m拍摄与提取的结果,6(d)~6(f)为距离1.0 m拍摄与提取的结果,6(g)~6(i)为距离0.6 m拍摄与提取的结果。


从重投影误差可以看出,随着待标定相机与标定靶距离减小,图像的离焦程度增大,标定重投影误差较为稳定,最大不超过0.21 pixels,此实验说明在离焦情况下,所提标定方法鲁棒性良好。

4.2 双目立体视觉系统标定及重建实验


实验系统如图7所示,两相机除焦距为70 mm外,其余参数与4.1中一致,两相机均对焦于1.5 m处,在标定靶成像距离1.3 m,改变15次标定靶位姿,对双目立体视觉系统进行标定。双目系统两相机内参数与畸变系数如表5所示,系统结构参数如表6所示。

使用标定后的双目系统在对焦位置拍摄角点间距为30 mm的金属棋盘格靶标,对相邻角点间距进行测量。左右相机采集的图像如图8(a)、8(b)所示,对棋盘格的角点进行三维重建,重建效果如图8(c)所示,水平相邻角点的平均距离为30.14 mm,垂直相邻角点的平均距离为30.04 mm,所有相邻角点平均距离为30.12 mm,标准差0.1 mm,说明标定方法有效。

图6 不同距离下拍摄的靶标以及对应特征点提取结果。 (a)~(c) 距离1.4 m拍摄与提取的结果;(d)~(f) 距离1.0 m拍摄与提取的结果;(g)~(i) 距离0.6 m拍摄与提取的结果

表4 标定内参数及重投影误差

图7 实验装置图


表5 双目相机内参数以及重投影误差

表6 双目系统的结构参量

图8 双目立体视觉系统的左右视目图及棋盘格角点的三维重建。(a) 左相机拍摄的标定靶;(b) 右相机拍摄的标定靶;(c) 棋盘格角点的三维重建

图9 双目立体视觉系统的左右视目图。(a) 左相机拍摄的石膏人像;(b) 右相机拍摄的石膏人像

图10 石膏人像的三维点云图。(a) 主视图;(b) 左视图;(c) 右视图

5 结 论


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Camera calibration based on color-coded phase-shifted fringe

Wei Boyan1,2, Tian Qingguo1,2*, Ge Baozhen1,2

1School of Precision Instruments and Opto-Electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China;2Key Laboratory of Opto-Electronics Information and Technology, Ministry of Education, Tianjin 300072, China

Calibration system

Overview:In the past two decades, camera calibration theory has been continuously developed and improved. The calibration method based on planar two-dimensional targets has been most widely applied. In the actual calibration process, the captured target images would appear to various degrees of blurring due to environmental factors and camera focus errors. The accuracy of feature point extraction would be affected. Since the phase information is not influenced by the blur of the captured image, some scholars have proposed using a liquid crystal display panel that displays phase patterns as a calibration target. The phase code is used to establish the correspondence between feature point world coordinates and image coordinates to achieve high-precision calibration of the camera. Compared with the calibration method based on Fourier analysis, the calibration method based on phase shift theory has higher accuracy. However, its calibration process is cumbersome because multiple images need to be collected for each target pose. Furthermore, such calibration methods require human intervention when extracting feature points, that is, manually selecting four outer corner points to determine a target area for feature point extraction. The calibration process is complicated.

This paper proposes a calibration method based on the color-coded phase-shifted fringe to overcome the shortcomings of the calibration method based on phase-shifted theory. This method encoded a phase-shifted stripe through the RGB channels of a color pattern and used a liquid crystal display panel as a calibration target to sequentially display horizontal and vertical color-coded phase-shifted stripes. Through the color channel separation, orthogonal phase-shifted fringes were obtained. The intersection point of the orthogonal phase truncation line was taken as the characteristic point according to the phase-shifted theory. Applied the calibration theory based on the planar two-dimensional target, the calibration of the single-camera and binocular system was realized by changing the target pose multiple times and extracting feature points. Furthermore, calibration efficiency was improved by adding color-coded phase-shifted rings to the four corners of the target pattern to automatically extract and sort feature points. The single-camera calibration experiment shows that when the target pattern is blurred, the calibration accuracy of the method in this paper is significantly better than that of the chessboard target under the premise that the calibration target pose changes the same number of times. It is slightly higher than the orthogonal sinusoidal fringe target and slightly lower than the orthogonal sinusoidal phase-shifted fringe target. The experiment also shows that the number of pictures collected by this method is only one-third of the orthogonal sinusoidal phase-shifted fringe target. When the total number of collected pictures is the same, the reprojection error of this calibration method is the smallest and the precision is the highest. The calibration accuracy is stable under different defocusing degrees. The binocular system calibration experiment shows that the system has high measurement accuracy after calibration, and it can realize 3D reconstruction of the measured object.

Wei B Y, Tian Q G, Ge B ZCamera calibration based on color-coded phase-shifted fringe[J]., 2021, 48(1): 200118; DOI:10.12086/oee.2021.200118

Camera calibration based on color-coded phase-shifted fringe

Wei Boyan1,2, Tian Qingguo1,2*, Ge Baozhen1,2

1School of Precision Instruments and Opto-Electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China;2Key Laboratory of Opto-Electronics Information and Technology, Ministry of Education, Tianjin 300072, China

Aiming at the low adaptability of blurring noise of target feature points in traditional calibration methods, a calibration method based on the color-coded phase-shifted fringe is proposed. Using a liquid crystal display panel as the calibration target, horizontal and vertical color-coded phase-shifted stripes are displayed in sequence; the orthogonal phase-shifted stripes are obtained by separating color channels; based on the phase-shifteg theory, the intersections of the orthogonal phase truncation lines are calculated as the feature points. After changing the target position multiple times and extracting feature points, the plane-based camera calibration technique is applied to realize the calibration of both the single camera and the binocular system. Furthermore, color-coded phase-shift circles are added to four corners of the target pattern to automatically extract and sort feature points. Accordingly, the efficiency of calibration is promoted. The experimental results indicate that when the target image is blurred, the reprojection error of the single-camera calibration is 0.15 pixels, and the standard deviation of the binocular system measurement after calibration is 0.1 mm.

camera calibration; phase target; phase-shift theory; 3D measurement




National Natural Science Foundation of China (61535008)

* E-mail: tianqingguo@tju.edu.cn

魏泊岩,田庆国,葛宝臻. 基于彩色编码相移条纹的相机标定[J]. 光电工程,2021,48(1): 200118

Wei B Y, Tian Q G, Ge B ZCamera calibration based on color-coded phase-shifted fringe[J]., 2021, 48(1): 200118





