
2020-04-01 09:29建筑设计reactnow建筑事务所
世界建筑 2020年3期

建筑设计:re-act now建筑事务所

1 外景/Exterior view

2 正面外景/Exterior view from the front



现存的建筑起源于19 世纪末期到20 世纪初期盛行的罗马尼亚建筑文化,由一位名为朱里奥·马尼的意大利建筑师设计。




在场所、街区、人群以及已知或未知的当地记忆产生交集时,人类可以超越模棱两可的状态 ……□

(王欣欣 译)

What could we do in the context of revitalising architecture to keep a more vivid picture of an old building with (even partial) special features? It is a question to which we can respond in two ways. The valuable part - the special one - will be restored, and the less worthy part we either rebuild to emphasise - in the first scheme - to absolutely accord with the same stylistic story as the old one, or we address it - in a second solution - in a completely new concept in major contrast with the existing situation.

We chose the second solution, first because the challenge that came with it was more entitled in the context of Bucharest where such approaches are lacking, but also because the new functions that the house needed were based on a great flexibility and a general transparency, things to which the first version could not answer.

The existing building was drawn at its origins by an Italian architect in trend in the architectural Romanian culture at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, named Giulio Magni.

This building - the former goods exchange - is part of the Ensemble Customs - Goods Exchange -Warehouses and is mostly "on the street" and the most coquette of the houses belonging to it. Its high state of degradation in which it was when our design approach started, resulted from the fact that for many years it was unused and therefore untaken care of in any way. In this context an additional"affection" was made ready and called upon consideration for the approach of details and the methodology for the recovery of the valuable fund.

The story we offered to the new house from the former Goods Exchange actually lives in small the story of a fair on a spice way where the nostalgia of the past is framed by the anarchic context of the sincerity and simplicity of technically virgin beauty.

The new building has become a sensitive "whiteblack" phrase.

The Human transcends ambiguous states when meeting the place, the neighbourhood, the people, the local memories already known or hardly foreseen...□

3 总平面/Site plan

4-8 改造图示/Renovation diagrams

9 三层平面/Second floor plan

10 二层平面/First floor plan

11 首层平面/Ground floor plan

12 置入空间外景/Exterior view of the implant

13.14 剖面/Sections

15.16 外景/Exterior views

17 细部详图/Detail drawing

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: The Ark

设计团队/Design Team: Mario Kuibus,Roxana Dumitriu, Irina Plesnila,Cristina Chivu, Elena Toader, Ioan Marcean, Adela Antoniu, Valentin Varlan

概念设计/Concept of Theme: Mario Kuibus, Teodor Frolu

历史调研/Historical Survey: Quattro Design

结构工程/Structure Engineering: Mc Design Construct, Caza Impex

机电工程/Mecanical and Electrical Engineering: Damiro Engineering, Ams Install

执行/Execution: Octagon, Doris Art,Axima, Lara Exim, Slide

建成面积/Built Area: 3000m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2004-2006

竣工时间/Completion Time: 2008

摄影/Photos: Andrei Margulescu

18.19 内景/Interior views



安娜玛丽亚·安德里佐尤:拉霍瓦商品交易中心改造的前提为该项目提供了有趣的可能性。试图把一座成熟的明显具有19世纪晚期建筑风格的建筑功能重组并进行加建,以使其形象融入到21世纪的建筑情境中,这是一项挑战。我认为,建筑师们选择的解决方案显示了他们对新老建筑之间微妙平衡的深刻理解,那里存在一条细线,如果跨越则会损害原有建筑的形象与新加建部分的效果。所选用的工业类材料(压型玻璃、钢材)使加建部分拥有非常干净的形象,不至于与原有富有装饰性的大体量砖结构产生争奇斗艳的效果。在不抹去旧建筑的同时,虚与实对比,为改造后的建筑创造了新的感觉。(叶扬 译)


ZHANG Yingfan:The architectural language demonstrates the opposition and conflict between modernity and tradition, and presents history through collision and incongruity. The architect adopts a pure approach: on one side it is an intact historic building;on the other, it is built in contemporary architectural style. In this sense, it carries the symbolic meaning of modern architecture. I think it is both good and bad.Personally, I feel that this approach is too explicit and literal. It is also interesting that with this gesture, the architect can present the metaphor very directly. The architectural gesture and details are delivered quite well, and the design language is bold and daring. The architect uses a single method to define the building,distinguishing its past from its present and turning the building into a fragment of history. The project is inserted with a cross section of modern life and is renewed inside out. (Translated by MU Zhuo'er)

Anamaria Andritoiu:The premise of the Renovation of Rahova Commodities Exchange provided interesting possibilities for the project. Taking a building with a well-established and extremely recognisable type of the late 19th century architecture and repurposing and adding to it in an effort to integrate the image within the 21st century architectural sensibilities is a challenge.I think the solution chosen by the architects shows an in-depth understanding of the delicate balance between valuable-old and new, a fine line that, if crossed damages the image of both the initial building and the effects of the new addition. The industrial type chosen materials,(profiled glass, steel) provide a very clean image that does not overshadow or compete with the more decorated and massive brick structure. It is a contrast between light and solidity that creates a new feeling for the renovated building while never erasing the old one.

20 楼梯间/Staircase

21 内景/Interior view
