
2020-10-22 07:14建筑设计藤本壮介建筑设计事务所尼古拉斯莱斯内迪米特里鲁塞尔OXO建筑师事务所
世界建筑 2020年10期


Architects: Sou Fujimoto Architects, Nicolas Laisné, Dimitri Roussel, OXO Architectes


2013年,蒙彼利埃市议会发起了一项名为“Folie Richter”的竞赛。竞赛旨在征集一个标志性的塔楼方案以丰富城市的建筑传统。任务书强调,这个宏大的项目必须能够融入其周边环境,同时需要涵盖一系列商业及居住空间。导则还清楚地指出:市政厅想要年轻建筑师及有经验的团队……











1 首层平面/Level 1 plan

2 九层平面/Level 9 plan

3 十七层平面/Level 17 plan

4 外景/Exterior view



这座17层的塔楼完全参与到了城市生活当中,其设计旨在让蒙彼利埃地区内的所有市民都能够进入其内部空间。塔楼底层设有一个艺术画廊,屋顶还有一个与360°全景花园相连的酒吧。这种设计理念增强了人们对于这座塔楼的归属感,它不仅成为蒙彼利埃人的骄傲,更成为一个家喻户晓的旅游景点。□(天妮 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Clients: Opalia, Promeo Patrimoine, Evolis Promotion et Crédit Agricole Immobilier Languedoc-Roussillon, GSA Réalisation (Delegated contractor)

功能/Program: 住宅(113户),艺术画廊,餐厅及全景

酒吧/Residential (113 homes), art gallery, restaurant and panoramic bar

建筑设计/Architects: Sou Fujimoto Architects, Nicolas Laisné, Dimitri Roussel, OXO Architectes

Marie-Laure Coste-Grange (项目经理/project management)

结构监管/Construction Works Management: CAP Conseil, icK

景观设计/Landscape Designer: Now Here Studio

工程/Engineering: André Verdier (结构/Structure),ARGETEC (流体/Fluids), Franck Boutté Consultants (环境/Environmental), VPEAS (造价/Cost management), Relief GE (测量,道路和服务/Surveying, Roads and services), Les Eclaireurs (照明/Lighting), SOCOTEC (检测/Inspection),Efectis (防火/Fire performance)

子承包商/Subcontractors: Fondeville (Carcass), Languedoc Etanchéité, SPCM (钢结构/Steel structure), CIPRES (立面/Façades), ENGIE (电力/Electricity), Midi-Thermique (暖通/HVAC)

表面积/Surface: 10,225 m2

预算/Budget: 税前€20.5M/€20.5M before tax

摄影/Photos: Iwan Baan

A Unique Project Since Its Origin

In 2013, Montpellier city council launched the"Folie Richter" competition. It sought to identify a blueprint for a beacon tower to enrich the city's architectural heritage. The RFP stressed the desire for a bold project that had to fit into its environment and include shops and homes. The brief was clear:the city hall wanted a team made up of a young architect working with an experienced colleague...

Manal Rachdi and Nicolas Laisné, who each run their own practices, decided to call on the Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto. All three of them seek inspiration in nature even if they express it in very different ways. For this project, these three visions would be mutually enriching.

To get the project off the ground, Manal Rachdi, Nicolas Laisné and his young partner Dimitri Roussel flew to Tokyo in summer 2013. For five days, they shut themselves away in Fujimoto's studio for intensive workshop sessions.

Marie de France, a partner architect and current head of Sou Fujimoto's practice in France,was central to the process, facilitating dialogue between the Tokyo and Paris teams. Sitting around a table with paper and pencils, they began to draw in an open and informal atmosphere.

To reinvent the tower, the architects focused on the human dimension, creating public spaces at the bottom and top of the building: the ground floor is a glass-walled space opening out onto the street,while on the roof there is a bar open to the public and a common area for residents, so that even the owners of first-floor apartments can enjoy the view.

An Architectural Feat that Promotes Outdoor Living

But what sets the project apart is its design.The three architectural practices devised a building inspired by a tree, with balconies that branch off the trunk and shades that sprout out of and protect its façades. The attention was paid to its setting, and to local lifestyles, guiding the architects throughout the design phase.

The many balconies and pergolas really do promote outdoor living and enable a new type of relationship between residents. Each apartment boasts an outdoor space of at least 7 m² (the largest is 35 m²), with multiple levels of privacy and layout options; residents of the duplex apartments can move from one balcony to the other. So that all apartments have pleasing views, the architects sculpted the blueprint with a series of spatial experiments using physical 3D models.

The many technical innovations of L'Arbre Blanc include the terraces, whose cantilevers up to 7.5 metre-long constitute a world record. These exceptional outside spaces are fully-fledged living rooms which are connected to the dwellings in such a way as to allow residents to live inside and outside, a luxury for a city bathed in sunshine 80% of the year!

Climatic Adaptability Built into the Architecture

The proportions of the balconies emphasis this aim to embrace the outdoors, as do the leaves that fold out in search of the sunlight. These generous balconies are also a response to the need for environmental solutions closely tailored to the "ecology of the south".Forming an effective protective veil for the façade, they provide the necessary shade and break up skew winds to help air circulate more harmoniously.

A Private Tower with a Generous Attitude Towards the City and Its People

The architects adopted a new take on tower living for this mixed-use development. To cure inaccessible tower syndrome, from the earliest discussions there was a real focus on public space,including extending a landscaped park along the Lez River and opening the tower up to the public.

The seventeen-storey building is a full participant in city life, aiming first and foremost to be accessible to all the people of Montpellier, with an art gallery on the ground floor and a rooftop bar linked to a panoramic garden. By allowing people to take physical ownership of the tower, it will become an object of pride for the people of Montpellier, and a tourist attraction.

5.6 阳台轴测图/Axonometric of balconies

7 悬挑达7.5m的阳台/Balconies cantilever up to 7.5 m

8 阳台丰富了住户们的户外生活/Balconies promote outdoor living of the residents





9 所有公寓都享有全方位的景观视野/All apartments have pleasing views

10 复式公寓的两个阳台通过室外楼梯连接/Two balconies of the duplex apartments are connected by outside stair

11 剖面/Section


LONG Hao: The result of balcony design in this project is a good case for thinking about almost all the basic elements of architectural design, including technique, regional context, residential needs and construction objectives. The development of contemporary architectural technology can realise almost any construction that humans can imagine,hence the large cantilever of the balcony in this case is not a big technical difficulty. In terms of regional context, the pursuit of the indoor sunshading and the enjoyment of sunshine and landscape outside are perhaps a tradition of local architecture, and the design of the project can be regarded as echoing or adapting to such needs.

However, as far as the basic requirements of residential buildings' design principles are concerned, the balcony is generally classified as a "semi-private and semi-public space", while this design is obviously "more public than private". Not only is doing activities on the balcony basically without privacy, the far-reaching overhang can even be visually disturbing to lower level occupants – the indoor activities will be seen by "onlookers", while the long balcony will create messy views when looking out from the inside. In terms of the construction objectives, the design is certainly built to meet the requirements of the project – a "landmark tower", but where is the concept of "integrating into the surrounding environment"? The design is "inspired by nature", yet the name "white tree" looks more like a "tree"or a "hedgehog". Perhaps the beauty of architecture is a matter of opinion. (Translated by Dandan Wang)

QING Feng: The ability to tap into extraordinary potential in simple ideas is a testament to an architect's acumen.Although the designer tends to liken the tower to a tree,it is more reminiscent of Gropius's projecting balconies of the dormitory of the Bauhaus school in Dessau. Comparing the two projects, it is exclamatory that the same concept could be transformed from a dispensable constructional element to a veritable hanging courtyard. Moreover, it is amazing that this is not technically difficult. The more basic the concept is, the more it can influence the practice.The collaboration of the four architects has shaken our conventional perception of balconies, and the possibilities they bring may be a more significant legacy than this building itself. (Translated by Dandan Wang)
