
2021-01-26 12:06建筑设计OPEN建筑事务所
世界建筑 2021年1期










1 首层平面/Ground floor plan

2 油罐轴测/Tank axonometrics

3 阶梯水景/Stepped waterscape

4 城市广场平台/Urban plaza platform

Design Concept

Along the banks of Shanghai's Huangpu River,five decommissioned aviation fuel tanks and the surrounding site - forgotten relics of the city's former Longhua Airport - have been given new life and relevancy. Over the course of six years, these iconic tanks were transformed from fuel containers into a vibrant new art and cultural centre.

Conceived of as both an art centre and an open park simultaneously, the project not only pays tribute to the site's industrial past, but also seeks to dissolve the conventional perceptions of art institutions with formidable walls and definitive boundaries that separate the museum goers from those who are not. It sets out to be an art centre for all, a museum without boundaries.

Long, sloping landscaped meadows down to and around each tank gallery offer open access to the street and riverside, inviting visitors and passersby to move freely between the city, nature,and art. Amidst the backdrop of Shanghai's many more exclusive cultural projects, this gesture creates surprising - and rare - social inclusivity. Many come to the Tanks to view an art show, more come to jog or picnic, or simply to enjoy the undulating landscape with great view of the river. This open approach to the museum space has already brought about unexpected benefits and inspired new operational models for the art centre. Tank Shanghai has hosted not only high-pro file art exhibitions but also many other non-conventional art related events since its opening, such as fashion week, book fair,art festival, and even AI conferences. By attracting vast new audiences, Tank Shanghai has brought unprecedented energy to the formerly desolate industrial neighbourhood.

Central to the project's design is the merging of architecture and landscape through a Z-shaped"Super-Surface" - a 5 hm2landscaped swath of trees and grasses which connects the five tanks and weaves different elements of the site together. Underneath the Super-Surface is the new construction of a large free-flowing open space that connects three of the five tanks from the underground level.

Visitors arriving from the street would descend a pebble path accompanied by a terraced waterscape toward the plaza, and then to the main entry,hardly realising that now they are at underground level. Hidden misting devices create a cooling fog in the centre of the plaza during summer times.At once poetic and practical, this circle of mist was designed to evoke the memory of a sixth tank which was torn down for the construction of the neighbouring heliport, while at the same time improving the microclimate of the Plaza. Flanking the south side of the plaza is an "Urban Forest"which provide much desired greenery and shades to the urban residents. Covering the eastern portion of the site, a second grassy plaza provides open space for outdoor events and leisure, and doubles as a standing room for audiences during music festivals.

The parks and plazas are dotted with a collection of freely accessible public art installations.Dispersed in the surrounding landscape are two separate smaller galleries. Wrapped in mirrored stainless-steel sheets, the Reflecting Gallery re flects the greenery around it and almost dissolves entirely into the Urban Forest. The multipurpose Project Space, overlooking the river and a tree-lined re flecting pool, features a saw-toothed roo fline that deliberately juxtaposes the curvilinearity of the tanks. Across from it, the airport's old firefighting pool now serves as a rectangular reflecting pond surrounded by olive trees.

We approached the design of each of the five tanks in response to the requirements of the different programmes housed within them. Tank 1 - a twostory pub with live music performances - has an added inner volume that is drum-shaped to improve the space's acoustical quality. Tank 2 - a restaurant -is organised around a circular central courtyard, and features a roof deck for alfresco dining. Tank 3 remains almost unchanged except for the addition of a central oculus and fireproofing to meet current life safety requirements. It offers a pantheon - like domed space for large artworks and installations. Tank 4 contains a three-level cube that offers more conventional spaces for gallery and canvas art. Tank 5 features an inserted rectangular volume that passes through the body of the tank and emerges on either side to form two stages on both ends. From the exterior, the surface of all of the tanks preserve their original industrial aesthetics, only occasional capsule-shaped openings and portholes were added to bring light and view to the inside as needed.

Overall, Tank Shanghai represents a new type of urban art institution - one linking the past and the future, fusing art with nature, and more importantly, establishing meaningful connection between people and the place. With its unusual form and mission, we hope Tank Shanghai, the art centre without boundaries, will continue to facilitate and inspire the creation of more inclusive and collective cultural spaces.

项目信息/Credits and Data

地点/Location: 上海市徐汇区龙腾大道2380号/2380 Longteng Avenue, Xuhui District, Shanghai

客户/Client: 上海西岸开发(集团)有限公司 + 上海油罐艺术中心/Shanghai West Bund Development Group + Tank Shanghai

主持建筑师/Principal Architects: 李虎,黄文菁/LI Hu,HUANG Wenjing

设计团队/Design Team: OPEN建筑事务所/OPEN Architecture

项目成员/Project Members: 叶青,罗韧,Victor Quiros,周亭婷,陈修远,李振涛,赵耀,卢笛,贾瀚,张译文,史程昱,周小晨,黄中汉,陈逸岚,崔雨柔,杨骐,戈灿,高琪,Stephanie Lee,金波安,张浩,王莽原,闫迪华,张畅,Tomas Kowalsky,蒋思敏/YE Qing,LUO Ren, Victor Quiros, ZHOU Tingting, CHEN Xiuyuan, LI Zhentao, ZHAO Yao, LU Di, JIA Han, ZHANG Yiwen, Steven Shi, ZHOU Xiaochen, HUANG Zhonghan, Laurence Chan,Cynthia Yurou Cui, YANG Qi, GE Can, GAO Qi, Stephanie Lee, JIN Boan, ZHANG Hao, WANG Mangyuan, YAN Dihua,ZHANG Chang, Tomas Kowalsky, JIANG Simin

合作设计院/Local Design Institute: 同济大学建筑设计研究院/Tongji Architectural Design Group

合作设计院团队/LDI Team: 孙逍阑,张馨培,佘翔(建筑);余金鑫,于发杨(结构);唐振中,武攀,孙晓峰,周东(机电)/SUN Xiaolan, ZHANG Xinpei, SHE Xiang (Architecture); YU Jinxin, YU Fayang (Structure);TANG Zhenzhong, WU Pan, SUN Xiaofeng, ZHOU Dong(MEP)

景观设计/Landscape Design: OPEN建筑事务所 + 北京易地斯埃东方环境景观设计有限公司/OPEN Architecture + Beijing EDSA Orient Planning & Landscape Architecture Co., Ltd.

照明顾问/Lighting Consultant: 上海明驰建筑工程设计有限公司/Shanghai Ming Chi Architecture and Engineering Co., Ltd.

结构体系/Structural System: 钢结构,钢筋混凝土结构/Steel, reinforced concrete

场地面积/Site Area: 47,448 m²

总建筑面积/Total Floor Area: 10,845 m²

设计时间/Design Period: 2013-2019

施工时间/Construction Period: 2017-2019

竣工时间/Completion Time: 2019

绘图/Drawings: OPEN建筑事务所/OPEN Architecture

摄影/Photos: 一勺景观摄影/INSAW Image (fig.3,4,7,8),田方方/TIAN Fangfang (fig.5),OPEN建筑事务所/OPEN Architecture ( fig.6),吴清山/WU Qingshan ( fig.10,11)

5 超级地面/Super-surface

6 改造前的场地/Original site

7 鸟瞰/Aerial view

8 都市森林/Urban forest



Jury Statement

CAO Jiaming: The outstanding use of industrial heritage has created a growable earthy public artwork. The smart combination of topography has created an open,shared and elegant landscape. Different functions have been designed to take full use of the interior space, making it in finitely imaginative. The combination of the industrial heritage and the spirit of the times, the organic integration of the tanks with the site, the fluidity of the space inside and outside, five tanks' exhibition spaces with the same shape but different functions, resulting in the openness that makes the Tank Shanghai one of the most innovative works of IUPA 2020.(Translated by PAN Yi)

鲍里斯·沙德-宾索夫:上海油罐艺术中心将上海黄浦江边的5个废弃油罐及其周边工业环境改造为一个艺术中心和休闲公园。该项目把一片废弃区域变成了公共空间。令人印象深刻的是它与周围环境的融合,运用广场、自然元素和道路网络重新赋予地景以活力,并在不同层之间流畅转换。(钱芳 译)

Boris Schade-Bünsow: Tank Shanghai transforms five former fuel tanks and its industrial surroundings on the banks of Shanghai's Huangpu River into an art centre and a leisure park. The project changes the abandoned area into a public space. It impresses with its integration into the surroundings and revitalisation of the landscape with squares, nature, a network of paths and fluent transition between levels.

9 地景组成/Landscape components

10 4号油罐展览空间/Exhibition space in Tank 4

11 朝向黄浦江的罐体开洞/Opening towards the Huangpu River

钢·美术馆二层展厅 钢·美术馆一层展厅