
2020-04-16 08:08伍京华韩佳丽王佳莹
管理工程学报 2020年2期




(中国矿业大学(北京)管理学院,北京 100083)



0 引言



其次,在 Agent情感劝说领域,文献[13]构建了基于情感识别的自适应多Agent的虚拟ICAI系统及模型框架。对于情感劝说能力,文献[14-16]提出让计算机具有情感能力,从而有效地模仿人的行为。文献[17-18]通过模拟虚拟的学习环境,运用人工心理与情感计算相关理论,研究了Agent的情感产生与发展机制、学习动机及其与学习情感的映射关系,从而实现了相应的智能Agent。文献[19-21]以Agent的面部运动为出发点,提出了Agent情感状态的描述方法,实现了Agent的个性化情感表达输出。文献[22]对Agent的个性、心情及情感三者之间的关系进行量化,构建了一种多层次情感计算模型,并通过该模型反映了多重情感的连续波动,进而反映人类的情感变化。文献[23]将生理、认知、情感方面的研究成果运用到了Agent领域,通过构建情感计算模型,使Agent产生具体的情感行为。文献[24-25]以情感的动态性和模糊性为切入点,提出了基于模糊逻辑的教学Agent的情感建模方法,构建了相应的情感Agent的反馈策略。文献[26-29]则在情感分类的基础上,研究了不同情感状态对Agent劝说的影响程度,以及相应的让步幅度。文献[30-32]分别从Agent交互过程、劝说技术、劝说策略角度出发,将情感引入Agent中,构建情感Agent,使其在交互、劝说过程中更符合人的行为。以上学者均提出了Agent的情感模型,但是仅停留在Agent情感劝说层面,并未考虑情感与决策过程相融合,更好地模拟人的行为。




1 基于Agent的情感劝说的决策过程及划分

1.1 基于Agent的情感劝说的决策过程

定义1 基于Agent 的情感劝说

定义2 基于Agent 的情感劝说的Agent个性

定义3 基于Agent 的情感劝说的决策过程

1.2 基于Agent的情感劝说的决策过程划分


图1 基于Agent的情感劝说的决策过程划分

Table 1 Decision process for emotional persuasions of an agent





2 基于Agent的情感劝说的决策过程模型


2.1 评价情感劝说行为模型

2.2 更新情感劝说状态模型


2.3 调整情感劝说目标模型

2.3.1 情感触发与评价







2.3.2 调整情感劝说目标

表1 Agent的映射规则

2.4 产生情感劝说行为模型




表2 Agent的情感状态效用评价值和劝说行为类型的匹配规则

从表2 来看,Agent在进行决策时,根据情感状态效用评价值和劝说行为类型的匹配规则,确定要输出的Agent劝说行为的类别,并将该行为发送给对方Agent。

3 算例仿真

表3 谈判过程中各属性的取值范围

Table 3 Ranges of attributes in negotiation process




4 结论






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Agent-based on emotional persuasion decision process and model

WU Jinghua, HAN Jiali, WANG Jiaying

( School of management, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China)

With the rise of the Internet environment, automatic negotiation has become a research hotspot in the field of artificial intelligence. Especially in the complex negotiation environment, Agent has made the negotiation process more efficient because of its unique intelligence and interaction, and persuasive negotiation takes full consideration of persuasion factors and makes full use of persuasion, making the negotiation process more rational. Because emotion affects human cognition, goal and behavior, it plays an important role in human decision-making process. Therefore, emotion is an integral part of the field of artificial intelligence. Emotion is introduced into the field of Agent persuasion. By constructing emotional Agent, the intelligence and adaptability of Agent are improved and agent persuasion behavior is made. It is more consistent with human behavior, which has become the consensus of scholars.

In the related research, the scholars and experts in this field have studied the persuasion based on Agent and the construction of emotional Agent from different angles, but there are the following problems: 1. the research on emotion is not comprehensive, especially the study of emotion calculation; 2. the research on the application of emotional theory to the Agent persuasion field is less; 3. to Agent More research is on the protocol mechanism, less research on the process of persuasion, especially the influence of emotion on the Agent persuasion process.

In order to solve these problems effectively, this paper takes emotion as an important factor in the process of Agent persuasion, and focuses on Agent's emotional persuasion decision-making process. First, the formal model based on the Agent emotional persuasion decision process is defined. Then the emotional persuasion decision-making process is defined and divided. The emotional persuasion decision process based on Agent is divided into four stages: the evaluation of emotional persuasion, the renewal of emotional persuasion, the adjustment of the emotional persuasion target, and the emotional persuasion. Secondly, through the influence of Agent's personality on emotional trigger threshold, the emotion desalination factor is introduced, Agent emotional trigger function is defined, and the renewal emotion is built in the persuasion state model. Again, the mapping relationship between eight basic emotions and targets is established by defining emotional evaluation factors, and the emotional persuasion target model is constructed. In the end, the emotional persuasion behavior is divided into four categories: incentive emotional persuasion, pleading emotional persuasion, threatening emotional persuasion and antiplea emotional persuasion, and setting up the principle of emotional persuasion and target matching, and constructing emotional persuasion behavior model. Finally, a complete emotional persuasion decision-making process is formed, and the rationality and validity of the model is proved by an example.

To illustrate the above decision process and the effectiveness of the model, an example is designed and analyzed. The example shows that emotional persuasion plays an important role in the decision-making process of Agent and the generation of emotional persuasion. If Agent evaluates the current persuasion to produce happy, dependent, relaxed, gentle, and so on, the emotion that has positive pleasure will encourage Agent to generate incentive or plea emotional persuasion. On the contrary, the feelings of negative pleasure, such as hostility, disdain, boredom, and anxiety, may cause Agent to defer or plead. Type of emotional persuasion. Based on this, the validity of the model is verified, and the important influence of emotion on persuasion decision process is also illustrated.

Agent; Emotional persuasion; Decision making process; Decision making model



Funded Project: Supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2009QG03)









中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Boping Yan

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