摘 要:笔者在初中教学实践中发现,部分初中生在英文写作中存在无从下笔或千篇一律等问题。文章在理性思考这些问题的基础上,探究其原因并提出建议,以期为初中英语写作教学提供参考。
一、 问题的提出
二、 激发写作兴趣
根据中学生的认知特点,在写作教学中,笔者努力创设一种积极的情境,譬如利用口语交际、图片展示、生动场景再现等形象直观的手段,将学生的认知活动与情感活动相结合。在新目标英语八年级上册“Unit 8 How was your school trip?”单元中,学生写一篇叙事性文章,讲述自己一天的生活。第一次写作,学生都模仿sb 3a片断,写了“a boring day-off”。然而,中学生的学习、生活本应是丰富多彩、富有激情的。正如法国著名艺术家罗丹所说:“生活中不是缺少美,而是缺乏发现美的眼睛。”因此,在写作课上,笔者对写作题目做了重新限定,以“An Unforgettable Day”为题进行二次写作。笔者身先士卒向学生简述了自己难忘的一天,然后把学生分为若干小组,先分享再动笔。这样就激活了学生的情感与写作欲望,为下一步写作打下良好的基础。
写作过程中,一些同学欲言而笔不至,心求通而意未达,思维陷入暂时的混沌,无从下笔。万事开头难。于是,笔者在学生写作前及时点拨,帮助学生开阔思路。九年级下以“my idol”为题进行写作之前,围绕以下话题展开讨论:谁曾影响过你?通过什么方式影响你?与他之间,你记忆最深的一件事或一句话是什么?你最大的变化是什么?让学生在无拘无束的谈话中,相互启发,捕捉写作灵感,理清写作思路。以下是初三学生李向柏的习作。
My dad is my idol who raised me up until today. Let me introduce him to you. My dad wears one of the thickest spectacles on earth, because he has really poor eyesight. His lips are very dark because he smokes, he drinks and he stays up late. Another evidence for this is his big potbelly.
My father has the greatest influence in my life. He takes care of our family and loves us very much. One of his most spoken sentence is “If you do the best, I will give you the best. ” And believe it or not, its true! Another reason is that he is my best teacher. If I have a question I will go to him because he is a genius! Besides teaching us schoolwork, he also teaches us how to become a useful person and how to be humorous. My father can always keep the family with laughter because he is so humorous! In my point of view, his only problem is that he should stop telling jokes at the dinner table. Because one time I laughed so hard that I could not even eat!
在一部分为了考试而写作的学生笔下,写作变成了字、词、句的简单堆砌,读起来索然无味。长此以往,学生就失去了提笔的兴趣,更不要谈写作乐趣了。这是因为语言中少了对真情实感的传达。在以“I used to …”为话题作文时,很多学生简单罗列了十几条自己的变化,初三学生陈城城则跳出了句式的局限,确立“成长”主题,通过描写自己和父亲之间的三个小故事,讲述成长中的变化。文章虽短,却充满了真情实感,让读者会心一笑。
When I was a child, I used to be afraid of my dad. When I made some mistakes, he would shout at me and punish me. I didnt understand why he did that. So if I met him, I would ran away as quickly as possible. I used to like playing games with my friends. But my dad disagreed. He said the games were so boring, only fools liked them. I couldnt agree with him, but I was too coward to disobey him. I used to like playing the erhu. But my dad said he often saw some beggars play the erhu for money. In a word, he never agreed with my opinions. Now, I am not a child anymore. I know how to get enough freedom. And I started to understand my dad. He always wants me to be a real man.
三、 修改润色
修改作文时,尤其是议论文,学生最头痛的不是缺少观点,而是如何将一个个观点按照一定的逻辑整合成一篇条理清晰的文章。修改时应注意理清文章层次、使用恰当的过渡词。例如:以“Should students watch TV?”为题,初三(3)班学生江涛的初稿如下:
As we all know, almost all the students face too much pressure from school. That makes students too nervous to work effectively. I think watching TV in free time is the best way to relax. There are 3 reasons. We shouldnt always learn from books. We can learn things that we cannot learn in class. More free time can help kids study better because watching TV can make their minds think freely. In conclusion, more free time can free a middle school students mind, body and soul, and with a positive attitude. It will improve their scores.
I think its necessary for students to watch TV. Firstly, watching TV in free time is a good way to relax... Secondly, we can learn things that we cannot learn in class. “A free man obtains knowledge from many sources besides books.” Thomas Jefferson, American president said... Of course, we need to choose the programs and control the time while watching.
巴尔扎克说:“当一切的结局已准备就绪,一切情节都已经过加工,这时,再前进一步,惟有细节将组成作品的价值。”细节描写的目的是生动形象,做到写人如见其人,写景如临其境。记叙文,如果说情节结构是文章的骨骼,那么细节就是文章的血肉;有了血肉,文章才能丰满,才能愉悦人的心灵。一个鲜活的细节描写,常常顶得上千言万语的叙述,令读者过目不忘。当然,并不是所有生活中的细节都具有价值,也不是只要写得“细”就可以了。好的细节描写应该是真实的、典型的,最能展现人物性格或表现情节的。以初二学生吴琼瑜的初稿为例:When I was a young girl, I fell in love with drawing pictures. Since then, every weekend, I took an art lesson at school art club...
When I was a young girl, I always drew pictures on the newspaper, the floor, the wall, the bed, on everywhere I could reach with my small pencil. I just couldnt leave my pencil. So my mom decided to send me to an art club.
千篇一律是写作的一大弊病。想要略胜一筹,就要在写作时有所创新,如引用名人名言、添加新颖的观点、变换阐述角度等。以“I like reading”为题作文时,大部分同学的布局都一样:先写喜欢读书的原因,再介绍阅读种类及最近读的一本书。初二黄凯旋同学修改后的文章在文章结构上让我们耳目一新,通过对最近读的一本小说的介绍引出自己喜爱读书的原因及类型。最后一段虽然没有出现“like reading”,却用实际行动更有力地说明自己对阅读的喜爱。引用名人名言也恰到好处,增添了文章的说服力。
I like reading. Recently, I was impressed with what I read, a new novel named “Kite Runner” which told me a story about the friendship in the war. I couldnt put it down until the mid night. Novels are always my favorite. When I was 5 years old, my parents once took me to the library and then I began to fall in love with books. I often go to the library and read lots of great novels, because I can not only make friends with the characters but also experience different lives in the novels. Isnt that amazing? Reading books is also a new way to make my imagination fly, so I really enjoy reading. Just like Romaine Rolland said:Reading books will never make you sigh. Tomorrow, Ill finish reading the ending of the novel. And the day after tomorrow, a new life will start, lots of new friends will be found in another novel!
四、 结语
[2]Jeremy Harmer. How to teach English[J].外语教学与研究,2000(8).