Dongxiang Chen,Siqi Ren,Yuxi Wang and Zhifei Zhang,*
1 College of Mathematics and Information Science,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang,Jiangxi 330022,China
2 Department of Applied Mathematics,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310032,China
3 School of Mathematical Sciences,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China
Abstract. In this paper,we study the long time well-posedness of 2-D MHD boundary layer equation. It was proved that if the initial data satisfies
Key Words: MHD boundary layer equation,Sobolev space,well-posedness.
where(u,v)denotes the velocity field of the boundary layer flow,(h,g)denotes the magnetic field, and (U(t,x),H(t,x),p(t,x)) denotes the outflow of velocity, magnetic and pressure,which satisfies the Bernoulli’s law:
This system is a boundary layer model,which describes the behaviour of the solution of the viscous MHD equations when the viscosity and the resistivity tend to zero[6,11].When h=0,the system(1.1)is reduced to the classical Prandtl equation:
The well-posedness theory of the 2-D Prandtl equation was well understood. For the monotonic data, Oleinik [14] proved the local existence and uniqueness of classical solutions. With the additional favorable pressure, Xin and Zhang [16] proved the global existence of weak solutions of the Prandtl equation. Sammartino and Calflisch [15] established the local well-posedness of the Prandtl equation for the analytic data. Recently, Alexandre et al. [1] and Masmoudi-Wong [13] independently developed direct energy method to prove the well-posedness of the Prandtl equation for monotonic data in Sobolev spaces. Without monotonicity, G´erard-Varet and Dormy [7] proved the illposedness of the Prandtl equation in Sobolev space. However, the Prandtl equation is well-posed in Gevrey class 2 for a class of non-monotone data with non-degenerate critical points[4,8,12].On the other hand,E and Engquist[5]proved that the analytic solution can blow up in a finite time[5]. See[9]for the extension to van Dommelen-Shen type singularity. For small analytic initial data,Zhang and the fourth author[18]proved the long time well-posedness of the Prandtl equation: if the initial data satisfies
In two recent interesting works [6,11], the authors showed that the tangential magnetic field has stabilization effect on the boundary layer of the fluid. In particular, they proved the well-posedness of the system (1.1) for the data without monotonicity under an uniform tangential magnetic field.
The goal of this paper is two folds:(1)present a simple proof of well-posedness based on the paralinearization method developed in[3];(2)study the long time well-posedness of the system (1.1) for small data in Sobolev space. In [17], Xu and Zhang proved a long time existence of the Prandtl equation for the data close a monotonic shear flow.However, it is unclear how the lifespan of the solution depends on the data. Here we would like to give the explicit lifespan of the solution of the system(1.1).
For simplicity,we consider a uniform outflow(U,H)=(0,1)and take κ = ν=1. Let
Remark 1.1. It is unclear whether the lifespan of the solution obtained in Theorem 1.1 is sharp. It remains open whether the solution is global in time for small data.
We first introduce the Littlewood-Paley decomposition in the horizontal direction x ∈R.Choose two smooth functions χ(τ)and φ(τ),which satisfy
Then we define
The Bony’s paraproduct Tfg is defined by
Then we have the following Bony’s decomposition
where the remainder term Rgf is defined by
We denote by Ws,pthe usual Sobolev spaces in R and denote Ws,2by Hs. Let us recall classical paraproduct estimates and paraproduct calculus.
Lemma 2.1. Let s ∈R. It holds that
If s >0,then we have
Lemma 2.2. Let s ∈R and σ ∈(0,1]. It holds that
Especially,we have
Lemma 2.3. Let s ∈N. It holds that
Let us refer to[2]for more introduction.
As in the Prandtl equation, an essential difficulty in solving the MHD boundary layer equation is the loss of one derivative in the horizontal direction induced by the terms like v∂yu,v∂yh,g∂yu,g∂yh. To overcome this difficulty, motivated by [3], we will first paralinearize the system (1.2), and then introduce good unknowns to symmetrize the system following the idea in[11].
Using Bony’s decomposition(2.1),we can rewrite the system(1.2)as
Proposition 4.1. It holds that for any t ∈[0,T],
Lemma 4.1. There exists ε0>0 so that if ε ∈(0,ε0),then
by taking ε0small enough.
The following lemma is a direct consequence of H¨older inequality.
Lemma 4.2. It holds that
Lemma 4.3. There exists ε0>0 so that if ε ∈(0,ε0),then for t ∈[0,T],
In the same way,we have
This proves the lemma.
Let us now estimate the nonlinear terms G1and G2.
Lemma 4.4. It holds that
Proof. Let us only present the estimate of G1. The estimate of G2is similar. By Lemma 2.2,Lemma 4.1 and Lemma 4.2,we have
Using the facts that
we can deduce from Lemmas 2.2,4.1 and 4.2 that
Similarly,we have
Thanks to Lemma 2.1 and Lemma 4.1,we have
By Lemma 2.1,Lemma 4.1 and Lemma 4.2,we get
Similarly,we have
For G14,we use Eq.(1.2)to find that
Using Lemmas 2.1,4.1 and 4.2,we deduce that
Thus,we conclude that
and Lemma 2.1,we have
which gives
Similarly,we have
Putting all the above estimates together leads to the estimate of‖G1‖H3,0μ.
In this subsection,we prove Proposition 4.1.
First of all,we have
we get by integration by parts that
Similarly,we have
We write
By Lemma 2.1 and Lemma 2.2,we have
and by Lemma 2.3,
This shows that
Similarly,we have
On the other hand,we write
Thus,we also have
It follows from Lemma 4.4 that
Summing up all the estimates,we conclude that
where we used ∂tθ+2(∂yθ)2<0.
Proposition 5.1. It holds that for any t ∈[0,T],
Proof. We split the proof into the following three steps.
By integrating by parts and thanks to ∂tθ+2(∂yθ)2≤0,we have
By integration by parts,we get
Similarly,we have
This shows that
The other terms in B could be estimated in a similar way. Then we have
Thus,we deduce that
and for B1,we have
and for C1,we have
Thus,we deduce that
We estimate nonlinear terms as follows:
This shows that
Then the proposition follows from(5.2)-(5.4).
We first introduce the following Poincar´e type inequality.
Proof. A direct calculation gives
Thus,we complete the proof.
Now we prove Theorem 1.1.
Thanks to the initial condition and Lemma 4.3,we have
The uniform estimate is based on a bootstrap argument. Let us first assume that[0,T*)is the maximal time interval so that
where C1>0 is a fixed constant. Let us also assume T*<ε-2.
Thanks to E(t)≤C1ε2,it follows from Proposition 4.1 and Proposition 5.1 that
Let δ ∈(0,1)be determined later. Then we have
Thanks to Lemma 6.1 with α=1,we get
which gives
Thus,for given η ∈(0,1),there exists δ >0 so that for t ≤ε-2+η,
Taking C1=2Cδ,the theorem follows by a bootstrap argument.
Z.Zhang is partially supported by NSF of China under Grant No.11425103.
Analysis in Theory and Applications2020年1期