
2020-11-16 07:02雒喜彪
考试周刊 2020年89期

摘 要: 在新课标英语的听,说,读,写,译中经常要表示“除了……(之外)”这样的概念,而相应的介词表达法非常丰富,以人民教育出版社出版的高中英语教材<必修>1~5,<选修>6~8册为例,其中出现的表示“除了……(之外)”的英语介词表达法多达10种,如besides except, except for, but, apart from, aside from, beyond, other than, on top of, in addition to,等。这些都是介词或介词短语,都表示“除了……(之外)”。但你知道这些介词的具体意义和用法以及相似表达法之间的细微差别吗?这里面除了“except”和“besides”你可能非常熟悉之外,其他的是否也很熟悉或经常使用呢?

关键词: 英语教材;除了;用法小结


一、  besides意为“除……之外还有,包括……在内”(相当于in addition to, as well as),其后常跟名词、代词和动名词。如:

Besides Mr. Wang, we also went to see the film. 除了王先生以外,我们也都去看电影了。

What did Tom do this morning besides watching TV? 今天早上汤姆除了看电视,还做了些什么?

而当besides用于否定句和疑问句的时候,与except, but同义。如:

We have no other books besides(except) these. 除了这些书以外我们在没其他的书了。

No one can answer the question besides(except) Tom. 除了汤姆,没人能回答这个问题。

Nobody knows the truth besides(except) him. 除了他之外,没有人知道真相。

Do you have any other books besides(except) these? 除了這些书,你有没有其他的呢?

二、  Except意为“除……之外”(不包含在内),强调从整体中除去一部分,如同without,其后可接名词、代词、介词短语或从句。通常用在概括性的词后面,尤其是用在all, every, no, everything, anybody, nowhere, whole等概括性的词后面。多指对同类事物的排除。

注意:当except用在句首时,其后往往要加for,否则就要置于句后。此外,在介词和连词前,用except而不用except for。如:

Everyone was tired except John.=Everyone except John was tired. 除了约翰之外,大家都累了。

I can take my holidays at any time except in August. 除了八月之外,我什么时候休假都可以。

I know nothing about the accident except what I read in the paper. 除在报上看到的之外,我对这个事故一无所知。

I know nothing about him except that he lives next door. 我除了知道他住在我的隔壁之外,其他情况都不知道。

He usually goes to work on his bike except when it rains(on raining days). 除了雨天,他一般都骑自行车上班。

Bamboo grows well except where it is cold and dry. 竹子除了在寒冷、干旱的地方外,长得很好。

I can do everything around the house except cook. 除了煮饭之外,屋里屋外的活我都干。

三、  But也意为“除……之外”,相当于except,常和nothing, no, anything, nobody, nowhere, who, all, everything等连用,可跟名词、代词、介词短语和不定式。如:We go to school every day but(except) Sundays. 除星期天外,我们每天都上学。

We saw nothing but(except) trees. 除了树木外,我们什么也没到。

Who but a fool would do such a thing? 除了傻瓜还有谁会做这样的事呢?

His house is the next door but one. 他家住在隔壁第二间。

She wanted nothing but to cry. 她什么都不要只是哭。

He did nothing but write a letter this morning. 今天早晨除了写了一封信外,他什么也没做。

注意:1. but与except两者都可表示“除……外不再有……”,但含义上略有差别:but侧重指意义上几乎完整性,而except则侧重指后面除去的部分。如:All are here but one. 除一个人外大家都到了。All are here except one. 还有一个人没到。

2. but后跟不定式,要不要带不定式的符号“to”,取决于它前面有没有实义动词“do”(does,did)。如果有实义动词“do”的某种形式,but后要用不带“to”的不定式,否则要用带“to”的不定式。

四、  Except for作“除……之外,只……”解。用于说明基本情况后又在细节上加以纠正说明,是对主语的内容起到修正的作用。Except for中句子主语或宾语与它后面的宾语不属于同类。如:

The street in the evening is very quiet except for a few cars.=The street in the evening is very quiet except that there were a few cars. 夜晚的街道十分安静,只有几辆小汽车。

(上句中except for之后的内容a few cars与句中肯定的内容the street不属于同类。)

Except for this, everything is in order.=Everything is in order except this. 除此之外,一切井然有序。

Except for one old lady, the bus was empty. 除了一个老太太坐车外,公共汽车空无一人。

五、  Apart from和aside from

二者用法和意义基本相同,都表示1. except(for); without considering“除了(某事物)以外……都、全、没、没有等;除去”2. besides; as well as“除了(某事物)以外……也、还、只等;不止(包含所提及的事物)”只是主要用在美国英语中。如:Apart /Aside from(Except for) the cost, the dress doesnt suit me.


Apart/Aside from(Except for) her eyes shes quite goodlooking. 她除了眼睛以外,哪儿都很好看。

Apart/Aside from(besides, as well as) the violin, he plays the piano and the flute. 除了拉小提琴,他還会弹钢琴和吹笛子。

六、  other than:(usually used in negative sentences通常用于否定句)意为“除了……以外”,相当于except。如:

I dont know any French people other than you. 除了你,我不认识别的法国人。

There was nothing we could do other than wait. 除了等待以外,我们没有其他办法。

We are going away in June but other than that Ill be here all summer. 我们六月份外出;除此之外,我整个夏天都在这里。

You cant get there other than by boat. 除了坐船以外,我们没有其他办法。

七、  beyond意为“除了……以外,除了……(常用于否定句和疑问句)”相当于except(for),besides

I own nothing beyond the clothes on my back. 除了身上穿的以外,我一无所有。

I cant tell you anything beyond what you know already. 除你知道的以外,我无可奉告了。

Shes got nothing beyond her state pension. 除了政府发的养老金外,她什么都没有。


八、  on top of sth./sb.和in addition to sth./sb.二者用法和意义基本相同,都表示“除了……之外还有”,相当于besides, as well as...其后可接名词、短语和从句。如:

He lost his job and on top of that his wife left him. 他失去了工作,不仅如此,他妻子也离开他了。

He writes for the newspaper on top of his regular job. 他除了日常工作外,还为报纸写稿。

On top of everything else, my cars been stolen. 我所有的东西都被盗,连汽车也给偷走了。

He speaks French in addition to English. 除了英语之外,他也会说法语。

In addition to visiting the zoo, we went to the museum. 除了参观动物园外,我们还去了博物馆。

综上所述,这些介词表达法虽都有“除了……(之外)”的意思,但一些介词像apart from, aside from和beyond同时包含besides和except两个意思,须根据语境才能判断其确切含义;而一些介词如in addition to, as well as, except for只含有besides或except一个含义;还有一些介词如on top of, other than, but除了有besides或except其中一个含义外,还有其他意义。







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