
2020-04-02 20:02庞凌波
世界建筑 2020年2期


1 主街道立面,突出的天井及垂直的服务巷道/View of main street façade with protruding daybed pods and vertical service alleys










露天影院(nahng glang plang)

过去作为停车场使用的酒店的庭院空间,被改造为一个露天影院。受到泰国当地乡村传统在节日期间临时放映电影的启发,这个空间为城市互动创造了一个新的机会。庭院中心的游泳池,实际上是充满水的休息室,可以让电影观众在观赏影片的同时浸泡和消暑。每个客房都设计了一种新型阳台,居住者可以坐在边缘悬着脚观看电影。阳台使酒店住客朝向户外,不仅看电影,还可以跨越庭院与他们的邻居面对面,从而鼓励住客之间的视线和语言联系,避免他们被孤立在房间内与智能设备作伴。特别的爆米花配送系统,还在观影期间为每一个阳台上的客人提供小吃和饮料。□(庞凌波 译)






2 原有机动车内院/Existing auto courtyard

3 原有街景,入院通道/Existing street view, couryard tunnel

4 实景,小巷作为街头音乐会的垂直舞台/Day view, the "soi"as vertical stage for street concert

5.6 人行露台实景,露台连接人行道上的活动/Day view, the"rabeang", connections to sidewalk activity

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: L. S. Hotels & Resorts Group

建筑设计/Architects: CHAT architects

项目负责人/Principal-in-Charge: Chatpong Chuenrudeemol

设计团队/Design Team: Prueksakun Kornudom, Karn Chuensriswang, Natthapakorn Kapukum

结构工程师/Structural Engineer: Sarawut Yuanteng

灯光设计顾问/Lighting Design Consultant: Gooodlux Design Consultancy

总承建/General Contractor: 52 Islands Group

结构体系/Structural System: Nuttanon Pongpanit材料/Material:

外饰面/Exterior Finishes: 抛光混凝土石膏,染色石膏,彩钢/polished concrete plaster, painted plaster, painted steel

内饰面/Interiors Finishes: 抛光混凝土石膏,染色石膏,彩钢,木纹乙烯地板(客房),环氧树脂地板(走廊),水

泥仿古瓷砖地面(餐厅)/polished concrete plaster, painted plaster, painted steel, wood-pattern vinyl flooring (guest rooms), epoxy flooring (corridors), cement antique tile flooring(restaurant)

场地面积/Site Area: 1400m2

总建筑面积/Total Floor Area: 2560m2

建筑高度/Height: 4 层/Stories

设计时间/Design Period: 2017.02-2017.10

施工时间/Construction Period: 2017.11- 2019.06

绘图/Drawings: CHAT architects

摄影/Photos: W Workspace



The Samsen STREET Hotel involves the renovation of a 30-year-old curtain sex motel through the insertion of a "living scaffolding". The green framework transforms a once dark and introverted sex motel into a neighbourhood "street" hotel by promoting new types of urban activities derived from forgotten/neglected Thai urban and rural traditions. In providing stations for local street food vendors, showcasing outdoor movies, and staging neighbourhood concerts for local musicians, the Samsen STREET Hotel re-defines the idea of Southeast Asian urban-tropical community with programmes that are uniquely Bangkok.

This new steel frame interface of the building is derived from homemade scaffolding structures found in CHAT architects' long time research subjects - Bangkok Bastards[1](or Thai street vernacular hybrids). These verandah-style structures are integral architectural components found in the city's many street vernacular typologies. From temporary construction worker houses to informal shantytowns, these scaffolding encasements create tropical transition zones in dense urban and rural buildings that become the setting for planned, accidental, and surprise urban activities.

The two major architectural components of the hotel can be clearly perceived - the original structure is re-finished in plain polished cement plaster while the new light steel scaffolding is a powder-coated in a mint green. (The colour is inspired by the neighbourhood's late-Modern shop houses, commonly painted in a pastel blue, pastel pink, pastel purple, and most popular pastel green). The scaffolding consists of 3 components: the"soi" (alley), the "rabeang" (sidewalk terrace), and the"nahng glang plang" (outdoor movie theatre).The "soi" (alley)

From the beginning, the client's major requirement for the renovation was for each existing guest room to increase its capacity from sleeping two people to three people, thereby increasing income for extra guest provision. This expansion comes in the form of a cantilevered sleeping pod projected from the street elevation of each room. The 1.5-metre deep daybed extrusions, in turn, create a vertical "soi", or alley,condition…which allow plumbers, air conditioning repairmen and other building maintenance personnel to service water pipes, electrical conduits, and a/c condensers proudly exposed in the meandering façade voids. MEP engineering systems are now exposed, easily serviced, and celebrated as integral components of tropical urban architecture.

However, on special occasions, the northwest corner of this unique façade alleyway transforms into a vertical stage where street musicians can perform for the neighbourhood.

The "rabeang" (sidewalk terrace)

The sidewalk terrace (rabeang) area makes to the most of the frequently under-utilized 6-meter setback zone between the building and the property line. Here, a canopied scaffolding connects hotel lobby and restaurant to sidewalk, creating a zone of urban interaction between hotel guests and passer-bys for eating, drinking, chatting. Special mobile "street"furniture designed for the area can also be rolled out to"colonise" the street and sidewalks during holidays and festivals when auto traffic is closed off.

The west facing terrace adjacent to the small alley allows local food vendors to "plug in" for electricity and water to cook, serve, and sell their street food. The collaborative social/financial handshake agreement between hotel owner and local street vendors suggests a new neighbourhood business model. Whereas previously, hotel establishments would see food vendors as potential competitive threats to their own F&B operations, the owner of the hotel, once a street vendor himself, sees the social and economic benefits of mutual collaboration. On the one hand, the hotel is able to support, "brand", and to integrate an authentic cultural aspect of Bangkok culture (street food) into its hotel programme. On the other hand, neighbouring street food vendors can rely on hotel guests as potential customers and are able to find a sanctioned refuge for their street food activities at a time when their livelihood is under heavy scrutiny by government officials during a nationwide campaign to "clean up"Thai streets.

The "nahng glang plang" (outdoor theatre)

Previously used as a drive-in auto court, the central void of the hotel has been transformed into an outdoor theatre (nahng glang plang). Inspired by local Thai rural traditions of pop-up movies during holiday festivals, this space creates a new opportunity for urban interaction. The swimming pool at the centre of the court is a water-filled lounge that allows movie-goers to soak and cool off while enjoying the film. A new type of balcony was created for each guest room, allowing occupants to dangle their feet to watch the movie. The balcony forces guests to turn and face outward to not only watch the movie, but to face their neighbours across the court… thereby encouraging visual and verbal connections amongst guests who otherwise would be isolated in their rooms with their devices. A special popcorn delivery pulley system supplies guests on every balcony with movie time snacks and drinks.□

7 原有结构与延伸出的坐卧两用床以及功能性脚手架/Existing structure with daybed extrusions and programmed scaffolding 8 脚手架系统/Programmed scaffolding isolated

9 泳池休息内院实景,由可以吊腿而坐的客房阳台环绕/Day view of pool lounge court, surrounded by guest room balconies with leg-dangling seats






10 泳池休息内院夜景,由可以吊腿而坐的客房阳台环绕/Night view of pool lounge court, surrounded by guest room balconies with leg-dangling seats

11 客房阳台/Guest room balconies(图片来源/Sources: Room Magazine, Thailand)

12 从客房看泳池休息内院夜景/Night view of pool lounge court from guest room

13 从外部看泳池休息内院夜景/Night view of pool lounge court from outside


14 画面右侧是主街道里面,被改造为垂直舞台使用。左侧,街坊与路人可在这里享受免费的街头音乐会/On the right,a view of the main street façade transformation into a vertical stage. Neighbours and pedestrians enjoying the free street concert on the left






15.16 夜晚街头音乐会时,主街道立面作为垂直舞台,前景中,水果车经“混血”变为可移动休闲椅/Night view of main street façade utilised as vertical stage during evening street concert. Fruit carts "bastardised" into mobile lounge chairs in the foreground


ZHANG Lufeng: This is a research design project.The architects constantly concerned and studied the informal building phenomena under the urban context.They copied the scaffolding commonly used by the local residents for space expansion in the renovation of this hotel, and developed this form into an architectural language that is both problem-solving and expressive.The see-through "scaffolding" not only maintains the original architectural information, but also extends the existing architectural function. The nostalgic atmosphere added to the building effectively shifts the negative stereotype of sex motels. Also notably, this building has an open heart for the local community, by willingly transferring part of its interests to the street vendors. It even regards the vendors as a local cultural expression, and works it out as a win-win situation.(Translated by WANG Xinxin)

CHENG Xiaoqing: The project makes the very best of a simple form derived from spontaneous architecture and scaffoldings. The existing stark and boring building seems to have vanished. In the newly-created transitional space that is adapted to the tropical climate, seeing and being seen are both positive choices. Young people's endless vitality is injected into places like the cantilevered sleeping cabin, the exposed equipment system, as well as the alleys,terraces, vertical stages, and open-air cinemas that are interspersed in between. The scheme also offers an effective alternative to the use of the setback space between the building and the street. The retractable awnings and portable furniture allow the setback space to switch between a sidewalk during the day and a performance space at night. The night view of the building is particularly stunning. The lighting is closely integrated with the form of the building, illuminating every corner of the hotel and the entire community.(Translated by MU Zhuoer)

锦江股份:受累七天酒店调整5月Rev PAR增速放缓