
2021-01-10 00:29:07傅骞
科教导刊 2021年15期















Teaching Practice Based on SCS Maker Teaching Method

FU Qian


FU Qian

Associate Dean and Professor, School of Educational Technology, Beijing Normal University

Head of R & D Team of Open Source Maker Tools Mixly and Mixgo

Deputy Secretary General of Educational Technology Sub-committee of National Information Technology Standardization Technical Committee

With the progress of technology and the develop? ment of society, maker education with the goal of"let students enjoy the happiness of innovation and analysis with the support of technology" has gradual? ly become a hot spot. It emphasizes that students use the combination of existing technology or physi? cal modules to achieve product innovation, and let students continue to innovate through the incentives obtained from sharing. After nearly a decade of devel? opment, maker education has been widely recognized for its role in promoting students’ innovation ability and practical skills.

The key of maker education process is "with the helpof technology, emphasizingpracticeandshar? ing". With the help of technology, students can make powerful works faster and gain a sense of achieve? ment; Emphasizing practice can make students better understandknowledgeandimprovelearningeffect through application; Attaching importance to sharing canhelpstudentsbetterunderstandthevalueof their own innovative achievements and enhance their learning motivation. Obviously, the sense of achieve? ment, learning effectiveness andlearning motivation are also necessary in the process of science educa? tion, and the process of maker education can also be integrated into science education.

SCS maker teaching method is the most common? ly used teaching method in maker education. It di? vides the whole teaching process into seven links: sit? uation introduction, simple imitation, knowledge expla? nation, extended imitation, innovation stimulation, col? laborative completion and creative sharing. Consider? ing that maker education is mainly based on material? ized achievements, while science education is mainly basedonknowledgeexploration,theSCSteaching method is targeted and refined, and the improved pro? cess is as follows:

(1) Situation introduction: introduce the situa? tion from the actual problems or daily phenomena in life to stimulate students’ learning motivation; (2) Sim? ple inquiry: by observing or imitating the inquiry pro? cessofteachers,studentshaveintuitivefeelings abouttheknowledgetheyareabouttolearn;(3) Knowledge explanation: teachers explain the relevant principlesandexplainthephenomenaobservedin the process of inquiry based on the process and re? sults of inquiry; (4) Extended inquiry: for the key points of knowledge, the teacher gives a more com? plex inquiry task or operation practice again, so that the students can continue to observe or imitate the process; (5) Innovation stimulation: teachers put for? ward the phenomena that need to be explained or the practical requirements for the application of the knowledgeaccordingtotheknowledgepointsthey justlearned;(6)Cooperativecompletion:students solve problems through group cooperation, and teach? ers provide technical support in the process; (7) Cre? ative sharing: share the results of group cooperation as ateam. Dependingonthecontent, theresults may be exploration conclusions or materialized works.

In the application of SCS teaching method in sci? ence education, we should still attach importance to"with the help of technology, practice and sharing": with the help of technology, we should emphasize the use of digital inquiry tools, data visualization soft? ware,onlinedigitalresources,etc.,emphasizethat practiceis tolet students get theresults through practice, and emphasize to provide as many opportuni? ties as possible for students to share the process and conclusion of inquiry.

BasedontheimprovedSCSteachingmethod, the curriculum design of unit 5 "magic energy" in Primary School Science Volume 6, Jiangsu Education Press is as follows (the curriculum tools include open source hardware and electronic building blocks)

(1) Situation introduction: teachers propose ex? amples of energy in life, such as electric energy re? quired by lighting up electric lights, and thermal en? ergy or electric energy for driving cars, which leads to students thinking about "things that promote the movement or work of objects";

(2) Simple exploration: teachers use LED lights in creative electronic components for simple experi? mental demonstration. They can work when they are connected to the circuit, but not when they are sepa? rated from the circuit;

(3) Knowledge explanation: after students form an intuitive feeling of energy, the teacher puts for? ward the concept of energy and lists examples of en? ergy in life, which can also inspire students to put forward more cases;

(4) Extended exploration: the teacher introduces the characteristics of the motor that can convert elec? tric energy into kinetic energy, demonstrates the work? ing mode of the motor in the kit, and enables stu? dentstomasterthecontrolmethodofthemotor through imitation, so as to prepare for the solution of creative problems;

(5)Innovationstimulation:teachersaskthe question "how to use energy in life", and ask stu? dents to build a model car that can use the motor to move forward in groups;

(6) Cooperation completion: when the students complete the design and construction of the car mod? el, the teacher will give timely guidance to the stu? dents who have difficulties;

(7) Creative sharing: students show the model in groups, explain the design ideas, and demonstrate the operation of the car. Teachers evaluate the works to promote students to complete the summary and re? flection of scientific knowledge and skills.

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