管凌霄 徐长节 可文海 丁海滨 张高锋 虞巍巍
摘 要:采用两段法研究了盾构隧道下穿管道施工引起的管道水平变形特性,在第1阶段改进了Loganathan公式,求得盾构隧道以任意角度下穿管道施工引起的管道轴线处土体水平位移,第2阶段采用Vlasov模型模拟管土相互作用,并求得管道水平位移解析解。通过与工程监测数据及有限元计算结果的对比,验证了方法的正确性,并进一步分析了管道与隧道夹角、管道直径以及隧道埋深对管道变形的影响。结果表明:盾构隧道斜下穿管道施工时,隧道与管道相交角度的大小对管道水平位移造成的影响显著,随着夹角的减小,管道的水平位移逐渐增加;当管道与隧道相交角度较小时,盾构隧道开挖引起的管道水平位移相对管道竖向沉降不可被忽略;随着管道直径的增大、隧道埋深的增加,盾构隧道斜交下穿管道施工引起的邻近管道变形均减弱。
中图分类号:U455.43;TU433 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-6717(2020)06-0054-09
Abstract: The two-stage method is used for analyzing the pipeline deformation caused by the underneath shield tunneling. In the first stage, the Loganathan formula is modified for studying the ground loss when the tunnel axis intersection with the pipeline axis is not orthogonal. The soil-pipeline interaction is studied based on the Vlasov model in the second stage, and the pipeline deformation is also obtained. Then, through comparison with the finite element results, the proposed method was verified to be correct. The influences of pipeline diameter; tunnel depth and intersection between the tunnel and pipeline on pipeline deformation have been further studied. The parametric study shows that the intersection angle of the tunnel and the pipeline significantly influences the pipeline horizontal displacement, and the pipeline deformation increases remarkably as the intersection angle decreasing. The parametric study indicates: a. the pipeline horizontal displacement cant be ignored compared to the pipeline vertical displacement when the intersection angle of the tunnel and the pipeline is relatively small; b. the pipeline deformation is weakening as the pipeline diameter and tunnel depth increasing.
Keywords:shield tunnelling; displacement of pipe; pipe; two-stage method; interaction
众多学者对盾构隧道开挖引起邻近管道竖向位移的问题进行了大量分析,但对于盾构隧道开挖引起管道水平位移的研究还鲜有学者涉及。根据Deane等[19]对Heathrow Express Trial Tunnel的监测结果,土体的水平位移最大可达22.5 mm,Plamer等[20]对Thunder Bay隧道的监测结果显示,土体最大水平位移可达34 mm。如此大的土体水平位移会引起显著的水平向管土相互作用,此时,只考虑竖向管土相互作用无法真实模拟管道的变形情况。因此,有必要针对盾构隧道开挖引起的邻近管道水平位移进行相关研究。笔者拟采用两段法,在第1阶段改进Loganathan公式求取了隧道与管道以任意夹角相交情况下盾构隧道开挖引起邻近管道轴线位置处的土体水平位移;第2阶段采用Vlasov弹性地基梁模型模拟水平向管土相互作用并求解盾构隧道下穿邻近管道施工引起的管道水平位移解析解。随后,将计算结果与工程实测值及有限元模拟结果进行对比验证,并深入分析了隧道与管道夹角、管道直径及隧道埋深等因素对管道水平位移的影响。
1 水平向管土相互作用分析
2 土体水平位移求解
2.1 盾构隧道开挖引起的土体水平位移
2.2 邻近管道轴线位置的土体水平位移
3 管道水平位移的求解
3.1 管道水平位移控制方程
7 结论
2)在θ=15°时管道水平最大相对位移值可达到了8.988 mm,为竖向最大相对位移的46.28%,说明在管道与隧道相交角度较小时,盾构隧道开挖引起的管道水平位移不应被忽略。
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(编辑 胡玲)