How to improve the level of nursing English in practice

2020-12-14 07:19WangYiXuJinying
锦绣·上旬刊 2020年9期

Wang Yi Xu Jinying

Abstract: With the development of economic globalization, China's nursing profession is gradually in line with international standards, which requires nursing students to improve their English. Therefore, nursing students should improve their English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, improve their English vocabulary in practice, and improve their professional level of nursing English. This paper mainly introduces the importance of nursing English learning and how to improve nursing English level in practice.

Key words: Nursing English; Practice; Learning

Due to the acceleration of economic globalization, on the one hand, there is a tight market in the international nurse market, especially after the developed countries in Europe and the United States gradually enter the aging society, the demand for nurses has increased rapidly. On the other hand. In recent years, more pharmaceutical groups, multinational enterprises, academic exchanges need English talents.

I.Language knowledge accumulation

From the perspective of international linguistics, English is not a very difficult language. If listening, speaking, reading and writing can be activated one by one, it is not difficult to learn it well. We can improve our listening ability by listening to English songs and English audio novels; in the process of reciting words, it is necessary to analyze them, especially to master the word formation method and associative memory of words, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort. In the practice of oral English, we can recruit people to practice, practice English with each other, or carry out a long period of English reading, to exercise our oral English.

Ⅱ. Cultivate the cultural empathy ability of English nursing students

The difference of culture brings forward the problem of cross-cultural nursing for clinical nursing, especially in the communication between medical staff and nurses and patients, due to the world outlook, values, cultural customs, communication mode and other aspects, people inevitably encounter communication barriers due to cultural differences, which leads to misunderstanding or communication failure. Therefore, in the teaching, we aim at how to eliminate these obstacles, reduce friction, carry out more effective communication, so as to provide better service for patients and cultivate students' cultural empathy ability.

Ⅲ.Professional practice

In order to achieve remarkable results in nursing English teaching, we must accurately grasp its characteristics. The most important thing is how to create a rich English learning environment in which students can contact nursing English in a natural way, and then learn, master and use nursing English well. We can build a virtual nursing platform. Due to the lack of English nursing platform in China, and under normal circumstances, it is difficult for hospitals to provide students with English nursing practice opportunities, which results in the bottleneck of nursing English learning. In order to better combine English curriculum practice with nursing specialty, schools can carry out a variety of English Viewing, listening, reading and writing activities, such as English dubbing competition of medical and health film and television works, English lectures on health knowledge, etc.

Ⅳ.Further standardize teaching and management

We should strengthen the integration with international nursing education, establish and improve the standardized and standardized foreign nursing English education system, further clarify the teaching objectives, tasks and responsibilities, promote the effective and orderly development of teaching work, and improve the level of nursing English education and management. Reform and improve the education mode. In view of the fact that the students' English level and ability are uneven, we should strengthen the graded teaching, teach according to the material, and encourage the students as much as possible, so as to ensure that the students can improve their English level and cultivate their practical English ability at different levels; we should actively carry out communicative teaching, advocate the establishment of foreign-related and communicative classroom teaching forms, and cultivate and improve students' diplomatic involvement Oral English teaching is not only the focus of foreign-related nursing English classroom teaching, but also the difficulty of foreign-related nursing English classroom teaching. We must pay enough attention to it and guarantee the corresponding class hours and language environment to gradually solve this problem.


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