
2021-01-14 10:51
红色文化学刊 2021年4期


Chen Dongdong

Abstract: The Party’s leadership system is the fundamental leadership system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and it is the key point of the Party’s leadership system to maintain the authority of the Party Central Committee. The Party’s leadership system has experienced four stages: exploration and system creation in the period of democratic revolution, development and setback after the founding of New China, adjustment and perfection in the new period of reform and opening-up and maturity and stereotype of the Party’s leadership system in the new era. Over the past hundred years, the Party has made institutional norms for safeguarding the authority of the Party Central Committee through the Party Constitution, the guidelines of political life within the Party and other internal Party regulations. The socialism with Chinese characteristics comes to a new era. We should focus on the perspective of system construction, and further establish the Party’s leading core and maintain the party’s central authority by strengthening political construction, strictly regulate the Party’s political discipline and political rules, and tighten the Party’s organizational system.


Xu Gongxian Wu Yanlin

Abstract:Adhering to the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee is an inevitable requirement to unify the will and action of the whole Party. During the Yan’an period, the Communist Party of China effectively strengthened the centralized and unified leadership of the Communist Party of China by strengthening the ideological and theoretical education of the Communist Party members, establishing Mao Zedong’s central position in the leadership of the whole Party in the organization, establishing the unified leadership system of the Party in the system and adhering to the fundamental leadership system of democratic centralism in the system.


Zhang Feng

Abstract:As the symbolic cultural form after the founding of the Communist Party of China, the development of red culture is closely related to the process of Chinese revolution, construction , reform and opening-up. The red culture of the Communist Party of China is a unique and creative activity, which is the result of the object of the activities of the Communist Party of China and the people of all ethnic groups under its leadership as a variety of products (material, spiritual, institutional). Its process and result conforms to the historical progress and the requirements of the times, and its centennial historical evolution can be summarized as the period of the origin of the red culture (1921-1931), the formation of the red culture during the War of Resistance against Japan and the War of Liberation (1931-1949) The development period is after the founding of New China (1949-1978) and the prosperity period is the reform and opening-up (1978-present).


Zhao Xiufang

Abstract:Political loyalty is the background color of political culture within the Party, and paying attention to the construction of loyalty quality of Party members and cadres is an important experience for the Party’s brilliant cause. The political loyalty of the Communists has rich connotation, emotion and reason unity, the unity of rights and obligations. it also the emphasizes on the standard of obligation, the unity of constitutional loyalty and loyalty to the Party Constitution, loyalty to the state and loyalty to the Party. The new era emphasizes the great significance of the political loyalty of Party members and cadres, which is the political and cultural construction of the Party, rallying the people, pooling the strength of the people to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation political guarantee. In order to cultivate the political loyalty of Party members and cadres, we should start from four aspects: adhering to the “two maintenance”, being loyal to the Party organization; strengthening theoretical identity and loyalty to Marxism; firming ideals and beliefs, being loyal to communism and socialism and fulfil our duty and be loyal to the people.


Cao Chunrong

Abstract:“We should trace the source from Ruijin and deeply understand the hard-won red regime, the hard-won new China and the hard-won socialism with Chinese characteristics”, said General Secretary Xi Jinping. To grasp the spirit of this instruction, we must link the historical memories of “Ruijin” with the “Ruijin Period”, “Red Capital” with “Cradle of New China” and “the starting point of the Central Red Army Long March” and see their impact on the future. In short, the Party not only led the people in Ruijin to explore and create in all aspects, and achieved unprecedented achievements, but also encountered setbacks and failures. All of this becomes a valuable asset to the Party and the country and it is worth remembering forever. A deep understanding of Xi Jinping’s instructions will strengthen the Party’s historical self-confidence, enhance its self-consciousness of not forgetting its original heart and keeping in mind its mission and work as hard as its revolutionary predecessors to achieve new victories.


Zhong Chunying

Abstract:Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping forms and develops a new era of popular views in the long-term administration in the country. The formation of Xi Jinping’s view about people has a profound cultural heritage, solid theoretical cornerstone and rich theoretical source. Its scientific connotation mainly includes the main view, the central view, the view of interests, the view of inspection and the concept of objectives, reflecting Xi Jinping’s principle of people-oriented and the concept of governing for the people. The people’s view of the new era not only innovates and develops the Marxist view about people, but also helps to strengthen and improve the Party’s construction and build the mass foundation of the Chinese dream. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to explore Xi Jinping’s view about people for the development in the new era.


Yin Wen

Abstract:In his important speech to celebrate the centennial of the founding of the Party, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the great spirit of the Party building for the first time and made a highly general discussion on its connotation. As the source of the spiritual lineage of the Communist Party of China, the great Party-building spirit contains the historical implication of the hundred-year-old cast, the value implication of spiritual code cohesion, the political implication of the distinctive Party nature and the practical implication of the promotion of the great thousand-year mission. At the same time, the Communist Party of China is now standing at the critical moment when the first struggle is successfully concluded and the second struggle is about to be started. The value of the great Party-building spirit in the era is reflected in the three aspects of providing the willpower to create the future, of calling on the whole Party to adhere to the political commitment of the centennial and of stimulating the collective action and practice by all the people effectively.


Huang Jin

Abstract:Daqing spirit with “patriotism, entrepreneurship, truth-seeking and dedication” as its core connotation is an important part of the spiritual lineage of the Chinese Communists, and it is also the manifestation of the great spirit of the Chinese nation, and it is the precious spiritual wealth, heavy political assets and excellent cultural resources of the Party and the country. During its formation, Daqing Great Petroleum Battler forged the code of Daqing Spirit, “Industrial Daqing” movement cultivated the blood of Daqing Spirit, “Chinese intellectual creation” inherited the genes of Daqing Spirit. It is of great theoretical value and practical significance for grasping its connotation of the times to explain the formation, connotation and value of Daqing Spirit and play its leading role.


Liu Jufang

Abstract:In the blood and fire struggle in the Central Soviet Region, the red cartoons, with their unique content and form, became a strong means for the Communist Party of China to educate the masses, unite the masses and defeat the enemy and eliminate the enemy’s sharp weapons and played the role of “horn” and “drum of war” in the revolutionary struggle years. The red cartoons in the Central Soviet Region have enlightening value to the mass work in the new era, which is embodied in grasping the political nature , clarifying the basic truth, grasping class nature with full true feelings for the people, grasping the practical and reforming the institutional mechanism and grasping the popularity and innovative ways and means.


Zeng Changqiu Li Xia

Abstract:More than 90 years ago, the Autumn Harvest Uprising broke out in the western region of Xiangdong, creating the 1st Division of the 1st Army of the Industrial, Agricultural and Revolutionary Army. During the Red Army’s two attacks on Changsha, the Red Army formed the Red 1 Army there, and established the first provincial government under the leadership of the Communist Party, the Soviet government of the workers, peasants and soldiers in Hunan Province. Xiang,E,Yu,Su District, which chokes the Yangtze River and controls two lakes, became one of the six Soviet strategic areas during the Agrarian Revolutionary War. The red star of Xiang,E Gan Soviet District shone and made unique contributions to the Party’s construction, political power building, military construction, economy and culture in 10 years of hard struggle. The red culture and the spirit of the Soviet region bred in this land became the rich “red cultural vegetation” in the northern part of the Luoxiao Mountains, and its historical status and great achievements are recorded in the historical annals.


Wang Liangqing Li Chaoyang

Abstract:In the new era, the realization of Marxism popularization is still the subject of our continuous research and the need to answer a good test paper for ever. The appearance and interpretation of revolutionary culture is itself the process of popularization of Marxism. It is necessary to strengthen the effectiveness of Marxism popularization and maintain the advantages of China’s socialist system to promote the popularization of Marxism for the revolutionary cultural carrier. However, by using this carrier, the effect of the popularization of Marxism will be affected. such as the lack of systematic research on revolutionary culture, the lag in the conversion of revolutionary cultural discourse, the deconstruction of revolutionary culture with multiple values, etc. Therefore, we should promote the popularization of Marxism from the aspects of theoretical supply, discourse conversion and method innovation.


Yu Xuelin Xiang Huifang

Abstract:Red culture, red resource and red gene are the three concepts that are frequently used in the field of Party building and ideological and political education in China. But so far, the concepts are relatively simple, unsystematic and not profound, which need further in-depth research for the relationship between them and pioneer research and demonstration. Accurately understanding the connotations of red culture, red resources and red genes and their dialectical relationship is of great theoretical significance for the academic circles in carrying out research on the “red” phenomenon in the history of Chinese revolution and construction. Digging up and making good use of red resources and promoting red culture are not only conducive to promoting the theoretical construction and ideological education of the Centennial Party, but also conducive to cultivating red genes among young people, cultivating loyal and outstanding successors to the Party’s cause and successors to the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.


Li Fang

Abstract:Red culture is a characteristic culture of the Chinese nation, which has important educational value for the growth and development of students. In multidisciplinary teaching, the integration of red culture can effectively improve the quality of political education work and effectively promote students’ moral cultivation and cultural cognition. As the educational guide, we must enhance the importance of building a political classroom and moral education as the main goal and find flexible multiple ways to promote student development. In this regard, this paper will try to discuss from many angles, combining the reality with the politic education on “red culture into the primary and secondary school art curriculum”.