
2020-04-02 20:01维罗妮卡VeronicaNg
世界建筑 2020年2期

维罗妮卡·吴/Veronica Ng

徐知兰 译/Translated by XU Zhilan



1 “社区”的定义及其概念的变化











2 作为社区客厅的第三空间





What makes conducive places that build communities in today's context? And, what is the position of architecture within this? Inevitably,one of the ethical roles of architecture is to create buildings for community. In Malaysia, buildings designed for community, commonly called community centre and the community hall [or the dewan in Malaysian language] are from earlier decades, built mostly during the 1980s and 1990s. As it stands today, the common critique on community building is its lack of fulfillment of the community's contemporary requirements[1], and these spaces are underutilised[2]. Today, do architects design for communities? Or do architects design to build communities?

Taking this as the point of departure, this article explores the position of architecture in the creation of communities within the contemporary Malaysian urban settings. It argues that the evolving notions of community within the contemporary contexts have altered the role of architecture in the function of building communities. Borrowing from the sociological definition of community from Western-centric literature, this article discusses the changing notions of community and several related socio-spatial concepts, and subsequently illustrates how these enable the creation of communities by providing some exemplars within the Malaysian context.

1 The definitions and changing notions of"community"

The notion of community is rooted in the discipline of social science, and is loosely used today.By definition, a community is a group of people who share something in common. It is a social construct defined by the shared attributes of the people in it and/or by the strength of the connections among them. In sociological literature, community refers to types of population settlements such as rural community, urban community, to supposedly ideal-typical ways of life in such places and to social networks whose members share common characteristics apart from or in addition to common location.

The commonality within a community is experienced as a "sense of community" - "a feeling that members have of belonging and being important to each other, and a shared faith that member's need will be met by their commitment to be together"[3]. In a seminal 1986 study, McMillan and Chavis identified four elements of "sense of community":

(1) membership: feeling of belonging or of sharing a sense of personal relatedness,

(2) influence: mattering, making a difference to a group and of the group mattering to its members,

(3) reinforcement: integration and fulfillment of needs, and

(4) shared emotional connection.

In understanding the role of architecture in building communities, it is necessary to understand community as a trans-disciplinary notion synonymous to concepts such as sense of place, place-making,third place, and shared space. The connection and attachment related to the built environment is defined as a social phenomenon called "sense of place". Places said to have a strong "sense of place" have a strong identity that is deeply felt by inhabitants and visitors.In architecture, sense of place is about context as well as the identity or unique characteristics of a building or space that create meaning for an occupant. While sense of place is related to "what" is it about a place, placemaking is related to the "how" places can be created,hence forming community.

Place-making is a multi-disciplinary and multifaceted approach to the planning, design and management of public spaces. This notion intersects fields of geography, urban planning, urban design landscape architecture, environmental psychology,sociology. The Project for Public Space (PPS) defines place-making as a "collaborative process by which we shape our public realm in order to maximise shared value. More than just promoting better urban design, place-making facilitates creative patterns of use, paying particular attention to the physical,cultural, and social identities that define a place and support its ongoing evolution".

According to the Project for Public Space,several factors of the built environment that impact on public spaces for community are access and linkage, comfort and image, uses and activities,and sociability. Also, informational qualities that contribute to people's preferences for particular physical environments are coherence, legibility,complexity and mystery[4]82-87. For an immediate appreciation of environments, understanding is supported by environmental coherence (to make sense) and complexity (to encourage involvement).In the longer term, legibility and mystery encourage further exploration.

While there are many connections between the public realm and community, the notion of third place, a sociological concept, offers a means to unpack how spatial characteristics play a role in building communities. A current phenomenon of building communities seen in Malaysia and many of the Asian counterparts can be explained from the perspective of "third place".

2 The notion of third place as the community's living room

One of the concepts of public life that is derived from our desire for relaxation, social contact, entertainment, leisure, and simply having a good time is termed "third place". According to Ray Oldenburg[5], such settings can be called "third places", as opposed to the first place of home or the second place of work or school.

The concept of "third place" proposed by Ray Oldenburg, an urban sociologist, in his book titled The Great Good Place, first published in 1991, is a term used in the concept of community building.Oldenburg demonstrated how the importance of informal public gathering places are esssential to community and public life - third places are the heart of a community's social vitality. Examples of these places include bars, coffee shops,general stores. Further to this, Oldenburg's book Celebrating the Third Place (2001) identified third places as public spaces on neutral ground where people can gather and interact[6]. In contrast to first places (home) and second place (work), third places"host the regular, voluntary, informal and happily anticipated gaterhings of individuals beyond the realms of home and work".

Third places have a number of important community-building attributes. Many urban planning efforts to reinvigorate and/or create neighbourhoods now include creation of third places, especially public spaces to try and break down social silos.

The settings for such public life are not necessarily public spaces. Individual orbits of this public life are shaped by a consumer culture and the opportunities offered by the new "experience economy"[7]. Jeffres et al. expanded the following types of environments as possible third places,considered in their research: community centres,senior centres, coffee shops and cafes, bars and pubs, restaurants, shopping centres, stores, malls,markets, hair salons, barber and beauty shops,recreation centres, YM/WCA, pools, movie theatres,churches, schools, colleges and universities, clubs and organisations, libraries, parks and other places allowing for outdoor recreation, streets, neighbours'yards, homes and apartments, and events like neighbourhood parties, block parties, cookouts,barbecues, town meetings, bingo, and various media(online, newsletters, newspapers, phone, bulletin boards)[8].




1 吉隆坡中山联合会大楼/Zhongshan Building, Kuala Lumpur

2 吉隆坡丽士杂锦/REXKL, Kuala Lumpur

3 八打灵街的主入口/Main Entrance of Petaling Street















3 点:建筑针灸/植入




4 线:作为共享空间的街道和路网




Important qualities of third places includes the following:

(1) They are inclusive and local

(2) They create an environment in which everybody knows just about everybody

(3) They serve as ports of entry for visitors

(4) They offer a "neutral ground" space for conversation, idea sharing, and the transmittal of social norms

(5) Create places for fun and enjoyment

(6) Create a sense of belonging and connectedness

While this concept is Western-centric, it can be used to frame the creation of communities in Malaysian urban places. As a modern day community building, third places act are the "anchors" of community life that helps foster broader interaction among individuals. In Malaysia, and commonly experienced in other Asian countries, communities are formed through culture and consumption with functional factors such as commercial, recreational and cultural activities. Some urban conditions that portrays the notion of third place are:

(1) Food & Beverage settings - for example Starbucks, McDonald's and the Mamak Stall

(2) Suburban malls and marketplaces;

(3) Creative Spaces - for example Zhongshan Building and REXKL;

(4) Streets underpinned by consumerism and tourism driven programmes such as Café-hotelstreet - for example Petaling Street;

(5) New Townships - for example Eco Ardence's Lifestyle Lab

It is common that we see exemplars such as the shopping mall, the urban parks, the cafe, and the library being functions in the city that bring people together. While the first two exemplars have been a common scenario in Malaysian urban contexts, the latter three are contemporary exemplars that created new impact on building communities in Malaysia.These places are catalytic in building communities through the sociological and environmental conditions within the built environment. What appears as a common theme within these are the scalability of architecture and the built environment.For example, it can be small and local, or macro and global i.e. specific to a single building, a street, a network of streets, and a (suburban/urban) place.

3 The point: architecture acupuncture/insertion

In recent years, there has been an emerging trend for creative hubs and spaces within the urban contexts. I call this condition the "point", which characterises architecture that builds communities through a single insertion for example a building or a space. Usually initialised by grassroots, such spaces in the Malaysian context is very much dependent on the influence and consumption of culture, or cultural third place. Examples include adaptive reuses of old buildings (usually with cultural and historical significances). Several examples include the Zhongshan Building, and REXKL, mostly patronised by stakeholders who are involved and immersed in creative arts and industries.

The Zhongshan Building in Kampung Attap,Kuala Lumpur, a repurposed building in central Kuala Lumpur is an up-and-coming creative cluster that hosts a wide variety of businesses as well as non-profit organisations in the creative sector (Fig.1). It was once a row of the 1950s interconnected shophouses, which housed the Selangor Zhongshan Association, a frozen foods distributor and various merchants over the years.However, over time the building became abandoned and only recently was given a new lease of life as independent arts and research hub by its current owners with funding from the urban rejuvenation agency Think City. OUR ArtProjects, a gallery space and art consultancy was closely involved with the development of the Zhongshan Building.

Another recent example is REXKL, an old iconic cinema in Kuala Lumpur which ceased operations in 2002, and was later converted into a backpacker's hostel. It has been left vacant after the 2007 fire,and now it has been adapted and repurposed as an arts and culture hub with space for events, theatre,exhibitions, performances, screenings, library facilities, workshops, retail and F&B. The initiative is led by local designers Shin Chang and Shin Tseng(Fig.2, see page 76).

4 The line: the streets and its networks as shared space

Notwithstanding the broadness of the term,in architecture, community is built when there is a variety of spaces that fosters social interactions.The Malaysian (Asian) market streets offer a spatial characteristic which enables the creation of communities through shared space. It provides diverse spatial conditions of commercial and cultural third place that foster myriad of communities related to the everyday life, and the influence of tourism and consumerism.

Shared space is a tool for transforming streets as such third places. The notion of shared space originated from the UK from a traffic engineering point of view, defined as a design approach that seeks to de-prioritise vehicles and humanising the road. The Project for Public Space (PPS) provided a more comprehensive definition of shared space as a "new concept of holistic planning, designing and maintaining public space, in which the design is done in such a way that interests and the individual responsibility of all users of that space comes first".This definition focuses on the social aspects of shared space, and the ways in which the practice works to build a sense of community through interactions between different users in shared space. Shared space holds the potential chance for encounters among people of diverse traditions, and in such chances rests the opportunity for exchange that can help break barriers.

While this is a Western-centric concept,emerging Asian perspectives are similarly focused on the "street" as a significant constituent to public life. The Asian street is unique as it is characterised by mobility and flexibility, with a higher intensity of temporary usage as compared to that in Western countries. The history of Kuala Lumpur would not be the same without the emergence of Petaling Street, a street that continues to thrive on various trades, and bring together diverse communities(Fig.3). Petaling Street is Malaysia's Chinatown, a place where early settlers came to Kuala Lumpur in pursuit of wealth from the booming tin mining industry in the 1800s. Most of the settlers were Hakka and Cantonese, and led a steady migration of Chinese communities into the city.

In 2003, under the local government Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL), Petaling Street underwent a major RM11 mil face lift when two large Chinese arches to welcome visitors were placed at either end of the street. A green roof cover was constructed,covering the whole street, dubbed the "Green Dragon". The street is now totally pedestrianised and transformed into a pedestrian street, a "public living room" for the communities. With the street closed off to motorists, visitors to Petaling Street have easier access to the many stalls set up along the road. At present, Petaling Street offers microcosms to many diverse communities. It is at the same time associated with a variety of programmes apart from"Chinatown", such as "Chinese market", "bootleg market", "night market" and a "red-light area",with multiple and relative "operating hours" that offer settings for diverse communities. The sociospatial aspect of the street has been expanded in the recent years through the consumption of cultural and heritage value of the street. This condition is witnessed by emergence of modern cafes and hotels along the street such as Merchant's Lane, Chocha Foodstore, Urban Artisan, and Lantern Hotel amongst others (Fig.4,5).


5 面:建筑作为场所营造者






6 网:有影响力的建筑




译注/Notes from Translator

i 嘛嘛档指由马来西亚的淡米尔裔穆斯林所经营的饮食档。

ii 前身为茨厂街柏屏戏院(Rex Cinema),经历过多次改造后,成为吉隆坡重要的文化中心。

iii 马来西亚茨厂街(Petaling Street)是马来西亚首都吉隆坡著名的唐人街,也是著名的购物街。








4 八打灵街的内部,两侧布满商店和作为公共空间的五脚基外廊/Interior Street of Petaling Street flanked by shops and five foot way as Shared Space

5 沿着八打灵街的灯笼酒店/Lantern Hotel along Petaling Street

6 阿尔当斯实验室的鸟瞰/Aerial view of Ardence Labs (图片来源/Sources: http://www.ardencelabs.my/)

7 阿尔当斯实验室,位于莎阿南的一座生态世界生活方式实验室/Ardence Labs, one of EcoWorld lifestyle labs at Setia Alam

8 用海运集装箱建造的廊道,阿尔当斯实验室/Arcades created by shipping containers, Ardence Labs

9“脸书”上的丽士杂锦(左图),“即时电报”上的中山联合会大楼/REXKL on Facebook (left), Zhongshan Building on Instagram (Right)

10“脸书”上的阿尔当斯实验室/Ardence Labs on Facebook(1-5,7,8摄影/Photos: Veronica Ng)

5 The platform: architecture as place-maker

While grassroots played a role in creating communities through re-purposing of building,the developers have been developing strategies of place-making in order to create new communities.Places said to have a strong "sense of place" have a strong identity that is deeply felt by inhabitants and visitors. Indeed, it is a sense of place that developers seek to fabricate. Typically, place-making capitalises on a local community's assets, inspiration, and potential with the intention of creating public spaces for communities that promote people's health,happiness, and well-being. It uses materiality, form and context to express the uniqueness of the place and inspire, engage, connect and call users to action.What happens when new developments are created?How are communities built? How is a new place created?

Through the broader concept of place-based economic development, new developments and suburban places are formed. Place-making as an economic development strategy, also called placebased economic development, is the practice of using a community's public amenities to make economic progress. It combines place-making,economic development and is real estate related.

To ignite new places (or activating dormant places), emerging trends include temporary place-making. It allows experimentation with a variety of ideas on a smaller scale, and then grows what worked. For example, in the recent decade,developer Eco World Development Group Bhd(EcoWorld) has utilised the concept of the "lifestyle labs" as a strategy to develop new residential townships that allows customers to experience what it feels like to live in their developments. To this developer, lifestyle is not just about facilities and building aesthetics, it is also about ambience and place-making. Many of the labs are housed in shipping containers. The labs house commercial,retail, fitness and recreational programmes that anchor to the formation of communities. The developer also intends to provide a space for startups or existing operators to do try-outs before they decide to venture into a new market, or start their own business.

Excerpt from the official Ardence Labs website exemplifies the notion of a social space for community (Fig.6-8), a third place underpinned by arts, culture and commerce:

"Ardence Labs, a place for more than just a business affair, is also a place where community grows together in a harmonious pace. Perfect for friends to catch up and families to bond, this is a space where you can enjoy each other's company over a cup of coffee or just spend the day relaxing with your loved ones. Endless enjoyment for everyone, every time. Ardence Labs also curates community events throughout the year for you to meet and mingle with like-minded people. From special performances to food festivals, Ardence Labs wants you to cultivate your cultures and broaden your perspectives so that you'll truly enjoy the art of living beautifully."

6 The web: architecture of influence

The growing presence of the social media has made into new ways for exploration and re-imaginging of place and place-making in contemporary network society, urban environments in particular. For example, it is used as part of digital place-making, and often used to amplify temporary place-making through events. In the 21st century, social media provide new opportunities as it boosts place potential by heightening people's engagement with places, sharing place association and community formation. Resultantly, the idea of place as having shared meanings and sentimental value is resurrected in the face of the homogenising tendencies of cultural globalisation (Fig.9,10).

However, as Oldenburg notes, the most effective ones for building real communities seem to be physical places where people can easily and routinely connect with each other. In relating to architecture and the built environment, this article has provided a glimpse of the Malaysian condition by utilising the notions of third place and other socio-spatial concepts to unpack how spatial characteristics play a role in building communities. It illustrated, through few examples, how architecture can play a role through a single building, a street and its network and a new place, as well as the new environments enabled via social media.

At present, the role of architecture and design thinking that builds communities appears to evolve around notions of third place as cultural experiences;third place as entertainment and recreation; and,third place as health and environment. Also,architecture needs to address evolving conception of community, the trans-disciplinary nature on how to build communities and to address the scalability of these ideas, and its stakeholders.Being transdisciplinary and evolving, the notion of community is constantly re-imagined resulting in the dynamic role of architecture in association to other related disciplines in building communities.□


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