赵德宇 田茂鹏
[摘 要] 为研究地铁调车机车在侧面碰撞情况下的碰撞响应,建立了调车机车碰撞的有限元模型,按照不同工况,对其在道岔上发生不同部位的侧面碰撞进行仿真分析。结果表明,在碰撞过程中调车机车的轮对抬升量已超过车轮的轮缘高度,机车存在极大的脱轨风险。同时,在侧面碰撞中机车车体的吸能能力有限,无法耗散太多的碰撞能量。为提高机车在侧面碰撞中的吸能能力,在相关车体设计和优化时,可参考传统轨道车辆的纵向多级缓冲吸能系统进行设计,吸收碰撞能量,减少碰撞造成的损害。
[关键词] 调车机车;侧面碰撞;有限元分析;吸能
[中图分类号] U 260 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 1005-0310(2020)02-0014-06
Analysis of Side Collision Simulation for GCY470 Shunting Locomotive
Zhao Deyu,Tian Maopeng
(School of Mechanical Engineering, Dalian Jiaotong University,Dalian Liaoning 116028,China)
Abstract: In order to study the collision response of a subway shunting locomotive in the case of a side collision, a finite element model of the shunting locomotive collision was established. According to different working conditions, the side collisions at different locations on the turnout were simulated and analyzed. The results show that the vertical rising amount of wheelsets of the locomotive has exceeded the height of the rim of the wheel during the collision, and the locomotive has a great risk of derailment. At the same time, the locomotive bodys energy absorption capacity is limited in a side collision and cannot dissipate much collision energy. In order to improve the energy absorption capacity of a locomotive in a side collision, reference may be made to the longitudinal multi-stage buffer energy absorption system of a traditional rail vehicle to design the side multi-stage buffer energy absorption system when designing and optimizing the relevant car body to absorb the collision energy and reduce the damage caused by the collision.
Keywords: Shunting locomotive; Side collision; Finite element analysis; Energy absorption
[收稿日期] 2019-12-29
[作者簡介] 赵德宇(1994—),男,辽宁锦州人,大连交通大学机械工程学院硕士研究生,主要研究方向为机械设计及理论;田茂鹏(1994—),男,河南焦作人,大连交通大学机械工程学院硕士研究生,主要研究方向为机械设计及理论。E-mail:1053044479@qq.com
0 引言
GCY470型调车机车是一种新型液力传动内燃调车机车,主要用于天津地铁5号线车辆段及其他基地内地铁列车调车作业的牵引,区间车站、隧道事故列车的救援牵引和无动力轨道车辆的牵引作业。该机车轴重14 t,柴油机装车功率为414 kW,最大启动牵引力为280 kN,最高运行速度为80 km/h[4]。机车车体采用轻量化设计,为内走廊式底架承载双司机室结构,车体部分主要由底架、司机室、侧墙和顶棚组成,走行部装有2台二轴转向架。整车结构如图1所示。