
2020-10-22 07:14建筑设计塞巴斯蒂安阿达莫马塞洛费登
世界建筑 2020年10期


Architects: Sebastián Adamo, Marcelo Faiden




邦普朗2169号综合体试图在这个话题中找到自己的定位,由于其自身的体量难以复制大规模项目的组织策略。在这种情况下,设计的入手点在于通过同质空间解决功能多样性的问题。与构建一个容器来容纳已有的功能不同,设计赋予它包容不同可能性的结构。通过5扇垂直于隔墙的飘窗,界定了工艺基础的同时还提供了充分的自由度,形成在功能上不确定但空间上明确的环境。虽然我们的活动范围局限在物理区域,但我们的想象却超越了它的边界,直到我们可以精确地描述它。采用新的方式利用城市,对其功能进行更新,或是更新我们已知的混合功能的外观,这些关注点是进行设计决策的要点。这个项目证明,保持对每个单元使用对象的敏感度,并设想每个空间利用带来的挑战,可以使我们看到一种新的生活方式。□(庞凌波 译)

1 外景/Exterior view

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Fideicomiso Bonpland 2169

地点/Location: Bonpland 2169. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

合作/Collaborators: Paula Araujo Varas, Ezequiel Estepo,Marcos Altgelt, Martinica De Barba

结构/Structure: AHF S.A. Ing. Alberto Fainstein.

卫生设施/Sanitary Facilities: Julio Blanco.

电气设施/Electrical Facilities: Ing. Daniel Gatti.

施工管理/Construction Managment: adamo-faiden

摄影/Photos: Javier Agustin Rojas.

2 夜景/Night view

3.4 入口/Entrance

From the Mixed-Use to the Diff-Use

Finally, almost everybody agrees that our cities should be compact, dense and programmatically diverse. Although there are quantitative nuances regarding these points, most of our efforts aim to consolidate a model of a city different from the positivism outlined in theAthens Chart.

Rural migrations to urban centres overflowed imagined densities, forcing us to abandon the idea that there is a single programme linked to large areas of land. Assuming this condition has led us to imagine different ways to swell and diversify the thickness of our cities. The large-scale constructions called Mixed-Use are an example of this line of work where buildings with diverse programmes converge in a single project. Today we have techniques capable of establishing certain continuity between the proposed city model and large-scale constructions.However, in the range of the average scale, this relationship has not been addressed in depth.

The Bonpland 2169 building tries to position itself in this debate, understanding in advance that its size will prevent it from reproducing organisational strategies linked to a larger scale of work. In this case,the starting point is to address the diversity of uses through spatial homogeneity. Instead of projecting a container to host previously established programmes,a structure open to different appropriations is offered. A programmatically unstable but spatially specific environment, organised by means of five bays perpendicular to the dividing walls that delimit their technical aptitude at the same time that they offer a good margin of flexibility. Although our field of action is circumscribed to the area of material organisation, our field of reflection overflows it until we can accurately report it. The attention towards the new ways of using the city, the updating of its programmes or the appearance of hybrid instances among the uses that we already know, are here moments of vital importance. The main argument of this project is developing a sensitivity according to the objects that each unit will occupy and assuming the challenge of each spatial appropriation allows us to see a new way of living.

11 阳台/Balcony





HU Heng: In amalgamated dwelling design, it is not rare to use balcony as a part of the "interior" space sequence and to define the form of "exterior" façade. But it is a higher level method that applies the proportion system from plane to section and then to façade, corresponding level by level.Since the Marseilles Apartment by Le Corbusier, there have been continuous followers, and No. 2169 is one of them.The designer of the project apparently knows well about the method, indicated by his skillful operation on space integration. Balcony is the key point. Different from the conventional method used on Marseilles Apartment, in this project it seems that the sward and parterre on street are transplanted into the air in pieces, most of which function as landscape and only small section can be walked on by people. The designer probably intends to shape the balcony into an air "wild garden", providing a feeling of being in nature for people living in metropolis. Or, the long shadow and green colour can be used to cool down in a hot summer day. However, to me, a rigid scrabbling up between the nature and urban life is not so appropriate, and drawing the using mode of public space into daily life is even more dangerous (for dilapidating free will). I believe after the sense of novelty, the dwellers may feel a little awkward about the space, and start redecoration: tearing down the iron network, removing the sward, paving slates, and putting down their deck chairs and end tables. (Translated by QIAN Fang)

ZHOU Jianjia: Balcony as a frontal plane. Bonpland 2169 building proposes an alternative way to understand the balcony. The two different components, the balcony and the façade, are unified in this project. Treated as a distinct boundary, the body of Bonpland shrinks inward and becomes the core of the building, being fit and concrete;the external border formed by the balcony is loose and changeable. The full height metal mesh defines the balcony as a continuous surface, while the plants reinforce the contrast between industry and nature. Wild plants are planted instead of exquisite ones. Just because the architect regards the balcony as an integral part of the building rather than a component, it also releases new possibilities in the way of handling, presenting and using space.

12.13 内景/Interior views
