吕小青1, 2,张梦龙1,徐连勇1, 2,荆洪阳1, 2,韩永典1, 2
(1. 天津大学材料科学与工程学院,天津 300350;2. 天津市现代连接技术重点实验室,天津 300350)
结合弧焊焊接的内在特性,给出了机器人焊枪自转角的定义.基于三相功率分析仪,搭建了机器人功率消耗的测量平台.针对1G、2G和3G位置的直焊缝焊接,使用该平台测量了CMT弧焊焊接机器人在不同焊枪自转角作业过程中消耗的瞬时功率. 计算并对比了机器人的平均功率,发现在这3种位置,改变焊接起点和终点的焊枪自转角,机器人在整个运动过程和焊缝段消耗的平均功率都有显著变化. 机器人在焊缝段和整个运动过程中的功率消耗变化规律相似,存在着能量最优的起点和终点焊枪自转角.结果表明改变焊枪自转角,可以节省焊接机器人能量消耗. 在1G、2G和3G位置,分别以各焊接位置所有焊枪自转角组合的平均值计算,最大可以减少11.1%、5.9%和8.3%的功率消耗.定义了功率消耗最小值附近区间表示取得功率最小值的难易程度,发现该区间概率很小,这进一步说明了焊枪自转角对机器人的功率消耗有显著影响,为了减少弧焊焊接中机器人的功率消耗,需要注意焊枪自转角的选择.最后,简述了焊枪自转角与机器人功率消耗,以及工件摆放位置与机器人功率消耗关联模型的建立思想,并给出了相关初步结果.该方面的研究对焊接机器人能量优化和实际焊接生产有着重要的指导意义.
图1 焊枪自转角示意
试验的研究对象为FANUC M10iA/12机器人和安装在机器人法兰盘的Fronius CMT 4000 Advanced焊机的CMT焊枪组成的焊接机器人.机器人消耗的功率由Aitek AWS2103三相功率分析仪测量.图2为功率测量的电路示意.
图2 功率测量示意
图3 焊接机器人运动轨迹
表1 机器人运动轨迹中各段的速度
Tab.1 Velocity of each segment of the robot’s trajectory m/s
2.1.1 1G位置功率测量试验
Tab.2 World coordinates of points A1,B1,C1,D1,and E1 mm
图4 1G位置机器人消耗平均功率等高图
2.1.2 2G位置功率测量试验
Tab.3 World coordinates of points A2,B2,C2,D2,and E2 mm
图5 2G位置机器人焊缝段消耗平均功率等高图
2.1.3 3G位置功率测量试验
Tab.4 World coordinates of points A3,B3,C3,D3,and E3 mm
图6 3G位置机器人焊缝段消耗平均功率等高图
改变焊缝起点和终点的焊枪自转角,测量了机器人在1G、2G和3G不同焊接位置运动过程中的功率消耗.通过比较平均功率可以得出:改变焊枪自转角时,机器人消耗的平均功率有显著变化.在1G、2G和3G位置,通过改变焊枪自转角最多分别可以节省焊缝段11.1%(35.4W)、5.9%(19.0W)和8.3% (24.7W)的功率消耗.机器人整个运动过程和焊缝段功率变化规律相似;且焊枪自转角对应焊缝段最小功率消耗所占概率区间较小,分别为7.2%、7.0%和2.9%.故在实际生产过程中需要注意焊枪自转角的选择,以减少机器人能量消耗.
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Influence of Welding-Gun Rotation Angle on Energy Consumption of Welding Robot
Lü Xiaoqing1, 2,Zhang Menglong1,Xu Lianyong1, 2,Jing Hongyang1, 2,Han Yongdian1, 2
(1. School of Materials Science and Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300350,China;2. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Advanced Joining Technology,Tianjin 300350,China)
Based on the inherent characteristics of arc welding,in this paper,we provide a definition for the rotation angle of the welding gun.Using a three-phase power analyzer,we constructed a platform for measuring robot power consumption. For straight welds in the 1G,2G,and 3G positions,we used this platform to measure the instantaneous power consumption of a CMT arc welding robot during the welding process at different welding-gun rotation angles.Then,we calculated and compared the average power consumed by the robot at these angles. The results indicate that the average power consumed by the robot during the whole movement process and during the weld segment change significantly with changes in the welding-gun rotation angles at the starting and end points.The change laws of robot power consumption during the welding seam segment and over the whole movement process are similar,and we identified an energy optimal combination of welding-gun rotation angles at the starting and end points of straight welds. This shows that the energy consumption of the welding robot can be reduced by changing the welding-gun rotation angle. In the 1G,2G,and 3G positions,in terms of the average robot power consumption at all welding-gun rotation-angle combinations,robot power consumption can be reduced by a maximum of 11.1%,5.9%,and 8.3%,respectively. Owing to the difficulty of obtaining exact minimum power consumption,we defined an interval near the minimum power consumption. We found the probability of this interval to be very small. The study results also reveal that the welding-gun rotation angle has a significant influence on the robot power consumption.As such,to reduce the power consumption of the robot in arc welding,it is necessary to carefully consider the welding-gun rotation angle.Lastly,we describe the concept underlying our model of the relationship between the welding-gun rotation angle and robot power consumption and the relationship between the work piece position and the robot power consumption,and provide preliminary results.Research in this area has great significance to the energy optimization of welding robots and actual welding production.
energy consumption;welding gun rotation angle;welding robot;straight seam welding;welding position
吕小青(1978— ),男,博士,副教授.
Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(No. 2017YFB1303300).