
2020-10-23 07:14韩爽本溪钢铁集团英语机关组一等奖
侨园 2020年8期

文 韩爽(本溪钢铁集团 英语机关组一等奖)











The Most Beautiful Heroes of the Day

If you came from the future by a time machine, you would remember the year of 2020 as a remarkable and extraordinary era in human history. You would remember the faces which have been stamped out by masks, and those figures sleeping on the floor after exhausting life saving work.

In this war against the unexpected, and devastating COVID-19 outbreak, Our President Xi Jinping, firmly gave important instructions that people’s lives and health must come first. Wearing white armor and travelling in reverse,millions of medical workers, military and civilian,from the very young to the very old, from students to the worldrenowned experts, with responsibility , kindness and devotion rooted in their hearts, work around the clock to treat each and every patient, from an infant only 30 hours old to a centenarian whatever it cost.

No Man is born brave, but they choose to be.

Heroes are also made of blood and flesh, but they are tolerant of hardship and toughness. That’s why we call them angels in white, that’s why we see light and hope in their eyes, that’s why they are as beautiful as the bright summer flowers.

They also have families and loving friends, but at this critical moment, they gave up personal feelings and left their parents and children, for all the parents and children of Chinese people, the word of “greatness” is not enough to describe this spirit. They are sacrificing for this land and devoting themselves to our nation.

I have a daughter of 11 years old, who lives happily with the companion of my family, but when I realized there were many kids whose parents are medical workers or social workers who fought against the epidemic were left alone to take care of themselves, I couldn’t stop shedding tears.Because I am a mother, I know how hard it is to leave your own children alone at home without help and care from parents.

There is a little boy whose mother is a nurse and father is a policeman. during this war against virus, he got up in the morning by himself, went out to buy food and cook,ate alone, did homework alone, washed at night and then went to sleep alone. He is only 10 years old. But because of the epidemic, this little boy, like his mother and father, is doing what he thinks he should do. His greatness is no less than that of his parents fighting in the front line. Children like him, with the other young generations, are learning to take responsibility. I still remember

his shiny and sweet smile when he was talking to his parents on the phone, that smile is what we call nation pride.

We have to admit we’ve suffered a lot from this pandemic, thousands of people died and the economy declined. But we are Chinese, we have been through so many tough times that we all understand the only way we could survive and thrive is to rise to every challenge under the leadership of the Communist Party of China with our Chairman at its core. There is no other country like our nation that the 1.4 billion people together, men and women, old and young, regardless of the division ,regardless of the labor,have consciously devoted themselves to the fight against human’s common enemy, united in perseverance, united in solidarity, united in a mighty force.

The darkness will pass, but the tribute and respect to the most beautiful heroes of the day will always be engraved in the history and in our hearts.

医者仁心 恩德如山
Two angels for teens amid pandemic 疫情下的青少年天使