
2020-04-01 09:28张周强周阿维屈萍鸽
光电工程 2020年3期

郭 倩,宋 鹏,张周强,周阿维,屈萍鸽


郭 倩*,宋 鹏,张周强,周阿维,屈萍鸽

西安工程大学机电工程学院,陕西 西安 710048



1 引 言

无线光通信属于大气波导通信,是近三十年来快速发展的一种通信速率高、组网灵活、波束窄、保密性好、易于维护的新型通信手段,已成为目前国际上的一大研究热点[1]。但是大气信道湍流效应,会导致无线激光通信(free space optics,FSO)出现码间干扰大、链路不可靠等问题,严重影响无线光通信系统的性能与技术应用。为此,国内外学者开展了许多理论与实验研究。1981年,Lukin等人对大气折射率的低频波动对有限空间光束相位波动的影响进行了研究,给出了大量关于光波相位起伏统计特性的实验数据[2];2008年以来,西安理工大学的柯熙政教授等人,研究了大气湍流效应及无线光通信技术中的大功率、高码率发射技术、PPM调制技术等[3],解决了很多关键问题,并研究制成了空间相干光通信系统、无线激光综合业务通信机等实验系统;2011年,哈尔滨工业大学的韩立强开展了大气湍流效应下空间光通信的性能及补偿方法研究[4],提出采用自适应光学技术减小大气湍流效应对空间光通信的影响;2012年,西安电子科技大学的易湘研究了基于分集接收技术的相干大气激光通信系统[5];2015年,廖天河等人建立了不同波束激光在大气湍流传输的数学模型,发现矩形光束可大大减弱湍流效应[6];2018年,Švihlík等开展了光强波动条件下光波畸变自适应相位校正研究,首次从实验上解释了强度波动条件下,湍流大气中光波传播的自适应相位校正效率降低的原因[7];2019年,Krbcová等研究了不同曝光时间和CCD相机噪声水平下的最佳参数设置,所得结果可推广应用于湍流噪声的抑制。目前围绕空间光及大气信道的研究虽已取得一定进展,但湍流效应仍是空间光通信应用的瓶颈[7]。基于此,文章将重点讨论大气激光通信湍流效应对空间光通信信号的影响机理及抑制方法。

正交频分复用(Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing,OFDM)是一种优秀的多载波通信技术,适用于基于FDM技术的高速数据传输。它可以有效地减少由多径效应引起的符号之间的串扰,并且具有高频谱利用率和对大气湍流的强抵抗力。这为突破光通信的瓶颈提供了技术方法,具有非常广泛的应用前景和使用价值。


2 激光大气传输理论分析

2.1 湍流效应





2.2 湍流效应的级串特性


图1 大气环境与无线光学系统性能之间的关系

图2 大气信道湍流涡旋

图3 Richardson湍流级串图

3 激光大气传输数值计算


3.1 Kolmogorov折射率起伏功率谱






3.2 激光大气传输平面波模型








3.3 光波强度的概率密度分布






4 激光大气传输模型建立

4.1 OFDM

正交频分复用(OFDM)的概念于20世纪50~60年代提出,属多载波调制。正交频分复用(OFDM)技术可用于通过串行到并行转换来转换高速数据流[12],从而相对增加每个子载波上的数据符号的持续时间,减少由信道的时间弥散带来ISI(intersymbol interference)。其调制原理图如图4所示。

图4 OFDM调制原理


4.2 系统建模


4.3 系统光信号调制与解调

基于所搭建的无线光通信正交频分复用FSO- OFDM系统基带模型,实现对大气激光通信系统光信号的调制与解调。首先,当二进制信号源的信号发出后,由数据编码调制输出给串并转换模块,进行串并转换,再进行IFFT交换,然后经过数模转换及滤波后,进行电光转换,即成为了OFDM调制后的信号();该信号经过大气信道后,发送至FSO-OFDM系统的接收模块,对其进行光电转换,低通滤波,后经模/数转换,恢复成子载波的正交性,再经FFT和串/并转换后,恢复成OFDM调制前的信号,最后经解调解码,还原出原始输入信号。



图5 OFDM多载波并行传输原理图

图6 FSO-OFDM系统基带模型图

图7 FSO-OFDM系统信号的调制与解调

5 激光大气传输实验与仿真

5.1 FSO通信系统的不同载波下的平均误码率特性实验


对比单载波无线光通信系统与FSO-OFDM通信系统的平均误码率性能曲线图,可以看出,红色线所表示的单载波光通信系统,误码率整体高于蓝色线所表示的FSO-OFDM系统的误码率。当系统信噪比SNR=6 dB时,单载波FSO系统的误码率为0.0501,采用了OFDM的多载波FSO系统的误码率为0.0417。说明与传统的单载波系统相比,文章所设计的多载波无线光正交频分复用系统,能有效改善FSO通信系统的误码率特性。

5.2 FSO通信系统不同保护间隔下的误码率特性实验


图9红色线为没有加循环前缀的FSO系统的误码率特性曲线,蓝色线为有循前缀的FSO系统误码率特性曲线,在高斯白噪声(AWGN)信道下,对结果进行对比分析。从图9可以看出,加入循环前缀的系统的误码率性能优于没有加循环前缀的通信系统。当信噪比SNR为12 dB时,OFDM符号中不加保护间隔(无前缀)时,无线通信系统的误码率BER为0.0014;OFDM符号中加入保护间隔时,系统的误码率BER为0.0013。

图8 不同载波数下的误码率特性曲线

图9 不同保护间隔下的误码率特性曲线

6 结 论


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Research on the key technology of turbulence suppression for atmospheric optical laser communication based on OFDM

Guo Qian*, Song Peng, Zhang Zhouqiang, Zhou Awei, Qu Pingge

School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Xi¢an Polytechnic University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710048, China

Baseband model of the FSO-OFDM system

Overview:In order to support higher information transmission rate, improve the system error characteristics, solve the problems of frequency selective fading and multipath effect of the wireless optical communication system in complex turbulent environment, improve laser atmospheric channel signal transmission problems, based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing technology, the FSO-OFDM system was built, the multicarrier modulation, modulation and demodulation, etc used this system were studied. Firstly, the turbulence effect, which is a bottleneck problem restricting the application of atmospheric laser communication, was discussed in detail. Then, on the basis of Kolmogorov spectrum model, the plane wave model was studied. By using the modified Rytov method, the spatial optical communication system model of Gaussian beam under log-normal turbulence channel was established, and the probability density function of the system light wave intensity was derived. Then, the OFDM multi-carrier modulation scheme of the wireless optical communication system was designed, the baseband mode model of the FSO-OFDM system was constructed, and the modulation and demodulation of the signal were studied using this model. When the signal of the binary signal source was sent out, it was encoded and modulated to the series-and-conversion module for series-and-conversion, followed by IFFT exchange. After digital-to-analog conversion and filtering, electro-optical conversion was carried out, which becomes the signal() modulated by OFDM. After passing through the atmospheric channel, the signal was sent to the receiving module of the FSO-OFDM system, which is photoelectric converted, low-pass filtering, and then converted by mode/number to restore the orthogonality of the subcarrier. After FFT and string/combination conversion, the signal was restored to the signal before OFDM modulation. After demodulation and decoding, the original input signal was restored. Finally, MATLAB programming was adopted to realize the FSO-OFDM system. Simulation experiments were carried out on the FSO communication system under multi-path interference. Under the same bandwidth condition, the average bit error rate performance of the single-carrier wireless optical communication system and the FSO-OFDM communication system were simulated, respectively. Compared with the traditional single-carrier system, the OFDM system improves the atmospheric channel transmission of laser signal and the information transmission rate.FSO-OFDM system has a strong ability to resist multi-path interference and spectrum selective fading, as well as a good BER performance. It provides a technical method to break through the bottleneck of optical communication and has a very wide application prospect and value.

Citation: Guo Q, Song P, Zhang Z Q,Research on the key technology of turbulence suppression for atmospheric optical laser communication based on OFDM[J]., 2020, 47(3): 190619

Research on the key technology of turbulence suppression for atmospheric optical laser communication based on OFDM

Guo Qian*, Song Peng, Zhang Zhouqiang, Zhou Awei, Qu Pingge

School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Xi¢an Polytechnic University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710048, China

Based on the analysis of the two main problems of atmospheric channel in free space optics (FSO), aiming at the problem of laser atmospheric channel especially the problems of frequency selective fading and multipath effect in complex turbulent environment, the suppression method is proposed based on OFDM turbulence effect, the FSO-OFDM system is built, the baseband model of this system and the signal of multi-carrier modulation and demodulation method are studied. First of all, this article systematically analyzes the mechanism of turbulence effect of atmospheric channel, and discusses the model of plane wave laser communication system under the influence of atmospheric turbulence, the space optical communication system model of Gaussian beam of a logarithmic normal turbulent channel is established under the influence of atmospheric turbulence, the probability density function of light intensity is deduced, the methods for analyzing the effects of various atmospheric turbulence effects on system performance using the signal-to-noise ratio probability density function; the OFDM multi-carrier modulation scheme of FSO-OFDM system is designed, the baseband mode model of FSO-OFDM system is constructed, and the modulation and demodulation principle of its signal is studied using this model. Finally, FSO-OFDM system is realized by using MATLAB, and the FSO communication system under the multipath interference is simulated, experiments on bit error rate characteristics under different guard intervals are performed. It is confirmed that the FSO-OFDM system has a strong ability to resist multipath interference and frequency selective fading, as well as good bit error rate (BER) performance. It can effectively solve the problem of intersymbol interference and the reliable link, and has a very broad application prospect and using value.

free space optics; turbulence effect; orthogonal frequency division multiplexing; multipath fading; bit error rate




: Guo Q, Song P, Zhang Z Q,. Research on the key technology of turbulence suppression for atmospheric optical laser communication based on OFDM[J]., 2020,47(3): 190619





郭倩,宋鹏,张周强,等. 基于OFDM的大气激光通信湍流抑制关键技术研究[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(3): 190619

Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61701384), Scientific Research Program Fund of Education Department of Shaanxi Province (18JK0341), and Xi¢an Science and Technology Bureau Science and Technology Innovation Fund (201805030YD8CG14 (12))

* E-mail: guoqianyun@126.com

一种快速同步统计高阶调制下PN 码误码率的方法∗