
2020-02-16 02:08/
建筑 2020年19期

文 / 李 健


接着前面的讨论,今天我们试着对FIDIC1999施工合同文本Conditions of Contract for Construction中的13. Variations and Adjustment“13变更和调整”条款中剩下的部分进行翻译、点评。

原文1:13.5 Provisional Sums

Each Provisional Sum shall only be used, in whole or in part, in accordance with the Engineer’s instructions, and the Contract Price shall be adjusted accordingly. The total sum paid to the Contractor shall include only such amounts, for the work, supplies or services to which the Provisional Sum relates, as the Engineer shall have instructed. For each Provisional Sum, the Engineer may instruct:

(a) work to be executed (including Plant, Materials or services to be supplied) by the Contractor and valued under Sub-Clause 13.3[Variation Procedure]; and/or

(b) Plant, Materials or services to be purchased by the Contractor, from a nominated Subcontractor (as defined in Clause 5 [Nominated Subcontractors]) or otherwise; and for which there shall be included in the Contract Price:

(i) the actual amounts paid (or due to be paid) by the Contractor, and

(ii) a sum for overhead charges and profit, calculated as a percentage of these actual amounts by applying the relevant percentage rate (if any) stated in the appropriate Schedule. If there is no such rate, the percentage rate stated in the Appendix to Tender shall be applied.

The Contractor shall, when required by the Engineer,produce quotations. invoices, vouchers and accounts or receipts in substantiation.








点评:1.本款主要规定的是暂定金额的含义、使用目的(for the work, supplies or services to which the Provisional Sum relates)、工程师指示、构成暂定金额款项的条件、承包商凭证的出示等内容。

2.我们首先着重讨论一下Provisional Sums这个名词的翻译问题。虽然以前谈过,这里有重申的必要。这不仅仅是纯文字问题,还涉及权利义务范围问题。

第一,应注意到,中国《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》(GF——2017——0201)同时定义了“暂估价”和“暂列金额”两个名词。 暂估价是指发包人在工程量清单或预算书中提供的用于支付必然发生但暂时不能确定价格的材料、工程设备的单价、专业工程以及服务工作的金额。 暂列金额是指发包人在工程量清单或预算书中暂定并包括在合同价格中的一笔款项,用于工程合同签订时尚未确定或者不可预见的所需材料、工程设备、服务的采购,施工中可能发生的工程变更、合同约定调整因素出现时的合同价格调整以及发生的索赔、现场签证确认等的费用。

第二,应注意到,国际工程实践中,与此相关的也有两个常见但易混淆的词:Prime Cost (PC)items和provisional sums(PS)。工程实践中,常常存在工程某些项目(items)确定要做且确定要纳入合同价格,但由于种种原因,在招标投标或者签订合同时,尚未确定这些部分的确切价格,但又要报价,那就暂时列出一个估算价格以便投标或签约时确定一个总价。这个估价通常就是provisional sums。工程实践中,还可能存在另外一种情形,在招标投标或者签订合同时,尚未确定某些项目(items)是否最终要做以成为合同标的工程的一部分,或者某些专业工程还在设计中,也许未来不一定就让当前承包商承担,发包人对此估算一个价格并纳入当下合同总价;此时这个估价就是Prime Cost Sums,相应的项目就是Prime Cost Items。

第三,这么说来,provisional sums和prime cost sums刚好对应了中国示范文本中的“暂估价”“暂列金额”了。也有人将prime cost items译成“预备费用项目”的,可作参考——prime,初始阶段的,初期的;以“预备”译之,包含了“最终可能并不实际完成”的意思。

第四,FIDIC1999放弃区分provisional sums和prime cost items(or sums),当然就无prime cost items定义了;即使其对provisional sums的定义,也不是内涵式的,而是外延式的,也即采用通过其他条款Sub-Clause 13.5 [Provisional Sums]列举方式来定义的(有人干脆认为那根本属于循环定义),其列举中可能包含prime cost items。因此,本文没有采用中国示范文本中“暂估价”来对译,而采用了有关文献中使用的“暂定金额”来对译,以示区别。


原文2:13.6 Daywork

For work of a minor or incidental nature, the Engineer may instruct that a Variation shall be executed on a daywork basis. The work shall then be valued in accordance with the Daywork Schedule included in the Contract, and the following procedure shall apply.If a Daywork Schedule is not included in the Contract, this Sub-Clause shall not apply.

Before ordering Goods for the work, the Contractor shall submit quotations to the Engineer. When applying for payment, the Contractor shall submit invoices, vouchers and accounts or receipts for any Goods.

Except for any items for which the Daywork Schedule specifies that payment is not due, the Contractor shall deliver each day to the Engineer accurate statements in duplicate which shall include the following details of the resources used in executing the previous day’s work:

(a) the names, occupations and time of Contractor’s Personnel,

(b) the identification, type and time of Contractor’s Equipment and Temporary Works, and

(c) the quantities and types of Plant and Materials used.

One copy of each statement will, if correct, or when agreed,be signed by the Engineer, and returned to the Contractor. The Contractor shall then submit priced statements of these resources to the Engineer, prior to their inclusion in the next Statement under Sub-Clause 14.3 [Application for Interim Payment Certificates].










2.承包商一般很乐意使用计日工作的形式来完成相应工作,计日工作单价和所使用的其他资源的价格通常包含了较高的利润。因此,此处也容易引起纠纷,承包商要特别注意此类工作通常限于非主要的零星工作work of a minor or incidental nature;当计日工作引起的变更Variation工作量非常大时或者涉及工程主要部分时,承包商最好能够核实工程师权限,以免日后引起纠纷。基于权利与义务的平衡,为了防止不友善的承包商滥用计日工作条款,工程师也应当特别注意核实承包商在计日工作中使用的劳动力数量及材料、设备数量。

至此,FIDIC1999施工合同文本Conditions of Contract for Construction中的13. Variations and Adjustment“13变更和调整”条款中还有13.7Adjustments for changes in Lesgislation(法规变化引起的调整)、13.8 Adjustments for Changes in the Cost(成本变化引起的调整)两个子款尚未讨论。限于篇幅,本文拟留给读者自行检索相关文献、完成翻译,并体会其中涉及的语言、法律和工程问题。

卡拉瓦乔巨作 遗失百年后估价1亿欧元上拍,真伪存疑
PBC模式 养护管理机构与承包商的“双赢”
GB/T 18508—2014《城镇土地估价规程》标准更正启事