
2020-04-16 08:07陈鹏宇
管理工程学报 2020年2期

周 品,徐 和,陈鹏宇,陆 芬


周 品1,徐 和1,陈鹏宇2,陆 芬1

(1.华中科技大学管理学院,湖北 武汉 430074;2.华中师范大学信息管理学院,湖北 武汉 430079)



0 引言


本研究与传统多产品系统生产决策和联产品系统生产决策两个领域密切相关。在传统多产品系统生产决策方面,学者们进行了大量的研究。其中,Palar[6]分析了在可替代随机需求下,双寡头的均衡产量决策。Lippman and McCardle[7]和Cachon[8]对Palar[6]进行延伸,讨论了在不同分配规则下的多产品产量决策。Ozer et al.[9]通过数学规划的方法研究了有VaR约束的多产品系统问题。Bernsteinet al.[10]在分散式供应链结构下,分析了竞争零售商面临需求不确定时的均衡产量决策。Li et al.[11]分析了存在过度自信行为环境下,竞争企业的均衡产量决策。但上述研究探讨传统多产品系统的产量决策,而本文章探讨在联产品系统(同一原料的投入量受到各产出品需求共同影响)中,面临受价格影响的随机需求时,企业的最优价格和生产量的联合决策。

在研究联产品系统生产策略的文献中,Bitran and Dasu[12]和Bitran et al.[13]分析了确定需求随机产出率条件下多周期的联产品生产问题,并提出有效的启发式算法。Gerchak et al.[14]得出确定需求随机产出率条件下单周期联产品系统的最优生产和替代决策。Hsu and Bassok[15]和Rao et al.[16]分析了单周期随机产出随机需求环境下联产品系统最优产量。但上述文献仅考虑联产品系统的产量决策。与之对应,部分学者则考察了联产品系统联合决策。其中,Tomlin, Wang[3]分析了单周期条件下联产品系统在随机产出率和随机需求环境中最优生产、向下替代和价格决策。Boyabatli et al.[2]研究了在面临随机需求和随机原材料价格时,联产品系统的最优原材料购买、加工生产及价格策略。在单周期条件下,Dong et al.[5]分析了在面对随机原材料价格和随机销售价格时,联产品系统的最优生产和转换策略,并讨论了转换柔性的重要性。Boyabatlı[1]分析了联产品系统在随机需求和单周期条件下的最优产量和技术选择策略。Lee[17]分析了确定性环境和单周期条件下联产品系统的最优生产和定价策略,并讨论了副产品协同的环保和成本节约效果。Chen et al.[18]讨论了单周期随机需求条件下联产品系统的产品线设计及定价问题。但上述研究大多数未考虑产品的定价决策。与之对应,本研究在单周期下,探讨各产品需求受价格影响且随机的环境下,联产品系统的最优价格和产量决策;探讨价格敏感度和各产品的产出比例对最优决策的影响。

1 模型描述

图1 联产品生产示意图

Figure 1 Schematic diagram of joint product production

2 两阶段优化模型求解


2.1 第二阶段:联产品制造商的价格决策


不同于Petruzzi et al.[15]的利润函数形式,我们采用Chen et al.[20][21]等文献的假设,不能满足的市场需求在期末将面临单位惩罚成本。该成本可代表相应的紧急生产成本和对顾客的延迟支付成本。该利润函数中,第一项为销售各产品的期望收益;第二项为各产品的残值收益,第三项为缺货损失。优化(1)式,可以得到以下结论:


2.2 第一阶段:联产品制造商的订货量决策









3.1 价格敏感系数对最优决策的影响

表1 价格敏感系数对制造商的影响



3.2 产出比例对最优决策的影响

表2 产出比例对制造商的影响



4 结论及展望



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Co-product’s joint pricing and quantity decisions with stochastic demand and fixed proportion technology

ZHOU Pin1, XU He1, CHEN Pengyu2, LU Fen1

(1.School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China; 2.School of Information Management, Central China of Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China)

The co-production system refers to a system that can simultaneously generate multiple products in the same production process, and has a wide range of applications in practice. In the agro-processing industry, sugar cane processing can simultaneously produce edible sugar and animal feed; in the meat processing industry, beef can be processed to produce high-quality beef and ordinary beef at the same time; in the semiconductor processing industry, the wafer can be simultaneously processed into different grades of chips; and in the petroleum refining industry, crude oil is processed to produce both light and heavy oil. In a traditional production system, one raw material (production capacity) yields only one product. The manufacturer can determine the production quantity of each product according to the resource demand characteristics (i.e., the input amounts of various raw materials); likewise, the co-production system yields a plurality of products according to a fixed ratio by processing the same raw material. Therefore, when considering the continued input of the same raw material (capacity), the manufacturer needs to comprehensively consider the demand characteristics of each terminal market and the costs of comparable production processes to make appropriate decisions.

Research on the co-production system has significant practical and theoretical value. From a practical perspective, effective management of the system can not only greatly enhance enterprise profits, but also play an environmental role. From a theoretical perspective, the co-production system creates value through cost sharing, which is significantly different from the production risk-sharing effect. When the demand correlation increases, the effect of capacity sharing is diminished and the effect of cost sharing enhanced. In addition, the profit improvement through flexible pricing strategy and conversion flexibility strategy is greater than the impact of the final product replacement. Although the co-production system has a wide range of applications in various industries, few theoretical studies have been conducted on the system, many of which often overlook random factors that may influence the system.

Based on fixed-scale production technology and multi-product random demand situations, the two-stage production and price joint optimization model of the joint production manufacturer was studied. Through the optimization of reverse pushback, the optimal yield, price decision, and change law of the co-production manufacturer are obtained. At the same time, the influence of fluctuating demand on the equilibrium is observed where the demand obeys the uniform distribution. Through numerical simulation, the influence of price sensitivity and the output ratio on optimal decision-making and profit is analyzed. The study yielded the following interesting conclusions. First, when the order cost is low and the demand fluctuation of Product 2 is large, the fluctuation of Product 1 will decrease, increasing its optimal order quantity and decreasing its price; on the contrary, when the demand fluctuation of Product 2 is less volatile, the increase in the volatility of Product 1 will result in a decrease in its optimal order quantity and an increase in its price. Second, given the price sensitivity of Product 1, the price sensitivity of Product 2 will rise, its price will drop, and its order quantity will decrease; at the same time, if the price of Product 1 is raised, the overall profit of the manufacturer will drop. Third, when the output ratio of Product 1 is fixed and the output ratio of Product 2 is raised, the price of Product 1 rises, and that of Product 2 falls, along with its order quantity; as a result, the total profit is higher.

Stochastic demand; Co-production system; Pricing policy



Funded Project: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71271092)









中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Boping Yan
