
2021-01-26 12:05鲍里斯沙德宾索夫玛丽布鲁恩伊德BorisSchadensowMarieBruunYde
世界建筑 2021年1期

鲍里斯·沙德-宾索夫,玛丽·布鲁恩·伊德/Boris Schade-Bünsow, Marie Bruun Yde

母卓尔 译/Translated by MU Zhuo'er













1 五月二十四日街商贸服务综合体以前是Mesbla总部大楼,起初看起来限制很多,较低的层高让它不适合用作运动休闲和文化空间。但是保罗·门德斯·达洛查和MMBB建筑事务所通过对中央中庭的改造,成功地挖掘出了它积极的一面/The SESC 24 de Maio building, a former Mesbla department store, at first seemed restrictive and ill-suited for sport, leisure and culture spaces with its low ceilings. But Paulo Mendes da Rocha and MMBB managed to unfold its positive sides, primarily by reinterpreting the atrium in the middle of it.(摄影/Photo: Nelson Kon)

In the future we have to face different urban challenges. The way we work, the way we move and the way we use resources will change our preferences, behaviour and cities. Within the latest months the manner and place of work changed radically and was relocated to homes and virtual spaces. Working from home was already in trend and only accelerated through the crisis of COVID-19,making it only more obvious that new spaces for combined living and working must be provided.However, we do not only have to speed up when planning cities, on the contrary: Mobility structures will change fundamentally and transport become still more pedestrian and bicycle based, slowing traffic down. This, in turn, will change the way we make streets and retrofit them for the human scale and a better climate. CO2limitations makes new ways of handling energy and the reduction of both traffic and building emissions necessary.How can we develop an architecture with no energy consumption? How do we make the city accessible for people? What projects are necessary to develop the city to what we want it to be?

To improve architecture and design and make it more resilient we have to do things that we never did before. With the International Urban Project Award (IUPA) we are looking for flexible structures and strong architecture facing the needs of the next century. The IUPA calls for projects realising such potentials. IUPA recognises outstanding urban and architectural works contributing to public space and life. This year, the main criterion was a strong urban design that withstands challenging times as well as empowers the city and its citizens to do so. The commitment of the submitted projects was exemplary. Their diversity was encouraging. The winning and shortlisted projects range from South and North America through to Europe, Africa and Asia. Many of them involve different layers of the existing building mass, most of them establish openness to users and uses, all of them have a sociocultural mission. They demonstrate the strength of forward-looking human-oriented, accessible, mixeduse architecture that works not just as a magnet for communication and communities, but ultimately as a guardian for the public good.

Conversion Is Ecology and Identity

Ten years ago Europe was concentrated on the redevelopment of the historic cities, whereas Asia was rapidly building new metropolises. Since then,the gap between European and Asian architecture and urban planning has become smaller. Today,European cities are growing and new housing areas being built on the peripheries, while in Asia the renovation and conversion of the existing building substance is becoming an increasingly important issue. That more than half of the shortlisted and winning IUPA projects work with the transformation of existing structures proves the worldwide growing need to protect our physical heritage and readapt the built environment to present day needs and wishes. Renovating old buildings and urban spaces is an ecological planning approach, but also a question of identity and memory. Most importantly,it can save grey energy and building costs. Resourceefficiency being imperative to tackle the realities of climate change makes the reinterpretation of outdated and deserted architecture urgent.

But the protection of the historic fabric has to do with our self-definition, too. Revaluing old buildings, abandoned industrial complexes, rundown neighbourhoods and unpopular housing estates is also a perpetuation of our mental history, keeping valuable points of identification that we grew up with. Preservation - as opposed to demolition - feels right. However, not all architecture has evident qualities that should be carried into the future. The creativity of architects is requested when it comes to seeing potential in the devaluated and uninspiring heritage especially of the recent past and reinventing it with new uses. Here,the architects carry out a physical and symbolic reand upcycling work that can make us re-appreciate and re-inhabit our youngest history.

2 上海油罐艺术中心/Tank Shanghai(摄影/Photo: INSAN Image)

3 深圳的城中村里满是“握手楼”,它们的间隙狭窄到邻居都可以握手。人们越来越不愿意住在城中村里。创始点对35座这样的塔楼进行改造,试图通过经济适用房、空中走廊等新的连接、街道层次结构和共享空间等手段来增强社区性,重塑这一建筑类型的价值/Urban villages in Shenzhen consisting of "handshake tower blocks" - so narrow that neighbours can literally shake hands - are increasingly discredited. Doffice's makeover of 35 such towers seeks to revalue this typical typology by strengthening the community through affordable housing, new connections like corridors in the air, street hierarchy and shared spaces.(摄影/Photo: IVY Photography & Production)

4 在未来非洲创新校区,新的学习和教学方法将围绕生活方式展开,而不是集中于课堂空间/At the Future Africa InnovationCampus new methods of learning and teaching revolve around lifestyle rather than being concentrated in lecture halls.(摄影/Photo: Lourens Uitenweerde - Eyescape Photography)

5 经过改造后,文里·松阳三庙文化交流中心在更多的层次上设置了开放性的小型公共空间、壁龛和通道,激发了社区生活/Songyang Culture Neighbourhood has been renovated with several generous smaller public spaces, niches and pathways on more levels, inviting for community life.(摄影/Photo: 存在建筑/Arch-Exist)

6 作为一个公共通道和一个艺术空间,吉首美术馆通过延展的、高密度的功能布局,赋予了传统的廊桥以新的形式,成为了城市生活的催化剂/As a public walkway and an art space, the Jishou Art Museum reinvents the traditional covered bridge by extending and densifying its programme making it an urban catalyst.(摄影/Photo: 田方方/TIAN Fangfang)

7 猎人角社区图书馆不仅仅是一个图书馆,它还提供了私密的阅读区、活跃的聚会空间等多种室内外空间。在巨大的高楼之间,这个小建筑脱颖而出,成为一个温暖、人性化尺度的交流场所/Much more than a library, Hunters Point Library provides a diversity of spaces inside and outside ranging from intimate reading areas to active gathering spaces. In the middle of elephantine high-rises, the small structure stands out as a warm, human-scale meeting space.(摄影/Photo:Iwan Baan)


The domestication experienced all over the world within the last year made us aware where public life and social interaction take place. Although media and virtual reality keep us in touch with the bigger world,they cannot compensate for real physical meetings and collective structures. Society is knitted together in the public space. It took a virus to expose that we all bene fit from and contribute to the common good.The political recognition that we are all dependent on each other is a quality that will hopefully help de fining the way we plan cities in the future.

The IUPA projects excellently exhibit how architecture can act as social condensers: Community is expressed in the built environment through diversity, flexibility and accessibility. Community is context, meaning that architecture should transport a sense of place and situation, adapting to the surrounding scale and morphology, being not too big or too small, not too old or new, but subordinate to society.


In the Berlin jury - consisting of Kristin Feireiss, Sergei Tchoban and Boris Schade-Bünsow -we were impressed by the broadness of nationalities,contexts, typologies and approaches presented in the submitted projects. They show the courage of architects to make use of local materials, work on smaller or larger scales and create meeting places for the neighbourhood. The winning projects not only demonstrate great architecture, but also engage with human beings, improving the quality of life for everybody. They show how important it is to involve different layers of the existing building substance,the surroundings and people and to create new images of public space with a mix of functions.

What enables such projects, what threatens them?

Clearly, such generous, collective projects are rare. Along with the withdrawal of the state,gentrification and the onward march of the real estate market, the city as a democratic, shared space and future is challenged. Such issues endangering the variety of living together must be thematised.We do not need a sleek, clean, homogeneous city,but one that we all can identify with, one that is layered, heterogeneous, and even contradictory in that it is inclusive.
