Research on the Path of Speeding up the Construction of Characteristic Brands of Agricultural Products in Nanning

2020-01-13 05:06
当代农村财经 2020年10期

Abstract: Branding strategy is a requirement of the modern market. Creating agricultural product brands can enhance the competitiveness of agricultural products, increase the added value of agricultural products, and form, consolidate and develop agricultural industrialization, which is of positive significance for the implementation of the strategy of strengthening the capital. At present, Nanning City has achieved certain results in implementing the agricultural product brand strategy and cultivating brands, but there are still problems such as weak brand awareness, insufficient brand building strength, lagging agricultural product e-commerce development, and low agricultural product standardization and branding. It is recommended to strengthen brand awareness, enhance the strength of the main body of brand building, actively develop rural e-commerce and logistics business, strengthen the standardization and branding of agricultural products, and effectively strengthen the construction of the " san pin yi biao" brand and the publicity of regional public brands. Promote the brand building of agricultural products in Nanning City.

Key words: agricultural products, agricultural products characteristic brand,path



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