黎婕 林崇 刘焕霞
关键词:矩形广义系统; 混合H∞与无源控制; 时滞; 动态补偿
中图分类号: TP13; N941.1 文献标识码: A
文章编号: 10069798(2020)02000108; DOI: 10.13306/j.10069798.2020.02.001
广义系统,又称广义状态空间系统,与常规系统相比,可以更好地描述物理系统,因而一直受到广泛研究和关注[12]。而矩形广义系统,作为一类更广泛的广义系统,由于状态变量个数与状态方程个数不一致,因而具有更复杂的行为[3]。从20世纪80年代末开始,矩形广义系统开始受到关注,很多学者着手研究矩形系统的正则性及广义正则化问题[34],矩形广义系统脉冲能控性、能观性问题[56],以及滤波、估计问题和观测器设计问题等[79]。Zhang G S等人[1011]首次提出用动态补偿方法使闭环矩形广义系统正则化;Chen J等人[12]设计了矩形TS模糊离散系统的时滞动态补偿器;Zhang X F等人[1314]又将矩形广义系统相关理论延伸到分数阶领域。由于时滞存在于许多动力系统中,经常导致性能不佳和不稳定,因此研究时滞矩形广义系统的稳定性具有重要的理论和现实意义。近年来,随着线性矩阵不等式(linear matrix inequality,LMI)方法的发展,许多学者对各种系统的H∞控制问题进行了广泛研究[1516]。Xu S等人[1718]对连续和离散时间时滞系统的耗散进行分析和设计;Wu Z G等人[1920]讨论了连续和离散时滞广义系统的混合H∞与无源滤波问题;Chen J等人[21]研究了时滞广义系统的混合H∞与无源控制问题。针对时滞矩形广义系统的混合H∞与无源控制问题,目前还没有学者对其作相应的研究。基于此,本文将正常广义系统推广到时滞矩形广义系统,并利用带时滞的动态补偿器,得到在混合H∞与无源性能指标γ下使闭环系统容许的充分条件,实现了混合H∞与无源控制,并通过数值例子验证了本文结果有效性。该研究为时滞矩形广义系统的稳定性提供了理论依据。
5 结束语
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Mixed H∞ and Passive Control for Stabilization for Time-Delay Rectangular Descriptor Systems
LI Jie, LIN Chong, LIU Huanxia
(Institute of Complexity Science, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the problem of mixed H∞ and passive control for time-delay rectangular descriptor systems, this paper constructs a dynamic compensator with time delay and uses the admissibility criterion of a normal singular system to obtain sufficient conditions under mixed H∞ and passive performance index γ requirements. Firstly, a suitable Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional is constructed in this paper. Then, the derivative term of the functional derivative is processed in combination with the relaxed Wirtinger inequality, and then the non-linear term in the inequality is replaced. Finally, numerical example verifies the validity of the method. In this paper, the mixed H∞ and passive control problem is extended from a normal singular system to a rectangular descriptor system with time delay. The verification results show that the method in this paper has a larger upper bound on time delay, fewer decision variables, and lower conservatism and complexity than the sufficient stability conditions obtained by the existing results. This research is of great significance to the stability analysis and controller design of rectangular descriptor systems with time delay.
Key words: rectangular descriptor systems; mixed H∞ and passive control; time delay; dynamic compensation
收稿日期: 2019-12-02; 修回日期: 2020-02-4
通信作者:林崇(1967-),男,博士,教授,硕士生导师,主要研究方向为系统理论与控制理论。 Email: linchong_2004@hotmail.com