A teen diet plan for a whole week

2020-12-06 05:49浙江第二高级中学
疯狂英语·新读写 2020年11期

浙江第二高级中学 张 芬

青少年能够意识到健康饮食的好处,但他们也很容易受到速成、“美味”的垃圾食品的诱惑。 因此,为青少年制订每周膳食计划是很有必要的。

体裁文章词数 建议用时约373 7分钟说明文


1. tempt /tempt/v. 引诱;诱惑

2. laden /΄leıdn/adj. 载满的;装满的

3. dressing /΄dresıŋ/n. (拌制色拉用的)调料

4. assemble /ə΄sembl/v. 装配;聚集;收集

Teenagers are smart enough to appreciate the benefit of a healthy diet, but they are also easilytemptedby fast and tasty junk food. The trick of creating a weekly meal plan for teens is to include plenty of nutritious substitutes for sugary foodsladenwith empty calories. Pick a few basic menus for each meal.

It's tough to monitor a teen's diet, particularly when he eats away from home. Include your teen in the planning process, write down the plan and shop for all the ingredients for the week ahead of time. Focus your plan on the calorie needs of your teen. Caloric intake for teens varies, depending on age,gender, fitness level and the goal of weight loss. Keep in mind that teenagers need at least five servings of vegetables and fruit per day, and more is even better. Since snacking is an important element in a teen's diet, offer fruits and vegetables as snack sources.

Teens who eat breakfast do well in school and tend to eat healthier for the rest of the day, according to the Nemours Foundation, a nonprofit organization that focuses on children's health. Pick easy and fast items for breakfast so you don't have to give a lot of thought to what to eat on busy mornings.

Teens need plenty of whole grains every day, so whole-grain toast with peanut butter is a good choice. Add a glass of skim milk (脱脂乳) and a piece of fruit for calcium and vitamins. Yogurt mixed with granola (格兰诺拉麦片) and berries is quick. On weekend mornings, try a scrambled-egg sandwich on a whole-wheat roll for your active, growing teen with a hearty appetite.

Sending your teen a home-made lunch to school is the best strategy for good nutrition. Make sandwiches with lean, sliced turkey. Add loads of vegetables and use whole-grain bread. For teens who aren't interested in sandwiches, make chicken salad with oranges and creamy dressing or send a piece of cold, baked chicken. Stick to your meal plan and assemble lunches the night before. Load at least half of your teen's dinner plate with vegetables and fruits. Consider mixing them with whole grains for visual and taste appeal.

1. What should you pay attention to when creating a weekly meal plan for teens?

A. Making the same menu for teens in a week.

B. Making teens realize the importance of a healthy diet first.

C. Preparing one or two servings of vegetables and fruit every day.

D. Preparing nutritious foods to replace sugary foods with empty calories.

2. What can we learn about the Nemours Foundation?

A. It runs for profit.

B. It focuses on adult's health.

C. It advocates enjoying tasty food for breakfast.

D. It holds that teens eating breakfast do well in school.

3. Who might the text be intended for?

A. Doctors.

B. Engineers.

C. Parents.

D. Children.


Ⅰ. 话题词汇


vegetable 蔬菜

fruit 水果

nut 坚果

bean 豆

lemon 柠檬

mutton 羊肉

eggplant 茄子

carrot 胡萝卜

fibre (食物中的)纤维素

mushroom 蘑菇

cucumber 黄瓜

pea 豌豆

peach 桃子

vitamin 维生素

protein 蛋白质

garlic 大蒜

tomato 西红柿

cherry 樱桃

apple 苹果

water 水


junk food 垃圾食品

cigarette 香烟

nicotine 尼古丁

barbecue 烧烤

cola 可乐

fast food 快餐


diet 日常饮食

balance 平衡

slim 苗条的

benefit 有益于

fitness 健康

healthy 健康的

digest 消化

fry 油炸

roast 烤制的

sugar 糖分

fat 脂肪

food 食物

meal 一顿饭

meat 肉类

recipe 食谱

bowl 碗

fragrant 芬芳的;香的

dish 盘;菜肴

buffet 自助餐

order 点菜

supply 供应;供给

chew 咀嚼

drink 喝

smell 闻

swallow 咽

taste 品尝

slice 把……切成片

contain 包含;含有

raw 生的;未加工的

bitter 苦的

obesity 肥胖

poisonous 有毒的

tasteless 无味的

hungry 饥饿的

thirsty 渴的

full 满的;饱的

delicious 美味的

cuisine 烹饪;风味

ingredient 原料

flavour 味道

pudding 布丁

snack 点心

spicy 辛辣的

butcher 肉贩

bacon 熏猪肉

sausage 香肠

toast 吐司

butter 黄油

stinky 十分难闻的

tofu 豆腐

horrible 糟糕的

tender 嫩的;柔软的

cheese 奶酪

vegetarian 素食的;素食者

sauce 调味汁

home-made 自制的

salty 咸的

sour 酸的

chef 厨师

Ⅱ. 话题短语

a balanced diet 均衡饮食

keep healthy/fit 保持健康

be beneficial to 对……有益

be of benefit to 对……有益

do harm to 对……有害

be bad for 对……有害

be good for 对……有益

protective food 保健食品

digestive system 消化系统

be addicted to 对……上瘾

be accustomed to 习惯于……

get rid of 摆脱……

get into the habit of 养成……习惯

lose weight 减肥

put on weight 增肥

physical and mental health 身心健康

for the sake of 因……的缘故

cut down 削减

according to 根据;按照

be particular about food 挑食

be on a diet 节食

be high/low/rich in... ……含量高/低/丰富

lose appetite for 对……失去胃口

skip breakfast 不吃早餐

suffer from starvation/hunger 挨饿

take in nutrition 吸收营养

takeaway food 外卖食品

attach importance to food quality 注重食品质量

pay more attention to your diet 更加注意你的饮食

Ⅲ. 话题金句

1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,医生远离我。

2. Proper diet, exercise and no smoking will help prevent heart and lung disease. 正确地饮食、锻炼,不吸烟,这些将帮助人们预防心脏病、肺病。

3. Having no breakfast will throw the normal work of our digestive system into confusion.As a result, it will do harm to our health. 不吃早餐会让我们的消化系统陷入混乱状态。因此,这对我们的健康不利。

4. I don't want junk food anymore. I'd like to try some healthy foods. 我再也不想吃垃圾食品了。 我想吃点健康的食物。

5. It seems that healthy foods are more and more unpopular among students. 学生们似乎越来越不喜欢健康食品。

6. It's time for you to swap your chips for healthier foods. 你不能再吃薯条了,应该吃点健康食品。

7. Too much fatty food makes me sick. 吃太多脂肪含量高的食物会让我很不舒服。

8. She is picky about what she eats because she is on a diet.她正在节食,所以对食物很挑剔。

9. If you want to be less sick all your life, stop eating at night. 要想终身少得病,夜间大餐要叫停。

10. If you want to be healthy, have a good breakfast. 要想身体好,早餐要吃好。

11. Small changes can make a big difference to your health. 小小的改变对你的健康有很大影响。

12. An easy way to eat more whole grains is to switch from a refined-grain food to a wholegrain food. 吃更多全谷物的一个简单方法是从精制谷物食品转向全谷物食品。

13. Junk food can be appealing for a variety of reasons, including convenience, price and taste. 垃圾食品有很大的吸引力,原因有很多,包括方便性、价格和味道。

14. However, regularly consuming fattening junk food can be addictive for children and lead to complications like obesity,chronic illnesses, low self-esteem and even depression. 然而, 经常食用令人发胖的垃圾食品会让儿童上瘾,并导致肥胖、慢性疾病、自卑,甚至抑郁等并发症。

Ⅳ. 读后创写

假定你是某中学一名学生, 你校将举行一场英语演讲比赛,主题为“Healthy eating,healthy life”,请你写一篇演讲稿,内容如下:

1. 生活中常见的不健康饮食现象;

2. 健康饮食建议。


1. 词数150左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear classmates,

It's my honor to stand here. The topic of my speech is“Healthy eating, healthy life”.

That's all. Thank you for your listening!

亲 妈