
2021-01-26 12:06建筑设计aDT建筑事务所
世界建筑 2021年1期


1 从参议院广场看赛德霍尔姆宅/The Sederholm House seen from the Senate Square









2 卡塔琳娜街3号立面/Katariinankatu street #3 façade view

3 在北院邻近博物馆入口的新氧化铜网立面/The new façade clad with oxidised copper mesh next to the museum main entrance on the northern courtyard.

4 南院入口/Entrance from the southern courtyard






从亚历山大街的主入口穿过一个车行入口,途径博物馆中唯一的新建筑。外立面覆盖着氧化铜网,形成一个缓慢变化的材料沙漏,作为博物馆的隐喻。夜间,金属的表面还作为光艺术家亚科·涅梅莱的艺术作品的背景板。(庞凌波 译)

The Senate Square is the monumental centre of Helsinki and the major architectural focal point in the town plan by Johan Albrecht Ehrenström and Carl Ludvig Engel from the beginning of 19th century. It is flanked in the north by the Helsinki Cathedral and the east-west axis is formed by the University and the Senate Buildings, all designed by C.L.Engel. The south side of the square along Aleksanterinkatu street is formed by a row of former merchant's houses mainly from 19th century.

The city blocks in the south between the Senate Square and the Market Place had been taken over after the WW II by city administrative functions causing the area to lose some of its attractiveness.The City of Helsinki launched a revitalisation of the whole area in the beginning of first decade of the century. The relocating of the Helsinki City Museum to the south-east corner of the Senate Square is part of this project.

In the city block calledThe Elephant1)the museum was provided five listed buildings of very different architectural eras. The oldest remaining building in the city the Sederholm House (1757),the neighbouring building in the Katariinankatu street #3 (1761), the Remander House (1814-1873),the Falkman House (1829-1872) and the Valkonen Sali building (The White Hall, 1925) house today the public and administrative functions of the Helsinki City Museum.

The elephant and its three courtyards have been opened to the public as part of the revitalisation of the former city administration area in the easternmost part of the block. The Helsinki City Museum now forms a continuation to the public series of city courtyards housing restaurants,galleries and other visitor attractions.

The museum's new concept was developed for three years and focused on the museum customers and their needs. In the early stages of the design work the client and the team built three motivation-based customer pro files. These pro files corresponded to the target groups of the museum's three different exhibition spaces. The customer pro files were then used for the design of all services and customer facilities.

Consisting of historic listed buildings, the museum required special consideration to design a good visitor experience. Creating a logical and cohesive circulation system between the existing buildings was the biggest design challenge for the museum. Museum entry is free of charge, which allowed the creation of four new entrances to facilitate public circulation.

5 总平面/Site plan

The museum consists of three very different exhibition spaces; Children's Town, Helsinki Bites,and temporary exhibition space. The Children's Town exhibit is located in Sederholm House, which was built in the 18th century as a residential and commercial building. Sederholm House is well suited for museum use despite its small rooms. Ventilation in the summer presented a design challenge, given the high number of visitors relative to the size of the exhibition spaces.

Helsinki Bites is located on the second floor in a 500 m2undivided open space. Planning the space for museum use focused on visitor accessibility and movement in a guided group tour. Preserving the open space facilitated the placement of larger objects, while still allowing easy circulation and visibility throughout the exhibit. The exhibition was arranged in a non-hierarchical fashion,allowing the visitor to choose his or her own route through the exhibit.

6 新建部分为这个历史悠久的城市街区叠加上了当代建筑的层次。顶层的新展览空间是在场地现有的混凝土上实现的/The new section brings a contemporary architectural layer to the historic city block. The new exhibition spaces on the top floor is realised in in-situ concrete.

The temporary gallery is located in a fourth floor space that was designed as an exhibition space in the 1960s. It is a uni fied, rectangular space that is easily converted for different layouts. Exhibitions can utilize the full uni fied space or deploy temporary walls to create subsections within the room.

Unlike many museums, the Helsinki City Museum has plenty of public facilities beyond the exhibition spaces. From the very beginning, the museum's street-level lobby has proved to be a popular and versatile customer space. Normally, it functions as a comfortably furnished "living room"for the public. The lobby can also host various events, despite its adjacency to the main museum entrance. Outside event organisers have praised the informal nature of the space, and for many it is a preferred venue to more traditional options such as auditoriums or lecture halls.

Other facilities open to the public include a photo gallery, lounge, and sauna. In the photo gallery, a museum visitor can get acquainted with the museum's magnificent collection of Helsinki photographs. The collection includes a digital browsing database and traditional photographic prints. The fourth floor lounge is located in a new section that connects two existing buildings, offering a calm and peaceful space for visitors to rest in. The sauna space was added in the spring of 2020, when the museum relocated the museum shop next to the main entrance to encourage more foot traffic. The new sauna space occupies the former shop location.

7 首层平面/Ground floor plan

8 二层平面/First floor plan




4-常设展“儿童小镇”/Permanent exhibition "Children's Town"

5-博物馆商店/Museum shop




9-常设展“时光机”/Permanent exhibition "Time Machine"

10-多功能空间/Multifunctional space



13-常设展“赫尔辛基历史记忆”/Permanent exhibition "Helsinki Bites"



16-会议室/Meeting room

17-备展间/Preparation of artefacts

One of the special features of the City Museum is its three small, city-like courtyards, which open up new possibilities for event staging. Two courtyards are shared spaces with adjacent businesses and are designed to benefit both the museum and the other tenants. One such courtyard hosts the terrace of the neighbouring café, which enlivens the immediate surroundings during the museum's opening hours. In the summer of 2020, a city garden was built in this courtyard in connection with the museum's Urban Food exhibition. The urban garden has received positive feedback from the café entrepreneur, despite its location in the area reserved for the café terrace.

The small courtyard in front of the museum's main entrance is shared with an event space that occupies the same building as the museum. The event space is frequently in use in the evenings and on weekends when the museum is closed. During the summer, this courtyard is used as a furnished terrace space. The terrace is used by museum guests during the day, increasing the comfort and liveliness of the yard.

The main entrance from the Aleksanterinkatu Street through a carriage gateway passes by the only new piece of architecture in the museum. The façade clad with oxidised copper mesh forms a slow-moving material hourglass as a metaphor for the museum.During the dark hours of the day the metal surface serves as a background for an artwork by light artist Jaakko Niemelä.


1)根据从斯德哥尔摩引进的原则,赫尔辛基老城的所有街区都以不同动物物种命名/All the blocks in the old centre of Helsinki have been named after different animal species in accordance with the principle imported from Stockholm.

项目信息/Credits and Data

地点/Location: Aleksanterinkatu 14-18, Helsinki, Finland

客户/Client: City of Helsinki

主持建筑师/Principal Architects: Aki Davidsson, Hannele Storgårds

设计团队/Design Team: Aki Davidsson, Hannele Storgårds,Jaana Tarkela, Tuula Jeker

项目负责人/Principal-In-Charge: Aki Davidsson

结构设计/Structural Design: Vahanen Group


电气工程/Electrical Engineer: Projectus Team OY

暖通工程/HVAC Engineer: Ramboll

照明设计/Lighting Design: Cadvance

景观设计/Landscape Design: Maisemasuunnittelu Hemgård建筑历史研究/Building Historical Study: Arkkitehdit Järvinen- Nieminen

建筑保护/Building Preservation: Helsinki City Museum

总承建/General Contractor: Rakennusliike R Muhonen Oy

总建筑面积/Total Floor Area: 8860 m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2012-2016

竣工时间/Completion Time: 2016

摄影/Photos: Marko Huttunen (fig.1-4,6,9,10), Mattias Nyman ( fig.11,12)

13 剖面/Sections

14 剖面/Sections

15 剖面/Sections




4-常设展“儿童小镇”/Permanent exhibition "Children's Town"

5-博物馆商店/Museum shop



8-常设展“时光机”/Permanent exhibition "Time Machine"


10-常设展“赫尔辛基历史记忆”/Permanent exhibition "Helsinki Bites"



13-备展间/Preparation of artefacts


15-节庆大厅/Festival hall



18-通风室/Ventilation room

19-展览空间/Exhibition space

20-供应商储藏室/Market vendor's storerooms



Jury Statement

ZHANG Li: One pursuit of contemporary urban design is the removal of the dominance of the visual.Through a genuine layering of historical information, a true "hybridity" can be achieved. This project is such an example. The total absence of any simultaneous image is a key to the success of a sophisticated, deep spatial experience which brings any visitor to a compelling tour in time.

“你好,赫尔辛基”(Moi Helsinki)文化商业活动在西单文化广场成功举行