
2020-05-11 06:13夏红梅王荣华
中外医学研究 2020年2期

夏红梅 王荣华

【摘要】 目的:分析酸枣仁汤对更年期失眠患者的临床治疗效果。方法:本次研究对象均为笔者所在医院收治的90例更年期失眠患者,收治时间为2017年5月-2019年5月。将其随机分为两组,每组45例。对照组给予口服艾司唑仑片进行治疗,研究组给予口服酸枣仁汤进行治疗。比较两组患者临床治疗效果、治疗前后PSQI评分及不良反应发生情况。结果:研究组治疗总有效率为97.78%,高于对照组的77.78%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗后,研究组睡眠质量、入睡时间、睡眠时间、睡眠效率、睡眠障碍、催眠药物、日间功能障碍评分及总分均明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。研究组不良反应发生率为11.11%,低于对照组的57.78%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。結论:更年期失眠患者口服酸枣仁汤的临床治疗效果较好,可改善患者睡眠质量,且安全性较高,值得临床广泛推广。

【关键词】 酸枣仁汤 更年期 失眠 治疗效果

doi:10.14033/j.cnki.cfmr.2020.02.020 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1674-6805(2020)02-00-03

[Abstract] Objective: To analyze the clinical effect of Suanzaoren Decoction on menopausal insomnia patients. Method: The subjects of this study were all 90 cases of menopausal insomnia patients admitted in our hospital from May 2017 to May 2019. They were randomly divided into two groups, 45 cases in each group. The control group was given Estazolam Tablets orally for treatment, and the study group was given Suanzaoren Decoction orally for treatment. The clinical treatment effect, PSQI score before and after treatment and adverse reactions were compared between the two groups. Result: The total effective rate of the study group was 97.78%, which was higher than 77.78% of the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). After treatment, the sleep quality, fall asleep time, sleep time, sleep efficiency, sleep disorder, hypnotics and daytime dysfunction score and total score of the study group were significantly lower than those of the control group, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The incidence of adverse reactions of the study group was 11.11%, which was significantly lower than 57.78% of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: The clinical therapeutic effect of Suanzaoren Decoction for menopausal insomnia patients is better, it can improve the sleep quality of patients, and the safety is higher, it is worth popularizing widely in clinic.

[Key words] Suanzaoren Decoction Menopausal Insomnia Therapeutic effect

First-authors address: Wuhan Xinzhou District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wuhan 431400, China


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料

本次研究对象均为笔者所在医院收治的90例更年期失眠患者,收治时间为2017年5月-2019年5月。纳入标准:(1)符合《妇科学》中关于女性更年期失眠的诊断标准;(2)年龄40~60岁;(3)患者以多梦、醒后不能入睡、入睡困难、白天困倦、疲乏等为主要表现,睡眠时间<4 h/d,伴有记忆力差、易怒、敏感、焦躁、多汗、注意力不集中等症状。排除标准:(1)合并有严重心肝肾功能不全;(2)恶性肿瘤;(3)精神疾病史或精神疾病;(4)意识障碍。将其随机分为两组,每组45例。研究组年龄45~60岁,平均(50.8±5.6)岁;病程0.5~5年,平均(3.48±0.93)年。对照组年龄44~60岁,平均(49.1±4.6)岁;病程0.2~6年,平均(3.12±0.34)年。两组患者一般资料比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),有可比性。患者均自愿参与本研究,且签署知情同意书。
