
2021-01-26 12:05
世界建筑 2021年1期








首先我想说,第二次参加评审,我非常高兴,看到这些项目也非常令人激动。我们仔细看了所有作品。我认为很棒的一点是,参评的项目来自世界各地——黎巴嫩、非洲、德国等等。此次提交的项目数量也变多了。这非常好,说明了这个奖项的重要性。我想说的第二点是,在此次评审过程中我感觉到,很多项目不仅是在创造伟大的建筑,也是在处理空间与人的关系。其中的很多项目都在试图改善人们的生活品质,无论它们处在城市环境之中,还是城郊地区。同样有趣的一点是,一些建筑师很有勇气,向我们发来村庄中的非常小的项目参评。比如有些项目使用本地材料在村庄中建造一个供所有人交流、集会的地方,这对于人们的沟通与生活而言是非常有益的。类似的想法还体现在其他不同层次的项目中。(母卓尔 译)








未来我们必将面临一些不同的挑战。我们的工作方式和移动方式将会发生改变,在城市环境中乃至世界范围内的可移动性也根本地改变了。我们必须以前所未有的全新方式改善建筑和城市设计。因此,我确信建筑和城市规划应当比我们过去所设计的要更加灵活、更具韧性。这就是我们寻求灵活的结构、灵活的建筑的原因。这一切都会在以人体尺度为衡量标准的面向未来的设计中得以体现。(徐紫仪 译)


BDA建筑师,Tchoban Voss Architekten合伙人,俄罗斯艺术学院荣誉会员

今天我注意到,与10年、15年前相比,建筑要回答的问题已经完全不同了。过去10年、20年的传统城镇与传统城市发展中的密度与公共空间的问题,已经与今日大不相同。现在,公共空间及不同功能的结合已经发生了很多改变。我们这次看到的和讨论的项目,向我们展示了将旧的物质、工业的物质、公共空间、不同层级的使用者、不同层级的建筑以及自然环境相互融合起来是多么重要。同样重要的是,要跳出对城镇、城市空间的传统理解,创造出不同以往的可持续的路线,提出全新的想法,展示全新的图像,创造我们心中的未来城市空间的原型。(母卓尔 译)





CAO Jiaming

Vice President, the Architectural Society of China(ASC)/President, the Architectural Society of Shanghai China (ASSC)

I think International Urban Project Award(IUPA) is a prominent award, because through this award, people can look at the future urban development and future expansion of architecture with a forward-looking vision. It puts forward new appeals based on the feedback of people's behaviours. In fact, architecture is a reflection of history, so any architecture and urban design must have an obvious locality. It would be reflected in two aspects: one is the climate, the other culture.Therefore, when we are discussing IUPA, what we are more concerned is the prospective vision. In other words, it would be suggested by its age, as well as by its region, level and different architectural features.

Architecture and city should be seen as a living organism which is always in the process of continuous renewal. It has its past and its future,between which is what we are considering to better connect each other. The fundamental issue is that we should pay attention to human behaviour and consider the urban development from a humanistic perspective. This time in the jury meeting, there are many excellent projects which provide people in the city with more space to communicate with each other, contributing to the development of the city.This is a very important part of our review of IUPA.(Translated by PANG Lingbo)

Kristin Feireiss

Director, AEDES, Berlin/2013-17 Member of the jury of the Pritzker Architecture Prize/2012 Member of the international jury for the Architecture Biennale in Venice

First of all, I have to say, it was not only a great pleasure to join this jury for the second time,and it was also a very exciting experience to see all these projects. And we were looking at all of them very carefully. And first of all, it is wonderful that there are projects from all over the world -from Lebanon, from Africa, from Germany, from nowhere, whatever. This is good because it shows,also it is a rising number of projects submitted,and how important this prize is. The second is that this time, many of these projects has to do not only with great architecture, but definitely with human beings. They show us, most of the projects to rise up the living quality of everybody wherever they live - in urban environment, in rural places, little villages. What I also found interesting, and I think somehow courage of the architect to send us very small projects in villages. For example, to use the local materials to build in the middle of little town a place for communication, a meeting point for this village, which I did not have before, and it was wonderful for the communication and the living of these people. And this you can find in all levels.

LI Cundong

Secretary-General, the Architectural Society of China (ASC)

In my opinion, International Urban Project Award (IUPA) is very important, and it has been more important than ever. We all know that many international exchanges have been affected to varying degrees due to the COVID-19. We are trying to expand our communication approaches and tools,such as online meetings and so on. As a professional exchange, IUPA provides us with a more effective way to communicate between professionals. It has 80 projects from 25 countries for 2020. Although we did not have the opportunity to meet with architects of these projects, we could also experience the architectural works of different countries, different regions and different cultural background produced by them in the current situation. These works are actually intermingled. The fact that IUPA is able to attract so many works is itself a cultural exchange.It also leads to another kind of more academic, and more future-oriented communication. I think it is very relevant and very important.

The city in the future will be more positive and more dynamic. Right now, especially in the post-pandemic era, people need a healthy environment as well as a more positive attitude. If a city can bring us a positive, upward and healthy psychological expectation through its buildings and its environmental transformation, I think this is a state the future city should give us and it is also what everyone hopes.

The projects that win IUPA should response to the vitality, initiative and health significance of the city. Many projects of this year are actually very excellent and thus it is hard to select a few. I set three priorities to evaluate the project: firstly, the work itself should be creative and innovative and there should be a kind of tension that is reasonable and unexpected, including its role in the city.Secondly, the building itself, especially in the current context, should not only contain its own functions and but also respond to its surroundings and play a more positive role in the built environment and contribute to the vitality of the city. It should be environmental-friendly, attractive, and interactive. Thirdly, it should also have certain social signi ficance, such as promoting people's physical or/and psychological health. Some of the projects have their social meanings that we should be aware of and encourage more to appear in the future. (Translated by PANG Lingbo)

Boris Schade-Bünsow


In the future, we have to face some different challenges. The way we work and the way we move will change, the mobility on urban structures and in the world context as well will change fundamental.We have to improve architecture and urban design in a very new way than we did it before. So I do believe architecture must be more flexible, more resilient than architecture and urban planning we designed before.That is why we are looking for flexible structures, and flexible architecture. All together comes along with a human-scale approach in future-oriented design.

1-6 采访视频

Sergei Tchoban

Architect BDA/Partner, Tchoban Voss Architekten/Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts So what I notice today is that architecture has to answer completely different questions, with completely other questions, I suppose, even for 10 or 15 years. So if in the traditional town, or in the traditional urban development, we had for 10,20 years, the questions of traditional density and public spaces remain. So now the mixture between public space and different functions become completely achiered. And I think the projects that we have seen now and had discussed about,they show how important it is to involve the old substance, the industrial substance, the public space, different layers of people, different layers of building and natural surrounding into each other,and to create completely other sustainable route,which has absolutely nothing to do with traditional understanding of what is a town, what is an urban space, but to create the very new proposals, very new pictures, and prototypes for what we hope for the future urban space.


Dean of School of Architecture, Professor at Tsinghua University/Deputy Chief Architect,THAD/Standing Council Member, Architectural Society of Shanghai China (ASSC)/Editor-in-Chief,WAmagazine

One of the significant differences International Urban Project Awards (IUPA) has from many other design awards is that, it does not focus on single buildings any longer. In fact, many awards nowadays also start to concern the interaction between human and space. IUPA does the same. It has an important connotation, which is to boldly de fine and experiment new ways of life with innovative technologies and ideas with the priority of maintaining the dignity of our life.

Actually, the history of urban civilisation is a process of gradual accumulation and evolution based on human habitat in which people's dignity,ideals and life meanings are enhanced by living at a higher density. Human's intelligence is enhanced by communicating with others as well. I do not think IUPA will change the direction of history of urban civilisation, but under the unique historical background - i.e. today's unique technology and social concepts, to strengthen it further.(Translated by PANG Lingbo)

7-10 柏林评审现场(摄影/Photo: Jasmin Schuller)

11-14 北京评审现场(图片来源/Sources: CADE)

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