
2020-12-19 13:32:01潘文全
太原学院学报(社会科学版) 2020年4期


(岭南师范学院 马克思主义学院,广东 湛江 524048)

在维特根斯坦的所有著作中,《RemarksontheFoundationsofMathematics》基本上不被人接受。克莱塞(Kreisel G)把这本著作看成是天才心灵的无意义成果。[1]达米特(Dummett M)认为此著作存在很多问题,要么思想表达模糊;要么某些段落之间相互矛盾;要么某些段落的主题不明确。[2]491-509安德森(Anderson A)也认为维特根斯坦没有清楚地理解数学基础中的本质问题。[3]481-490特别地,在维特根斯坦对哥德尔定理的评价上尤为突出。克莱塞认为维特根斯坦的论证非常野蛮。达米特认为评论的某些章节,特别是关于一致性和哥德尔定理的部分,要么没有价值要么含有错误。安德森认为这些评论表明维特根斯坦误解了哥德尔定理的内容和原因。古德斯坦(Goodstein R)在他的《Wittgenstein’sPhilosophyofMathematics》中认为维特根斯坦评论不完备性定理的核心是“一个数学命题被说成是真的,它的唯一意义是在某些系统中(不一定是完全形式化的)可被证明,在数学中,真意味着可被证明”,因为维特根斯坦认为,这里的“真”意味着可以在其它系统中证明,因此哥德尔语句被认为可以在某个系统中被证明,但在另一个系统中不能被证明。[4]271-286

但是也有研究者辩护了维特根斯坦。尚卡尔(Shanker S)[5]155-256和罗奇(Rodych V)[6]首先进行了这个工作;另外值得注意的是弗洛伊德(Floyd J),她发表了一系列论文辩护维特根斯坦,[7]指出维特根斯坦不认为在数理逻辑中构造出的数学刻画出了数学的本质,那么数理逻辑中的“证明”“真”就不能完全刻画了数学中的“证明”“真”的本质,维特根斯坦是在利用不完备性定理去论证这个观点,[8]所以她认为维特根斯坦理解了哥德尔定理,而且把哥德尔定理与数论中的不可能性证明相类比。[9] 407



维特根斯坦对不完备性定理的理解是从RFM Appendix III开始的。

首先,维特根斯坦讨论了“质疑”“命令”等语句形式,他认为即使采用陈述句来表达这些语句形式,也没有人会认为它们具有真假值,因为它们与 “陈述”和“说明”等语句形式非常不同,仅仅是一种语言规则,无所谓真假,但是当陈述句被说出时,真值游戏参与其中,它们或真或假,为真当且仅当对应一个事实,为假当且仅当不对应一个事实。(1)原文的引文都放在了脚注,后面不再特别说明。It is easy to think of a language in which there is not a form for questions, or commands, but question and command are expressed in the form of statements, e.g. in forms corresponding to our: “I should like to know if…” and “My wish is that…”No one would say of a question (e.g. whether it is raining outside) that it was true or false. Of course it is English to say so of such a sentence as “I want to know whether…” But suppose this form were always used instead of the question?[10]116-123

但是在讨论数学命题的时候情况发生了变化,维特根斯坦用下象棋来类比证明定理,它们都有固定的出发点和规则。他认为既然在象棋中“输”“赢”只是相对于象棋本身而言的,那么定理的“真”“假”也是相对于数学系统本身而言的,不存在系统之外的事实对应数学命题,这就表明在数学语境中讨论真假时,或者讨论排中律在数学命题中的运用时,就不再是依据“对应”来判定真假,而是无所谓真假,类似于“质疑”“命令”等语句形式。那么在此意义上讨论数学命题时,“真”“假”这些语词是可以消除的,这就是维特根斯坦的真理冗余论。如果在讨论数学命题时引入了语词“真”,那么“真”只能用“可证”来解释,“真”的语句只能是数学系统中的公理或者定理(2)And-you say -these sentences are true or false. Or, as I might also say, the game of truth-functions is played with them. For assertion is not something that gets added to the proposition, but an essential feature of the game we play with it. Comparable, say, to that characteristic of chess by which there is winning and losing in it, the winner being the one who takes the other’s king. Of course, there could be a game in a certain sense very near akin to chess, consisting in making the chess moves, but without there being any winning and losing in it; or with different conditions for winning.。

接着维特根斯坦举例说明:我们习惯说“2乘以2等于4”,而动词“等于”使这变成了一个命题,并且显然与我们称之为命题的一切事物建立了密切的亲缘关系。然而,这只是一种表面的关系。[10]116-123有意义的数学命题与有意义的偶然命题表面上很相似,然而它们是不同的,区别在于后者依据对应必须马上是或真或假的,但前者不是或真或假的,所以它们之间的相似只是一种表面关系,但这误导了数学家用判定偶然命题真假的方法去判定数学命题的真假,甚至在判定真假前就误导数学家去思考数学命题的真假,比如命题“偶数是能被2整除的数”中的“是”误导数学家以为对应使得此命题为真,所以这种表面关系错误地使得真值游戏同数学命题联系起来了。然而,维特根斯坦要求把这两者严格区分开,他认为不需要 “数学真”的概念,进而认为讨论数学原理中存在不能被证明为真的数学陈述时,应该避免使用语词“真”“假”,“P是真的”就是“断定了P”,“P是假的”就是“否定P”或者“断定了P”。[6]

在这种基本思想之下,维特根斯坦用他自己的术语综述了不完备性定理。如果在罗素系统中构造出了一个命题P,且它被解释为不可证的,如何证明P呢?维特根斯坦复述了证明过程:如果它是假的,但又被证明了,这当然不可能了,因为罗素系统只能证明真的语句;如果它被证明了,那么就证明了不可证明的语句,罗素系统不可能做得到。所以P只能是真的但不可证的(3)I imagine someone asking my advice; he says: “I have constructed a proposition (I will use ‘P’ to designate it) in Russell’s symbolism, and by means of certain definitions and transformations it can be so interpreted that it says: ‘P is not provable in Russell’s system’. Must I not say that this proposition on the one hand is true, and on the other hand is unprovable? For suppose it were false; then it is true that it is provable. And that surely cannot be! And if it is proved, then it is proved that it is not provable. Thus it can only be true, but unprovable.。

接下维特根斯坦就反思了这个论证。罗素系统中存在真但不可证的命题吗?这个系统中的真命题在其它系统中能被断定吗?它类似于在欧式几何中能够存在真但不可证的命题吗?在欧式几何中存在可证但在其它系统中假的命题吗?维特根斯坦认为这些都是不可能,因为它们不是在同一个意义上来讨论的,那么如何把“真”和“可证”放在同一意义上来讨论呢?(4)“But may there not be true propositions which are written in this symbolism, but are not provable in Russell’s system?”—‘True propositions’, hence propositions which are true in another system, i.e. can rightly be asserted in another game. Certainly; why should there not be such propositions; or rather: why should not propositions—of physics, e.g. —be written in Russell’s symbolism? The question is quite analogous to: Can there be true propositions in the language of Euclid, which are not provable in his system, but are true?—Why, there are even propositions which are provable in Euclid’s system, but are false in another system. May not triangles be—in another system—similar (very similar) which do not have equal angles?—“But that’s just a joke! For in that case they are not ‘similar’ to one another in the same sense!”—Of course not; and a proposition which cannot be proved in Russell’s system is “true” or “false” in a different sense from a proposition of Principia Mathematica.他认为罗素系统中的真等价于罗素系统中的可证,罗素系统中的假等价于在罗素系统中证明了语句的否定。假设P在罗素系统中是可证的,这就意味着在罗素的意义上它是真的,那么必须放弃“P是不可证的”这种解释;假设P在罗素系统中是真的,这就意味着在罗素的意义上它是可证的,那么也要放弃这种解释。如果P在其它系统中是假的,这与它在罗素意义上是真的并不矛盾,因为它在罗素的系统中被证明了(5)Just as we ask: “‘provable’ in what system?”, so we must also ask: “ ‘true’ in what system?” ‘True in Russell’s system’ means, as was said: proved in Russell’s system; and ‘false in Russell’s system’ means: the opposite has been proved in Russell’s system.—Now what does your “suppose it is false” mean? In the Russell sense it means ‘suppose the opposite is proved in Russell’s system’; if that is your assumption, you will now presumably give up the interpretation that it is unprovable. And by ‘this interpretation’ I understand the translation into this English sentence.—If you assume that the proposition is provable in Russell’s system, that means it is true in the Russell sense, and the interpretation “P is not provable” again has to be given up. If you assume that the proposition is true in the Russell sense, the same thing follows. Further: if the proposition is supposed to be false in some other than the Russell sense, then it does not contradict this for it to be proved in Russell’s sense. (What is called “losing” in chess may constitute winning another game.)。



基于这个错误的理解,维特根斯坦甚至滑入到了认为不完备性定理毫无价值的地步。他认为P本身属于罗素系统的定理,就属于此系统;P又被解释为不可证的,依据他的观点,不可证的一定不是系统的公理或者定理,就不属于此系统,那么P既属于又不属于罗素系统,矛盾就出现了。他认为这种矛盾类似于说谎者悖论,使得语言变得没有使用价值,关注这些矛盾仅仅是因为它能折磨人类,使人类对这种悖论产生兴趣,除此之外没有价值,所以他认为不完备性定理的价值有限(6)Let us suppose I prove the unprovability (in Russell’s system) of P; then by this proof I have proved P. Now if this proof were one in Russell’s system—I should in that case have proved at once that it belonged and did not belong to Russell’s system. —That is what comes of making up such sentences. —But there is a contradiction here! —Well, then there is a contradiction here. Does it do any harm here?Is there any harm in the contradiction that arises when someone says: ‘I am lying. —So I am not lying. —So I am lying. —etc.’? I mean: does it make our language less usable if in this case, according to the ordinary rules, a proposition yields its contradictory, and vice versa?— the proposition itself is unusable, and these inferences equally; but why should they not be made?— It is a profitless performance!— It is a language-game with some similarity to the game of thumb-catching.Such a contradiction is of interest only because it has tormented people, and because this shews both how tormenting problems can grow out of language, and what kind of things can torment us.。






具体而言,维特根斯坦如何进行反驳?实在论意义上的真具有三个特点:一、在罗素系统中真与可证是不一样的,假设P是不可证的并不蕴涵P是不真的;二、罗素系统的所有定理都是真的;三、没有语句既真又假。这也是塔斯基(Tarski A)的真概念,[14]3-34罗素系统完全符合此概念,而塔斯基的真概念中含有形而上学的成分,维特根斯坦打算剔除这种成分,保留“真”剔除“塔斯基真”,那么就必须检查由哥德尔定理所表明的这二者的关系,也就是说对于已证明了哥德尔定理的数学家而言,他们想让罗素系统包含不可判定语句P,就必须依据哥德尔定理采用塔斯基真作为一般真的扩张,避免采用塔斯基真的唯一方法是攻击哥德尔定理,所以维特根斯坦为了反对数学实在论必须攻击哥德尔定理。可以看出维特根斯坦的目标是反对形而上学,形而上学在数学哲学中表现为脱离了证明的“真”,在理论上表现为塔斯基真,而攻击塔斯基真的桥梁就是反对不完备性定理。






首先关注维特根斯坦的一段评论:假设在罗素系统中证明了P的不可证性,不可证表明它不属于系统的定理,又通过“P当且仅当P在数学原理中是不可证的”证明了P,P可证表明它属于系统的定理,这就出现了一个矛盾——P既属于又不属于罗素系统,这有什么危害吗?当某人说“我正在撒谎,所以我没有撒谎,所以我正在撒谎……”,这其中的矛盾有什么危害吗?在这些情况下语言减少了可使用性,命题本身变得无用,它的用处仅仅是困扰人们(7)Let us suppose I prove the unprovability (in Russell’s system) of P; then by this proof I have proved P. Now if this proof were one in Russell’s system—I should in that case have proved at once that it belonged and did not belong to Russell’s system. —That is what comes of making up such sentences. —But there is a contradiction here!— Well, then there is a contradiction here. Does it do any harm here? Is there any harm in the contradiction that arises when someone says: ‘I am lying. —So I am not lying. —So I am lying. —etc.’? I mean: does it make our language less usable if in this case, according to the ordinary rules, a proposition yields its contradictory, and vice versa?— the proposition itself is unusable, and these inferences equally; but why should they not be made?— It is a profitless performance!— It is a language-game with some similarity to the game of thumb-catching.Such a contradiction is of interest only because it has tormented people, and because this shews both how tormenting problems can grow out of language, and what kind of things can torment us.。






不可证明性的证明究竟意味着什么?维特根斯坦尝试了另一种可能性:他认为一个不可证明性的证明类似于一种特殊的几何证明——它证明了一个特定的图形不能通过特定的方法产生,例如通过尺规作图不能完成三等分任意角。这种几何证明包含一个经验的预测,即提前知道了无论多么努力都不能用这种方法做出图形,如果类比不可证明性的结果,它就迫使研究者放弃寻找这种系统内的证明。但是维特根斯坦不认可这种类比,他认为不可证明性结果是一个矛盾,不能用于预测(8)A proof of unprovability is as it were a geometrical proof; a proof concerning the geometry of proofs. Quite analogous e.g. to a proof that such-and-such a construction is impossible with ruler and compass. Now such a proof contains an element of prediction, a physical element. For in consequence of such a proof we may say to a man: ‘Don’t exert yourself to find a construction (of the trisection of an angle, say)—it can be proved that it can’t be done’. That is to say: it is essential that the proof of unprovability should be capable of being applied in this way. It must —we might say—be a forcible reason for giving up the search for a proof (i.e. for a construction of such-and-such a kind).A contradiction is unusable as such a prediction.。

如果不可证明性语句不用这种方式解释,它又意味着什么?维特根斯坦以一种更加一般的方法进行了尝试:数学命题的意义是什么?经典逻辑学家会认为命题的意义是由它的真值条件决定的,而维特根斯坦认为是由它的证明条件决定的。证明提供了判定命题意义的一个标准,如果还没有找到命题的证明,就没有根据去说明它的意义;如果找到了一个新证明,就有了一个新的标准去理解它;而且证明不能从构成证明的概念系统中分离出来,因此语句的意义是由它的证明条件构成的将更加准确。这当然是一种直觉主义的意义解释,但也是维特根斯坦的观点,因为他已经用证明来确定真。所以为了找到命题“P是不可证明的”的意义,就必须寻找它的证明,只有证明才能给出这个结论的意义(9)The proposition ‘P is unprovable’ has a different sense afterwards—from before it was proved.If it is proved, then it is the terminal pattern in the proof of unprovability. —If it is unproved, then what is to count as a criterion of its truth is not yet clear, and—we can say—its sense is still veiled. Whether something is rightly called the proposition ‘X is unprovable’ depends on how we prove this proposition. The proof alone shows what counts as the criterion of unprovability. The proof is part of the system of operations, of the game, in which the proposition is used, and shews us its ‘sense’.。接下里,维特根斯坦把此思想运用到“P”和“P的不可证性”的证明上。[16]207-227

怎么才能把P看成是已被证明了?维特根斯坦给出了两种方式:“通过P的不可证性证明P”和“直接证明P”,即“在元语言中P是不可证明的当且仅当P”和“在对象语言中证明P”。在第一种情形中,维特根斯坦仅仅提醒从证明中寻找结论的意义,他认为意义可能会影响结论,而且这种证明形式不会导致证明P,也就是说这种证明的构造不会被具体逻辑系统的规则所影响,因为它是一种元语言的证明,是超出罗素系统这种语言游戏之外的证明。在第二种情形中,P在数学原理中是可证的,表明这个证明生效了,无论P意味着什么,都不受解释“P是不可证的”的影响(10)Now, how am I to take P as having been proved? By a proof of unprovability? Or in some other way? Suppose it is by a proof of unprovability. Now, in order to see what has been proved, look at the proof. Perhaps it has here been proved that such-and-such forms of proof do not lead to P. —Or, suppose P has been proved in a direct way —as I should like to put it—and so in that case there follows the proposition ‘P is unprovable’, and it must now come out how this interpretation of the symbols collides with the fact of the proof, and why it has to be given up here.。




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