庄霁雯 洪瑾 杨玉清 何彬 徐启华
摘 要 目的:通过对老年患者的压疮危险因素进行相关分析,提升压疮预防护理质量。方法:选取上海市3家市属养老机构2018年6月前入院的188例失能老人为调查对象,采用人口学资料调查表、Braden压疮风险预测量表、微型营养评价精法、洼田饮水试验、Barthel指数评定量表及面部表情疼痛量表对失能老人进行调查和分析。结果:失能老人的Braden压疮风险预测量表平均得分为(15.68±3.98)分,处于17分以下的有86例(45.74%)。Braden压疮风险预测量表得分与年龄、性别、文化程度、罹患慢性病种类及有无罹患糖尿病有关(P<0.05);患者的营养状况与日常生活活动能力越差、自身的疼痛感越强,患者罹患压疮的风险越大。结论:高龄、女性、文化程度低、共病、罹患糖尿病、营养不良、日常活动能力低下及疼痛为临床中可能诱发压疮的高危因素,养老机构在日常护理中应尤其注重对上述因素的合理干预,提高失能老人的生存质量。
关键词 压疮;失能老人;危险因素
中图分类号:R47 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2020)08-0016-05
Investigation and correlation analysis of pressure ulcer risk of disabled elderly people in old-age institutions
ZHUANG Jiwen1,3, Hong Jin1, YANG Yuqing1, HE Bin2, XU Qihua2
(1. Department of Medical Nursing of Shanghai Social Welfare Center, Shanghai 200030, China; 2. Shanghai Social Welfare Center, Shanghai 200030, China; 3. Health Clinic of Shanghai No.1 Elderly Home, Shanghai 200030, China)
ABSTRACT Objective: To improve the quality of prevention and nursing of pressure ulcer by analyzing the risk factors of pressure ulcer in elderly patients. Methods: A total of 188 disabled elderly people admitted to 3 municipal old-age institutions in Shanghai before June 2018 were selected as the subjects, demographic data questionnaire, Braden pressure ulcer, risk prediction scale, short-form mini-nutrition assessment(MNA-SF), water swallow test( WST), Barthel index evaluation scale and faces pain scale revised(FPS-R) were used to investigate and analyze the disabled elderly. Results: The Braden pressure ulcer risk prediction scale score of the disabled elderly was (15.68±3.98), and 86 cases (45.74%) were below 17 points. Braden pressure ulcer risk prediction scale score was related to age, sex, educational level, number of chronic disease and diabetes(P<0.05); the worse the nutritional status and daily activities were, the more pain the patient felt, the higher the risk of pressure ulcer was. Conclusion: Advanced age, female, low educational level, comorbidity, diabetes mellitus, malnutrition, low activity of daily living and pain are high risk factors for pressure ulcer, the old-age institutions should pay special attention to the reasonable intervention of the above factors in the daily nursing to improve the living quality of disabled elderly people.
KEY WORDS pressure ulcer; disabled elderly people; risk factor
壓疮又称压力性溃疡(pressure ulcers,PU),为临床常见的并发症之一,好发于长期卧床患者、脊髓损伤患者和老年人中。压疮不仅会增加患者的痛苦,延长其疾病恢复时间,并且会导致患者病情恶化、继发感染甚至危及生命。有关部门的统计表明,美国每年因压疮并发症导致约6 000例患者死亡[1]。压疮的发生不仅影响患者康复,而且会增加相关医疗护理成本。在英国,每年用于压疮治疗的保健经费约为1.8~3.2亿英镑,而用于预防压疮的经费也在1.8~7.5亿英镑[2],美国的压疮治疗费用每年约为10亿美元[3]。本次研究通过对老年患者的压疮危险因素进行相关分析,旨在通过合理分配和利用有限的医疗资源提升压疮预防护理质量。
2.2 Braden量表得分相关性分析
2.2.1 与患者各项基本信息相关性分析
2.2.2 与患者其他失能状况相关性分析
3 讨论
3.1 失能老人压疮风险研究现状
3.2 失能老人压疮风险相关因素分析
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