建筑设计:保罗·门德斯·达·罗查 + MMBB建筑事务所
1 鸟瞰/Aerial view
2 街景/Street view
(4)根据当地消防法规的要求,开发一套适用于所有楼层的精密机械排烟系统。它的复杂性能够实现各类空间布局,如双层和完全开放的流线网络这些一般在建筑中无法实现的具有特殊用途和设计限制的布局。(庞凌波 译)
3 近景鸟瞰/Nearby aerial view
SESC (The Social S ervice of Commerce) is an institution that oversees 38 activity centres that bring together various fields of expertise, articulated through a variety of cultural, educational,sports, and leisure and health programmes. This institution also develops national and international partnerships through numerous projects related to music, theatre, dance, circus, literature and the visual arts.
SESC's activities are guided by its educational ethics as well as the pursuit of broad social wellbeing, in which the term culture is understood in its full spectrum. In this sense, the full accessibility to the spaces and contents offered by the institution enhances the democratisation of cultural values as a form of individual autonomy and the practice of citizenship.
SESC 24 de Maio opened on August 19th 2017 and, by January 31st 2018, the venue had already received 1,257,455 people.
We believe that the process of transformation and development of cities such as São Paulo is made by slowly adapting to the changes of customs and way of life of the societies that build them.
The new SESC 24 de Maio - which houses a complex set of recreational and service facilities -occupies the former headquarter of the Mesbla department store in downtown São Paulo, and represents an exemplary challenge of intervening in the context of an urban heritage site. Taking such context into account the proposed design as set both to contribute effectively to the upgrading of such remarkable area of the city, as well as to readapt the building structure to a completely new set of uses and speci fic programmes. In order to do so, the following basic ideas were outlined:
(1) To house a large open square at the ground level of the building as a central idea of public place making, designing it as a free passage with a gallery character that is directly linked to the exciting surroundings of the neighbourhood;
(2) To transform the former underground garage into a Café and a Theatre, in direct relation to lively streets that surround it;
(3) To create a new vertical circulation system composed of a generous sequence of ramps,outlining a clear and continuous circuit that sets an architectural promenade and playfully connects the wider urban spaces of the city to the various indoors programmes of the new SESC building;
(4) To structure a variety of open spaces at strategic levels that are designed as covered elevated squares, thus opening the building to its surroundings. Such spaces - such as the Conviviality Square and the Swimming Pool Garden - are not enclosed with façades and act as hanging gardens along the open circulation network of ramps;
(5) To adopt eventual associations of two levels,with character of great hall, part with double foot right, and upper and overhead galleries, for some items of the programme, in order to value enclosures and avoid the monotony of simple overlapping type floors;
(6) To build a generous square on the rooftop, a solarium that includes an open swimming pool;
(7) To concentrate all technical and mechanical infrastructure on an annex structure that acts as an isolated service tower. For this purpose,all infrastructure has been all condensed on an extension that has been built on a contiguous property that had been abandoned years before;
(8) To incorporate a set of furniture pieces that are integral part to the architectural design. This has resulted on a colourful design series of chairs,tables, sofas, desks, counters and modular stackable furniture elements that complete the building in a joyful and playful manner, strengthening its institutional identity.
In order to bring about such goals - which are at the core of the design's challenges and which orient its spatial character - a series of decisions on building techniques and infrastructural supply were adopted, namely:
(1) The selective demolition of specific parts of the structure of the original Mesbla building,maintaining its basic structural elements and central hall, originating on the vertical void around which the new design is structured;
(2) The construction of a new and autonomous building structure, supported by four main pillars that configure the central void, sustaining both a series of large interleaved halls, as well as the solarium and swimming pool volume that crown the building on the rooftop;
(3) The adaptation of the building's former garage to a Theatre by slightly lowering its level while, at the same time, carefully respecting the limits and structural foundations of its neighbouring building;
(4) The development of an elaborate mechanical emergency system for smoke exhaustion that services all building levels, as required by local fire regulations. Its complexity as allowed for a variety of spatial arrangements - such as double floors and a completely open circulation network - that would normally not be allowed in a building with such speci fic uses and design constrains.
项目信息/Credits and Data
地点/Location: 24 de Maio Street X Dom José de Barros Street, São Paulo, Brazil
客户/Promoter: SESC - The Social Service of Commerce
建筑设计/Architects: Paulo Mendes da Rocha + MMBB Arquitetos
设计团队/Architecture Staff: Fernando Mello Franco, Marta Moreira, Milton Braga, Adriano Bergemann, Ana Carina Costa, Ana Carolina Mamede, Cecília Góes, Eduardo Ferroni,Giovanni Meirelles, Gleuson Pinheiro, Guilherme Pianca,Jacques Rordorf, Lucas Vieira, Márcia Terazaki, Maria João Figueiredo, Marina Acayaba, Marina Sabino, Martin Benavidez,Vito Macchione, João Yamamoto, Rafael Monteiro, Rodrigo Brancher, Thiago Rolemberg, Victor Olivera
结构设计/Structure: Kurkdjian e Fruchtengarten Engenheiros Associados
地基工程/Building Foundation: MAG Projesolos Engenheiros Associados
电气和水力工程/Electrical and Hydraulic Engineers: PHE Projetos Hidráulicos e Elétricos
暖通工程/Air Conditioning: Thermoplan Engenharia Térmica
声学设计/Acoustic: Nepomuceno Acústica e Sônica
景观设计/Scenic Engineers: J.C. Serroni e Gustavo Lanfranchi
噪声工程/Sound Engineers: Alexandre Sresnewsky
照明设计/Lighting: Rosane Haron (Espaço Luz) e Altimar Cypriano
建筑物理/Environmental Comfort: Daltrini e Granado Arquitetura e Conforto Ambiental
信息技术/Information Technology: Marciano Engenharia
安防设计/Building Safety: SI2 - Soluções Inteligentes
电梯/Elevators: EMPRO Engenharia de Produção
防水/Waterproo fing: PROASSP Acessória e Projetos
地板和排水/Floors and Drainage: LPE Engenharia e Consultoria
门窗/Window and Doors: AEC - Consultores
商贸服务参与工程师/SESC Engineering Staff: Amilcar João Gay Filho, Humberto Bigaton, Alberto Costa Souza Neto
承建/Constractor: Mendes Júnior Trading e Engenharia S/A建筑面积/Building Area: 27,865 m²
设计时间/Design Period: 2002-2008
施工时间/Construction Period: 2012-2017
摄影/Photos: Nelson Kon
4 外景/Exterior view
Q: 请问旧Mesbla总部大楼需要进行哪些改造?
A: 主要的挑战是如何将原有的商业建筑改造成一个新的公共场所。我们用坡道作为主要流线,这只有在改造项目中才是符合法规的。坡道作为城市人行道的延伸,从建筑首层中央的主中庭一直连接到顶层。原来的屋顶空间现在有了新的结构与一个游泳池,定义了屋顶上的开放广场。
Q: 你们对新大楼有怎样的愿景?
A: 我们想要为建设一个更具包容性、平等性和趣味性的城市做出贡献,希望建筑空间可以拥抱生活的多样性和不确定性。项目植根于对“为市民服务的城市”的理解,期望以此为契机创造一个促进合作、兼容并包的城市。
Q: 建筑中的哪些地方是需要支付入场费或成为SESC会员才能进入的?
A: 几乎整栋大楼都是免费向公众开放的。由于大楼位于两条街道的拐角处,你可以直接穿过它的首层,经过建筑中的展览。你也可以很方便地进入坡道,参观大楼内的许多活动。只有两个区域是只有会员能进入的——位于顶层的牙科诊所和游泳池。
Q: 圣保罗以缺乏公共空间而闻名,但五月二十四日街商贸服务综合体恰恰相反,它提供了高品质的公共生活空间。这可否说明这座巨型城市正在改变?
A: 我们认为,像圣保罗这样的城市的转型和发展,是通过慢慢适应它的社会习惯和生活方式的变化而实现的。在圣保罗还有很多像Mesbla总部大楼这样的废弃建筑,也可以用来为这座城市庞大的人口提供更多的公共设施和城市基础设施。
项目选择性地拆除了原建筑的某些部分,保留了基本的建筑构件,比如中央大厅利用4根柱子和一个坡道系统进行了改造。(母卓尔 译)
5 开敞空间/Open space
Q: What changes did the original Mesbla building require?
A: One of the main challenges was to transform the pre-existing commercial building into a new public venue. Regarding legislation, the ramps that con figure the main circulation were only possible as it was a renovation. They extend the urban pavement and connect the main atrium in the centre of the building's ground level to the top floor. The pre-existing space now houses the new structure with a swimming pool that de fines the open square on the rooftop.
Q: What was your vision for the new building?
A: Our intention was to contribute to the construction of a more inclusive, egalitarian and interesting city with spaces that can embrace the diversity and unpredictability of life. The project is rooted in an understanding of cities for the citizenry and sets about creating a more collaborative,collective and inclusive city.
Q: Where do you have to pay entrance or be a SESC member to enter?
A: Almost the entire building has free public access.Since the building is on the corner of two streets,you can cross through it while passing exhibitions on the ground level. You may also easily access the ramps and visit the many activities which the building contains. The only two areas that can only be accessed by members are the dental clinics and the swimming pool located on the top floor.
Q: São Paulo is notorious for its lack of public space, but SESC 24 de Maio is exactly the opposite:high-quality space for public life. Is the megacity changing?
A: We believe that the process of transformation and development of cities such as São Paulo is made by slowly adapting to the changes in the habits and way of life of the societies that inhabit them. There are many other abandoned buildings like Mesbla in the city of São Paulo that could also be used to generate more public facilities and urban infrastructure for its enormous population.
The selective demolition of specific parts of the original building maintained its basic architectural elements like the central hall, which was recon figured with four pillars and a circulation system of ramps.
克里斯汀·菲莱斯:在粗犷的城市环境之中,位于圣保罗市中心的Mesbla原总部大楼被改造成了一个汇聚众多文化和休闲功能的绿洲。建筑被一系列半开放的公共空间点缀,包括礼堂、室内外游泳设施、食堂、教育空间、以及体育馆,屋顶的游泳池尤其是它的亮点。底层开阔的开放式广场、自由穿行的通道以及丰富的活动内容使该项目成为社区内的网红点和人们相聚的空间。(钱芳 译)
14 坡道内景/Interior view of ramps
15 内景/Interior views
16 内景/Interior views
17 内景/Interior views
18 坡道内景/Interior view of ramps
Jury Statement
CAO Jiaming: SESC 24 de Maio is a very interesting mixed-use building, whose architectural challenge also lies in the transformation of the old building to create new spaces, such as converting the underground garage into a theatre, and the new structural system supporting the swimming pool on the roof as a viewpoint, etc. -aligning the design to the owner SESC's concept. The openness of the building, as if forming a small society of open communication, contributes to the dense urban context with its openness and connectivity.(Translated by PAN Yi)Kristin Feireiss: In the middle of the raw city, the former headquarter of the Mesbla department store in downtown São Paulo has been redefined and transformed into an oasis of cultural and leisure functions. The building features a number of semipublic spaces such as an auditorium, indoor and outdoor swimming facilities, canteen, educational spaces, gymnastics hall and as a spectacular highlight a swimming poll on the rooftop. With its large ground level open square, free passage and density of activities the project is a hotspot and meeting space for the neighbourhood.