
2020-12-25 02:51
教学考试(高考英语) 2020年4期

Passage 1

I was born in South Riverside and lived here as an adult,and cannot say enough 41 things about this village.I still have friends from my 42 ,and think this is because we 43 as not just friends,but family.Everyone is always 44 to help in times of need.I love living here and would 45 it to anyone!

One time,a Block Captain gave a little live Christmas tree to a man who was very 46 .He had no decorations in his room and always stayed in bed,so he was very 47 by this little tree.The next day,we 48 a phone call from his niece.She said,“Thank you so much for what you have done.After the Block Captain left,my uncle asked if we could 49 him around town to see all the 50 .We had been asking him to do this,but he 51 to try and now he wanted to go out.” She said she had tears in her eyes.A few months later,we learned he 52 ,but felt great joy that we had made his last Christmas a bit more 53 .

Back in 2013 with all the heavy rains,a few blocks of our village were in danger of 54 .A simple social media 55 went out asking anyone who could help 56 sandbags for those blocks to show up at the village that evening.Hundreds of 57 showed up,most were not 58 in danger but wanted to help those 59 .

There are many such stories in our village.Neighbors,strangers,and village staff are much more than fun and nice,we’re 60 concerned about these around us.

41.A.strange B.humorous

C.wonderful D.obvious

42.A.childhood B.youth

C.adulthood D.adolescence

43.A.picked up B.grew up

C.brought up D.took up

44.A.afraid B.nervous

C.likely D.willing

45.A.recommend B.point

C.exhibit D.relate

46.A.poor B.sensitive

C.allergic D.ill

47.A.shocked B.inspired

C.touched D.covered

48.A.received B.accepted

C.replied D.checked

49.A.circle B.drive

C.perform D.introduce

50.A.museums B.decorations

C.scenery D.churches

51.A.prepared B.expected

C.refused D.hesitated

52.A.put away B.passed away

C.turned away D.carried away

53.A.casual B.reasonable

C.comfortable D.merry

54.A.flooding B.sweeping

C.ruining D.floating

55.A.report B.instruction

C.request D.application

56.A.sew B.wash

C.transport D.fill

57.A.residents B.firefighters

C.civilians D.competitors

58.A.still B.very

C.even D.quite

59.A.at hand B.at risk

C.at work D.at random

60.A.carefully B.anxiously

C.eventually D.truly


41.C 考查形容词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文语境可知,作者讲述了发生在South Riverside 的美好事情。wonderful 意为“美好的,精彩的”,符合语境。故选C。

42.A 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“I was born in South Riverside and lived here as an adult”可知,作者仍有从小一起长大的朋友。childhood 意为“童年”,符合语境。故选A。

43.B 考查动词短语辨析。

【解题思路】根据语境可知,作者与他们一起长大,不仅仅是把他们看作朋友,更是把他们视为家人。grow up意为“成长”,符合语境。故选A。

44.D 考查形容词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“I love living here”及语境可知,这里的每一个人总是乐于帮助那些需要帮助的人。be willing to 是固定搭配,意为“乐于……”,符合语境。故选D。

45.A 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“I love living here”及语境可知,作者愿意住在这里,并把它推荐给任何人。recommend 意为“推荐”,符合语境。故选A。

46.D 考查形容词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“He had no decorations in his room and always stayed in bed”及语境可推知,这个男子生病了。ill 意为“生病的”,符合语境。故选D。

47.C 考查形容词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“Thank you so much for what you have done”可知,这个生病的男子对于Block Captain 送给自己圣诞树(这一举动)很感动。touched 意为“感动的”,符合语境。故选C。

48.A 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“a phone call from his niece”可知,大家接到了来自该男子的侄女的电话。receive 意为“收到,接收”,符合语境。故选A。

49.B 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“always stayed in bed”可推知,此处指生病的男子请求家人开车带他到镇上转一转。drive 意为“开车”,符合语境。故选B。

50.B 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“He had no decorations in his room”可知,生病的男子想看一看镇上圣诞节的装扮。decoration 意为“装饰物”,符合语境。故选B。

51.C 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“We had been asking him to do this”及语境可知,该男子的家人过去一直想让他出去看看,但他拒绝了。refuse 意为“拒绝”,符合语境。故选C。

52.B 考查动词短语辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“his last Christmas”可知,这名男子去世了。pass away 意为“去世”,符合语境。故选B。

53.D 考查形容词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文语境可知,作者他们感到欣慰的是他们使生病的男子在他最后一个圣诞节过得非常快乐。merry 意为“愉快的”,符合语境。故选D。

54.A 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“Back in 2013 with all the heavy rains”可知,有几个街区处于被淹的危险中。flood意为“淹没”,符合语境。故选A。

55.C 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据语境可知,一个简单的社交媒体请求发了出去,请求任何能帮助装沙袋的人都来帮忙。request 意为“请求”,符合语境。故选C。

56.D 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“Back in 2013 with all the heavy rains”及常识可知,此处应是装沙袋为了挡水。fill意为“装”,符合语境。故选D。

57.A 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文语境可知,社交媒体请求任何能帮助装沙袋的人都来帮忙,此处指几百名当地居民出现了。resident 意为“居民”,符合语境。故选A。

58.C 考查副词辨析。

【解题思路】根据语境可推知,来帮忙的大多数人并未处于危难之中,但他们还是愿意去帮助那些被困的人。even 与否定助动词连用,表示强调。故选C。

59.B 考查介词短语辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文语境可知,大多数居民居住的街区并没有被淹的危险,但他们想要去帮助那些处于危险中的居民。at risk 意为“处于危险中”,符合语境。故选B。

60.D 考查副词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文语境可知,当地居民彼此之间互相关心,互相帮助。他们真诚地关心周围的人。truly 意为“真诚地”,符合语境。故选D。

Passage 2

It was 2012.I was 33 and working full time as a journalist in Edinburgh.One day,my partner,Claire,and I found a little one-year-old staffordshire bull terrier(斯塔福得狗) online and 41 her.

Everyone told us we were mad,which was 42,but I also feared they were right.Daphne,abused and deserted,whose paws were full of 43 ,couldn’t walk.On our way 44 from the doggy day care,she looked low and 45 ,who barked at the windows and 46 for hours.She would not sleep 47 but on top of us.And yet she was here.I 48 it’s my duty to take care of her.She was my dog and,as all dog lovers know,so much of our daily unspoken happiness is 49 the simple act of watching a dog be a dog.She wanted only to be with us.

What was 50 was how this adopted dog changed everything.Her coming was a good beginning like an epic(史诗).Two weeks after Daphne 51 ,I was pregnant.By the time the 52 was born,I was plotting my first 53 ; eight weeks after the birth,I was writing it.And the 54 ,major and minor,kept coming.

Two years later,I 55 my first children novel about dogs,which was 56 popular among kids and brought me fame.Now,I write these words as she snores beside me,sighing deeply when I 57 her ears for inspiration,as is our way.It would be foolish to suggest that a dog is 58 for the life I lead now.Yet,like a dog carrying a stick to its 59 ,what she brought into my life was the 60 of responsibility.And that changed everything.

41.A.adopted B.calmed

C.deserted D.comforted

42.A.disgusting B.exciting

C.inspiring D.annoying

43.A.grass B.glass

C.dirt D.rock

44.A.out B.there

C.abroad D.home

45.A.upset B.embarrassed

C.happy D.excited

46.A.talked B.whispered

C.cried D.slept

47.A.anywhere B.somewhere

C.anyhow D.somehow

48.A.hesitate B.wonder

C.doubt D.know

49.A.absorbed in B.rooted in

C.set in D.stuck in

50.A.amazing B.extraordinary

C.terrible D.acceptable

51.A.replied B.exposed

C.arrived D.appeared

52.A.doggy B.piggy

C.kid D.baby

53.A.magazine B.novel

C.course D.experiment

54.A.manners B.departments

C.changes D.situations

55.A.published B.bought

C.borrowed D.wrote

56.A.normally B.extremely

C.legally D.slightly

57.A.grab B.beat

C.touch D.feel

58.A.fit B.keen

C.responsible D.hopeful

59.A.host B.owner

C.keeper D.assistant

60.A.response B.desire

C.concern D.reward


41.A 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据第三段第一句中的“how this adopted dog changed everything”可知,作者收养了这条狗。adopt 意为“收养”。故选A。

42.D 考查形容词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“Everyone told us we were mad”可知,此处表示这是很恼人的。annoying 意为“恼人的”。故选D。

43.B 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“Daphne,abused and deserted”和下文中的“couldn’t walk”可知,Daphne 不能走路,因此她的爪子上应是布满了玻璃碎片。glass 意为“玻璃”。故选B。

44.D 考查副词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“from the doggy day care”及语境可知,此处表示在作者他们从狗狗看护中心出来回家的路上。on one’s way home 意为“在某人回家的路上”。故选D。

45.A 考查形容词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“she looked low”和下文中的“who barked at the windows”可知,Daphne 看起来情绪低落且不高兴。upset 意为“不高兴的”。故选A。

46.C 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“who barked at the windows”可知,Daphne 叫了几个小时。cry 意为“喊叫”。故选C。

47.A 考查副词辨析。

【解题思路】根据语境可知,此处表示除了在作者他们身上,Daphne 不会睡在任何地方。本句为否定句,应用anywhere。故选A。

48.D 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据语境可知,此处表示作者知道照顾Daphne 是自己的责任。know 意为“知道”。故选D。

49.B 考查动词短语辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“as all dog lovers know,so much of our daily unspoken happiness”及语境可知,作者像其他的狗狗爱好者一样,他们日常生活中有很多无法言说的快乐都源于观察狗狗在成长过程中的简单行为。be absorbed in意为“全神贯注于”;be rooted in 意为“来源于”;be set in意为“以……为背景”;be stuck in 意为“困住”。故选B。

50.A 考查形容词辨析。

【解题思路】根据本句中的“how this adopted dog changed everything”及下文内容可知,令人吃惊的是这只被收养的狗改变了一切。amazing 意为“令人惊异的”。故选A。

51.C 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“Her coming”及语境可知,此处表示在Daphne 到达的两周之后,作者怀孕了。arrive意为“到达”。故选C。

52.D 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“I was pregnant”可知,此处表示到婴儿出生的时候。baby 意为“婴儿”。故选D。

53.B 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“I my first children novel about dogs”可知,此处表示作者一直在构思她的第一本小说。故选B。

54.C 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文“What was was how this adopted dog changed everything.”可知,大大小小的变化一直在持续。故选C。

55.A 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“which was popular among kids and brought me fame”可知,此处表示作者出版了她的第一本关于狗的儿童小说。publish 意为“出版”。故选A。

56.B 考查副词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“and brought me fame”可知,这本小说非常受孩子们的欢迎。extremely 意为“非常”。故选B。

57.C 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据语境可知,当Daphne 在作者身边打鼾时,作者写下了这些话,当作者触摸Daphne 的耳朵寻求灵感时,作者深深地叹了口气,这就是她们的相处方式。touch 意为“触摸”。故选C。

58.C 考查形容词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“what she brought into my life was the of responsibility”可知,此处表示认为狗对作者现在的生活负责的想法是愚蠢的。be responsible for 意为“对……负责”。故选C。

59.B 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据语境可知,此处表示就像一只狗带着一根棍子去给它的主人一样,Daphne 给作者的生活带来的是责任的回报。故选B。

60.D 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“responsibility”及语境可知,Daphne 给作者的生活带来的是责任的回报。reward意为“回报”。故选D。

Passage 3

Tara Miller sees the world through her thick glasses which only shows her unclear outlines.However,it doesn’t stop her from 41 the exact moment when a new bride throws her 42 into the wedding crowd.

Miller is a(n) 43 commercial photographer in Winnipeg,Manitoba.Born with congenital rubella syndrome(先天性风疹综合征),Miller had her vision worsening during her teenage years.Later in summer 2017,it completely 44 over the remaining 3 percent vision in her left eye.You might think photography 45 seeing the moment,but Miller uses hearing and gift.If shooting baseball,“I hear the 46 of the ball on the bat,” she says.“I have my camera 47 the same way and everything is set 48 ,I know I have that shot.”

To know when her camera is ready for a shot,Miller 49 the movements of the lens (镜头) when it focuses,whether that’s on the sports field or in the 50 shooting a famous chef.51 she has her photos,Miller brings them into Adobe Lightroom to make her edits,52 in to 300 percent,then using her remaining vision to make sure everything is 53 .

Miller enjoys her process of working with 54 where,unlike with a digital camera,you don’t know if you have the_55 until the photo is developed.“I used to get 56 because sighted photographers could look at what they had on their 57 and shoot again while I can’t,” she says.“Later,I realized no matter being sighted or not sighted,you’re still going to have that chance of not 58 it.”

More often than not,Miller gets the shot.She 59 first in National Photography Competition with her image “Fortuitous Twilight” in 2011.The judges didn’t know she was blind until after 60 her the prize.

41.A.observing B.reading

C.making D.catching

42.A.flowers B.money

C.gifts D.love

43.A.ugly B.excellent

C.blind D.thoughtful

44.A.destroyed B.limited

C.charged D.clouded

45.A.cares about B.relies on

C.refers to D.takes up

46.A.contact B.shouting

C.movement D.jumping

47.A.flying B.playing

C.going D.facing

48.A.surprisingly B.straightly

C.perfectly D.expectedly

49.A.watches B.feels

C.hears D.notices

50.A.stage B.room

C.kitchen D.hall

51.A.Once B.Before

C.Because D.Although

52.A.fixing B.zooming

C.looking D.rating

53.A.accurate B.beautiful

C.big D.sharp

54.A.film B.news

C.reflection D.cards

55.A.talent B.impression

C.shot D.ability

56.A.lucky B.sad

C.frightened D.surprised

57.A.screen B.glass

C.eyes D.photos

58.A.judging B.losing

C.recalling D.getting

59.A.represented B.ran

C.won D.appointed

60.A.voting B.awarding

C.naming D.matching

【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。Tara Miller虽然从小患有残疾,但她身残志坚,通过不懈的努力最终成为了一名成功的商业摄影师。

41.D 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“Miller is a(n) commercial photographer”及语境可知,虽然她高度弱视,但这不妨碍她用镜头捕捉到精彩时刻。D 项意为“捕捉”。故选D。

42.A 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“a new bride throws”及语境可知,她用相机捕捉到新娘将鲜花扔到人群中这一精彩时刻。故选A。

43.C 考查形容词辨析。

【解题思路】根据第一段第一句“Tara Miller sees the world through her thick glasses which only shows her unclear outlines.”可知,Miller 患有眼疾。故选C。

44.D 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“Born with congenital rubella syndrome(先天性风疹综合征)”可知,先天性风疹综合征会使视力更加恶化,在2017 年的夏天,她的左眼仅剩的3%的视力也变得模糊了。D 项意为“使……朦胧不清”。故选D。

45.B 考查动词短语辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“but Miller uses hearing and gift”及语境可知,你或许认为摄影需要依靠视力看见那个时刻。cares about 意为“在乎”;relies on 意为“依赖”;refer to 意为“参考”;takes up 意为“从事,占据”。故选B。

46.A 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“uses hearing”及语境可知,Miller 可以听到球接触到球拍的声音。故选A。

47.D 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上下文语境可知,Miller 让自己的相机朝向那个方向。D 项意为“朝向”。故选D。

48.C 考查副词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“I know I have that shot”及语境可知,她提前将相机对准方向,一切都准备的完美无缺,当她听到球击打在球拍上的声音时按下快门,她就知道自己一定拍到了那个镜头。C项意为“完美地”。故选C。

49.B 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“To know when her camera is ready for a shot”及语境可知,Miller 通过感觉镜头的移动来了解自己的相机是否准备好了。B 项意为“感觉”。故选B。

50.C 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“shooting a famous chef”可知,不管是拍摄球场还是厨房中的著名大厨,Miller 都通过感觉镜头的移动来了解自己的相机是否准备好了。故选C。

51.A 考查连词辨析。


52.B 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“then using her remaining vision to make sure”可知,Miller 将底片放大3 倍,然后用她仅有的微弱的视力来确保拍摄的底片是清晰的。B 项意为“将图像放大”。故选B。

53.D 考查形容词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上下文语境可知,Miller 将底片放大3 倍,然后用她仅有的微弱的视力来确保拍摄的底片是清晰的。D 项意为“(图像、声音等)清晰的”。故选D。

54.A 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“unlike with a digital camera”及语境可知,Miller 很喜欢使用胶片拍摄的过程,而不是使用数码相机。A 项意为“胶片”。故选A。

55.C 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“until the photo is developed”及语境可知,你不知道是否有照片,直到你将相片冲洗出来。shot 意为“照片,镜头”。故选C。

56.B 考查形容词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“because sighted photographers could look at”可知,Miller过去常常感到难过,因为视力正常的摄影师可以看到自己拍摄到的内容。B 项意为“难过的”。故选B。

57.A 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“could look at what they had on”可知,视力正常的摄影师可以在数码相机的屏幕上看到自己所拍摄到的内容,如果不当,还可以再次拍摄。A 项意为“屏幕”。故选A。

58.D 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“no matter being sighted or not sighted”及语境可知,视力正常与否,你都有可能没有拍到你想要的内容。D 项意为“得到”。故选D。

59.C 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“first in National Photography Competition”可知,在2011 年,Miller 在全国摄影比赛中赢得第一名。C 项意为“赢得,获胜”。故选C。

60.B 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上文中的“The judges didn’t know she was blind”可知,评委们直到给她颁奖后才知道她是一个盲人。B 项意为“授予”。故选B。

拓展思路 一词多造