■江苏省南通市海门区东洲中学 陈秋霞
《英语新课程标准》提出:“学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿,英语课程在目标设定、教学过程、课程评价和教学资源的开发等方面都突出了以学生为主体的思想。”在传统的平行班中,学生的英语学习能力、学习习惯和学习成绩高低不同,班级中两极分化现象也是屡见不鲜,任课教师也时常为了教学进度,只能顾及中等及以上的学生,而英语学困生常常被忽视;在分层教学的班级中这个问题可以得到很好地解决,以下就是笔者通过英语A层(英语学习能力较弱的学生)、B层(英语学习能力中等的学生)和C层(英语学习能力较强的学生)教学学案(八年级上册Unit5 Task)设计案例分析,来谈谈作为英语教师如何实施分层教学,促进不同层次学生的英语学习能力和运用能力的提高。
A层:By the end of the lesson,students should be able to:1.read and memorize some useful words;2.write an article about a report on an animal in danger according to the notes.
B层:By the end of the lesson,students should be able to:1.read and memorize some words and useful expressions;2.organize ideas by making notes;3.write an article about a report on an animal in danger;4.know some writing skills.
C层:By the end of the lesson,students should be able to:1.collect some useful information before writing;2.organize ideas by making notes;3.write an article about a report on an animal in danger and act to protect wild animals;4.know some writing skills.
Step One:Pre-task
A层:Play a guessing game to review something about wild animals we have learnt.
B层:Watch a video about wild animals and tell some names of them.
C层:1.Watch a video about all kinds of wild animals and write down some names of them.2.Listen to the record and fill in the blanks to complete the notes on bears.
Step Two:While-task
A层:1.Look at some pictures and learn some new words and phrases.2.Read the words and phrases in groups.3.Read the notes on bears and answer some questions.4.Complete Simon’s report and talk in groups to check the answers.5.Check the answers together and read the report after the tape.6.Write a report on pandas according to the notes and correct the report.
B层:1.Read notes and answer some questions.2.Make a dialogue to talk about bears.3.Complete Simon’s report and check the answers.4.Watch a video and discuss some questions.5.Write a report on pandas,wolves or tigers.(1)Make some notes.(2)Write a report.(3)Correct the report and give stars and marks.
C层:1.Make sentences with words or phrases.2.Complete Simon’s report and check the answers.3.Know how to write a report.
Step Three:Post-task
A层:Read the reports on pandas.
B层:Show some good reports and which is the best.
C层:Show some good reports and talk about how to ask more people to love animals.
A层:1.Read and memorize the new words and phrases.2.Read Simon’s and your own reports correctly.
B层:1.Read and memorize the new words and phrases.2.Memories Simon’s report.3.Complete your report and make it better.
C层:1.Memories Simon’s report.2.Make your report perfect and put it on the wall.3.Put your writing on your WeChat to ask more people to protect wild animals.
通过八年级上册“Unit5 Task”的学案可见,分层教学能真正做到因材施教,根据学生的实际知识掌握情况和运用知识的能力高低来进行针对性的教学,让基础薄弱的学生也能积极参与课堂,成为学习真正的主人;让基础一般的学生也能成为教师关注的焦点,提升自我存在感;让能力较强的学生不满足于现状,有更高的追求,从而大大地提高他们的能力。