Module 10 Units 3—4单元点拨

2019-12-20 03:05吴涛
中学课程辅导·高考版 2019年12期


Unit 3


1. abrupt

【原句再现】 He hears an abrupt scream. ... (P34,L3) 他突然听到一声尖叫……

【点拨】 adj. 突然的,意外的;唐突无礼的

Excuse me for my abrupt question. 请原谅我这个唐突的问题。

【拓展】 abruptness n. 突然;唐突;粗鲁无礼; abruptly adv. 突然地,意外地

The path ends off abruptly. 这条路突然到头了。

2. weep(wept, wept)

【原句再现】 He knows the meaning of the scream but—too numb with sorrow to weep. ... (P34,L3) 他知道这声尖叫的含义——但他对悲伤太麻木了,以至于都没有哭泣……

【点拨】 vi. 哭泣,流泪;n. 一阵哭泣

She wanted to laugh and weep all at once. 她哭笑不得。

But be wanted: Youll read it and weep. 但是提醒一句:你阅读它,可能会流泪。

【拓展】 weep for / over...为……而哭泣;weep to see...因为看到……而哭泣;a weeping willow垂柳;a weeping pipe滴水管;a weeping day雨天

3. cure

【原句再现】 So far, there is no cure for Aids. (P34,L12)目前艾滋病没有治愈的方法。

【点拨】 1) cure n. 治疗,疗法;痊愈

Aspirin is a wonderful cure for colds.

2) cure vt. 治愈

I hope the doctor can cure the pain in my shoulder.

【拓展】 cure与treat的区别:用作动词,两者都可表示“治疗”,但含义有区别:cure通常强调结果,指治愈某种疾病或某人的疾病;而treat则通常强调过程,指对病人进行诊断和治疗,但不含治好的意思。

This medicine will cure your cough.

The dentist is treating my teeth.


The doctors cured her of cancer.

Which doctor is treating you for your illness?

短语:beyond cure 不可救药

4. contrary

【原句再现】 Contrary to what many people think, ... (P34,L23)与许多人想象的不同,……

【点拨】 adj. 相反的(常作定语); n. 相反(事物)

The plane is flying a contrary direction. 飞机向相反的方向飞去。

【拓展】 by contraries 与预期的相反

Many things in our lives go by contraries.我们的生活中有不少事与愿违的事情。

on the contrary 正相反,与此相反

Its not an idea around which we can unite. On the contrary, I see it as one that will divide us. 这不是一个可以让我们团结起来的主意。恰恰相反,我看它会分裂我们。

contrary to 与……相反

Contrary to popular belief, proper exercise actually decreases your appetite. 与大部分人的想法相反,适度的运动实际上会降低食欲。

5. familiar

【原句再现】 Although most people are familiar with Aids and how it is spread, ... (P34,L26) 虽然很多人都熟悉艾滋病及其传播方式,……

【点拨】 adj. 熟悉的,亲切友好的,亲密的

I like to wander through familiar streets. 我喜欢闲逛穿过熟悉的街道。

【拓展】 sb. be familiar with sth. 某人对某事熟悉;sth. be familiar to sb. 某事对某人来说是熟悉的

Most of us are familiar with the four great inventions in ancient China. 我們大多数人熟悉中国的四大发明。

Your name is familiar to me. 你的名字我是熟悉的。

6. conclude

【原句再现】 To conclude, Aids education is the best way. ... (P41b) 最后,防治艾滋病的教育是……最佳方法。

【点拨】 1) 表示“结束”,可用作及物或不及物动词,表示“以某种方式结束”通常与介词 with, by 等连用。

To conclude, I wish you all good health and a long life.

2) 表示“断定”或“推出”,是及物动词,但通常只接 that 从句或不定式的复合结构(且不定式只能是 to be 型)作宾语,通常不接简单宾语,也不用于进行时态。

The doctor concluded that the patients disease was cancer.

3) 表示“决定”,其后通常接不定式或 that 从句。

We concluded to wait for fair weather. / We concluded that we would wait for fair weather.

4) 期刊杂志等在连载文章时,表示“待续”用to be continued,表示“下期续完”用to be concluded,表示“全部载完”则通常用concluded。

【拓展】 conclude的名词是conclusion,其短语有: arrive at a conclusion=come to a conclusion=draw a conclusion得出结论;in conclusion 在结束时;to conclude最后一句话

7. additional

【原句再现】 It is hard for Aids patients to suffer the additional pain. ...(P41h)艾滋病患者难以承受……额外的痛苦。

【点拨】 adj. 另外的, 附加的,额外的

It will take an additional week to complete the task.

【拓展】 1) n. addition 加;附加

Our baby brother is an addition to our family.

词组:in addition to除此以外,另外

2) additional的动词add所构成的短语:

① add to 增加,加强

The bad weather added to our difficulties.

② add up to 总计达,总共是;等于;意味着,看来实际是……;总体来说

All his school education added up to no more than one year.

③ add up 加起来,总计

At the exits polite assistants will take the goods and add up the cost.

④ add... to把……加到……

【高考真題】 There have been several new events added to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.(2006北京卷)

8. promote

【原句再现】 Several months later, Mrs Tang was promoted at work.(P43)几个月后,唐女士工作上得到了提拔。

【点拨】 vt. ① 提升,提拔

Our English teacher has been promoted to headmaster.

② 宣传,推销(商品)

Do you have any idea how to promote the sales of this product?

③ 促进,发扬

We should promote world peace.我们应该促进世界和平。

【拓展】 adj. promotable

This is a promotable property. 这是一个可提升的属性。

n. promotion / promoter


1. die of

【原句再现】 ...his mother has just died of Aids, the same disease that took his father.(P34,L3)...他妈妈刚刚死于艾滋病,正是同样的疾病夺走了他爸爸的生命。

【点拨】 1) die from 死于……,因……而死

He died from a heart attack.

2) die of 死于……,因……而死

The animals died of starvation in the snow.

【拓展】 关于 die from 与 die of 的区别:若死因存在于人体之上或之内,一般用介词 of;若死因不是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的,则一般用介词 from。

3) be dying for sth. (to do sth.) 迫切想要(做)某事

She is dying to be thin.

4) die away (声音、风、光线等)渐息,渐弱

The noise of the motorcar died away.

5) die down (慢慢)熄灭,平静下来

After the excitement of the audience died down, the speaker restarted his speech.

【高考真题】 Though the wind , the rain remains steady, so you still need a raincoat.(2006年湖北卷)

A. turned up B. gone back

C. died down D. blown out

【答案】 C。

【解析】 考查动词短语辨析。die down(火焰、风暴、疼痛)等减弱、减低,觉察不到。

6) die off 一个一个地死去 (= die one by one)。As the widow was still middleaged, her relatives all died off.

7) die out (家族、种族、习俗、观念等)灭绝,绝迹。Many old customs are dying out.

2. burst

【原句再现】 However, since the disease burst on the scene in the 1980s, ...(P34,L28) 但是,自从艾滋病在二十世纪八十年代突然爆发以来,……

【点拨】 1) be bursting to do sth. 急于要做某事

He was bursting to tell her the news.

2) burst forth 突然出现,突然爆发出,突然喊出

Flames burst forth from the ceiling.

3) burst into ① 突然闯入 Two masked men burst into the school.

② 突然……起来 She burst into tears / laughter=burst out crying / laughing.

4) burst out:① 大声叫喊 “I dont believe that”, he burst out.注:这样用的 burst out 与 burst forth 同义。② 突然……起来She burst out crying / laughing. 注:这样用的 burst out 后通常接动名词。

5) burst in upon sb. 突然出现在某人面前

The police burst in upon the murderer and arrested him. 警察突然出现在那个凶手面前并且逮捕了他。

3. devote

【原句再现】 ... has devoted himself to bringing uptodate technology and international attention to Chinas Aids problem. (P35,L39) ...一直致力于向中国引进最新技术,引起国际对中国艾滋病问题的关注。

【点拨】 1) devote ones life / time / money / energy to (doing) sth. 把……献给……;把……用在……

He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind.

2) devote oneself to sb. (doing sth.)

① 献身于或致力于 (做) 某事 After graduation he continued to devote himself to research.

② 专用于 He devoted all his time to his job.

③ 喜歡,热爱 She devoted herself to tabletennis in her teens.

【拓展】 devoted adj.; devotedly adv.; devotion n.

be devoted to (doing) sth. ① 致力于,献身于The students are devoted to their studies.

② 专用于 This dictionary is devoted to explaining word usage.

③ 喜欢,疼爱 The couple were devoted to each other.

Her devotion to the cause of education is well known. 她对教育事业的献身精神是众所周知的。

4. provide... with

【原句再现】 UNAIDS provides people with HIV testing and HIV or aids medical care. (P35,L45) 联合国艾滋病规划署为人们提供艾滋病病毒检测以及艾滋病及艾滋病病毒的医疗服务。

【点拨】 provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb. 提供某人某物

She did all she could to provide us with every facility.= She did all she could to provide every facility for us.她想方设法为我们提供一切方便。

【拓展】 supply sb. with sth. = supply sth. for sb.;offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb.

5. have access to

【原句再现】 ... because their mother had access to prescription Aids medicines...(P35,L55)……由于他们的妈妈使用了处方艾滋病药物……

【点拨】 have access to 得以接近;得以进入;得以使用

Every student in our school has access to the library. 在我们学校每位学生都可利用图书馆。

Before liberation, the working people had no access to education. 解放前勞动人民没有受教育的机会。

6. end in

【原句再现】 ... but it often ends in a messy situation. 但常常是以糟糕的境地而结束。

【点拨】 end in 以……告终

end in bubbles终成泡影;The meeting ended in disorder.会议在一片混乱中结束。

【拓展】 end up doing sth. 结果……,最终……

They were going to a concert, but ended up watching TV at home.他们原计划去听音乐会,但结果却在家看电视。

end up with 以……告终

He ended up his speech with a short poem. 他朗诵了一首短诗结束他的演讲。

Unit 4


1. involve

【原句再现】 ..., requires great effort and involves many countries working together. (P50,L5)……需要极大的努力并牵涉到各国的通力合作。

【点拨】 vt. ① 卷,裹;包围,围住 Fog involved the village.

② 使专注,使忙于(后面常跟介词in连用)

I was involved in a research project.

③ 与……直接有关 This problem is closely involved with the management of the company.

【高考真题】 Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which spending quite a lot of time with students.(2013福建卷24)

A. enjoys B. involves

C. practices D. suggests

【解析】 B。考查动词辨析。A. 喜欢;B. 需要,包含;C. 练习;D. 建议;暗示。句意为:Michelle找到一份做高中教师的工作,需要花很多时间与学生在一起。故答案选B。

【拓展】 n. involvement 牵连,参与;加入;财政困难;牵连的事务

My personal involvement with him and his family is deep.

2. download

【原句再现】 First, the Council lists crimes related to a lack of proper Internet security, such as downloading or deleting other peoples files without permission, and spreading computer viruses. (P50,L8) 首先,欧洲议会列出了侵犯正当网络安全的犯罪,如未经允许下载或删除别人的文件和传播电脑病毒。

【点拨】 vt. & n. 下载

Where can I download it? 我从哪里可以下载它?

Do you need to upload or download data? 你需要上传还是下载数据吗?

Here you can see the information and then select your download link. 在这里,你可以看到信息,然后选择你的下载链接。

【高考真题】 Studies have shown that the right and left ear sound differently.(2015浙江卷5)

A. produce B. pronounce

C. process D. download

【解析】 C。句意:研究已经表明,左耳和右耳处理声音是不同的。A.生产或制造;B.发音;C.处理;D.下载。该题考查的是词义辨析,4个选项的意思都非常的不一样,所以在作答的时候,要将每一个单词都代入空格进行翻译,找出最佳答案。根据常识,耳朵不能够生产或制造,不能发音,更不可能下载。所以答案只能是“处理”声音,也就是C。

3. assess

【原句再现】 it helps us assess the problem of cybercrime. (P50,L17)……因为这可以帮助我们评估网络犯罪问题。

【点拨】 vt. ① (为征税)估定(财产)的价值(后面常接介词at)

This is the house assessed at two million dollars.

② 确定(税、罚款、赔偿金等)的金额

After the accident the damage was assessed at £5 billion.

③ 对……进行估价,评价

Her needs were assessed at 3000 yuan a month.

【拓展】 n. assessment

Assessment is changing for many reasons.

4. confidential

【原句再现】 ... the company cant protect their confidential information or their money.(P51,L38)……公司不能保护他们的机密信息或者他们的钱财。

【点拨】 adj. 机密的,秘密的

a confidential order密令;confidential information机密情报

【拓展】 ① confidentially adv. ②形似词confident adj. 有信心的,自信的 a confident manner充满信心的态度;be confident of success=be confident that one can succeed确信成功;confidently adv.;confidence n. 信心,信任;自信。相关短语:enjoy / have ones confidence得到某人的信任;be in ones confidence被某人信任;have / place confidence in sb.信任某人;take sb. into ones confidence把某人当作知心人

【高考真题】 Only five years after Steve Jobs death, smartphones defeated PCs in sales. (2017江苏卷29)

A. controversial B. contradictory

C. confidential D. conventional

【解析】 D。考查形容词辨析。A. controversial有争议的;B. contradictory对立的,相互矛盾的;C. confidential机密的,秘密的;D. conventional传统的。句意:智能手机在销量上打败了传统的个人电脑,故选D。

5. suspect

【原句再现】 ...most countries do not have arrangements for dealing with suspects from other countries...(P51,L44)……大多数国家都没有针对他国嫌犯的处理手段。

【点拨】 vt. 怀疑 suspect + sth. / sb. of (doing) sth. / that从句 / sb. to be...。

He suspected a plot against his life.

I suspect that he is a thief. = I suspect him to be a thief.

She suspected him of taking her money.

【拓展1】 n. 可疑对象,嫌疑犯

The detective followed the suspect for three days. 侦探跟踪嫌疑犯三天了。

【拓展2】 adj. 可疑的,不可信的

Some of the evidence they offered was highly suspect. 他们提供的一些证据非常可疑。

6. request

【原句再现】 Visitors are requested to shut the door quietly. (P57) 参观者被要求轻轻地把门关上。

【点拨】 vt. 要求,请求,请求给予。用法:①+to do sth. She requested to go alone.她要求自己一個人去。②+sb. to do sth. I request her to go alone. 我要求她自己一个人去。Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.参观者请勿触摸展品。③+宾语从句(动词用虚拟语气should可省略) I request that she should go alone.

【拓展】 n. 要求,请求

They made a request that the prisoner should be set free. 他们要求释放犯人。

You shall have your request. 你将得到你所要求的东西。


① at sb.s request 应某人的要求(或请求)

He came at my request. 他应我的请求而来。

② by request (of) 应(……的)要求(或请求)

Buses stop here by request. 这里是公共汽车招呼点。

③ in request 为人们所需要,受欢迎

He is in request in concert halls all over the world. 他在全世界的音乐厅都受欢迎。

This kind of cell phone is in great request. 这种手机需求很大。

④ on / upon request 一经要求

Application forms are available on request.有申请表格备索。

【高考真题】 ① —Go and say sorry to your Mom, Dave.(2015江苏卷35)

—Id like to, but Im afraid she wont be happy with my .

A. requests B. excuses

C. apologies D. regrets

【解析】 C。句意:——Dave,去跟你的妈妈道歉。 ——我想这样做,但是我担心她对我的道歉不满意。A.请求;B.借口;C.道歉;D.遗憾,后悔。故选C项。

② We most prefer to say yes to the of someone we know and like. (2014浙江卷6)

A. attempts B. requests

C. doubts D. promises

【解析】 B。句意:對于我们认识和喜欢的人的请求,我们大多喜欢说可以。A. attempts尝试;B. requests请求;C. doubts 怀疑;D. promises承诺。根据句意选B。

7. considerate

【原句再现】 I realize now what I did was not very considerate. (P59) 我现在意识到我做的事情欠考虑。

【点拨】 adj. 体贴的,体谅的;深思熟虑的;慎重的

It was very considerate of you to send me a birthday card.

【拓展1】 considerable, considerate的区别和用法:considerable, considerate这是一对形近易混的一组形容词。


He has been ill for a considerable time.

considerate 考虑周到的,体贴的,后面常跟of结构。

She is always considerate of others; she is kind and sympathetic.

【拓展2】 consider vt. 主要有以下四种用法:

1) 作“思考、考虑”(=think about) 解,后面可接动名词、由“how, what等 + 动词不定式”或者从句作宾语。但要特别注意:consider后面不能直接跟动词不定式作宾语。

They are considering going to Nanjing for the Spring Festival.

Have you considered how to get there?

2) consider 还可作“顾虑到、顾及、体谅” (=take into account)解。这时其后用名词或动名词作宾语。

All of you should consider the feelings of other people.

3) 作“认为,以为,觉得”(=be of the opinion, regard as)解时,后面多接宾语从句,这时一般不接动名词作宾语。

I consider that he is fit for the position of the manager.

consider作“认为”解时,后面还可以接一个宾语和一个动词不定式作宾语补足语,构成复合宾语结构,但这种结构的动词不定式主要是 “to be + 名词/形容词”;有时也可以是实义动词,不过这种不定式多用完成时。

They consider Jim (as / to be) their best teacher class.

I consider her to have done wonderfully in the final exam.


Do you consider it wise to interfere? 你觉得干预是明智的吗?

4) 固定结构“consider... as / to be + 名词/形容词”多侧重于表示经过思考“认为……是……”。

We consider his suggestion as having possibilities.

【拓展3】 considering当介词和连词用,表示“就……而论,照……说来,鉴于;考虑到”。

He is strong considering his age.

8. import

【原句再现】 make sure that youre not trying to import pirated goods,...(P62,L29)……以确保你没有企图携带侵权物品入境,……。

【点拨】 1) vt. 进口,输入;引进;含有……意思,意味着

Many countries import wool from Australia.

2) n. ① 进口,输入 Some of the long words in English dictionaries are imports from other languages.

② 进口商品 Electronic products are the major import from Japan.

③ 意义,含义 The import of his remarks was that we should work harder.

④ 重要性,重大 This is a question of great import.

【拓展】 import的反义词:export 出口,输出;传播,输出(思想或活动)

English has been newly exported to that area.



【原句再現】 Cybercrime refers to any criminal offence related to the Internet.(P50,L7) 网络犯罪指任何与因特网相关的犯罪行为。

【点拨】 / with sth. 把……与……联系起来

It is hard to relate these results with any known cause.这些结果很难与任何已知的原因联系在一起。

【拓展】 be related to 和……有联系,和……有关;with / in relation to 有关;涉及

What he does cant be related to what he says. 他做的和说的无法联系起来。

【高考真题】 Determining where we are our surroundings remains an essential skill for our survival.(2017江苏卷32)

A. in contrast to B. in defense of

C. in face of D. in relation to

【解析】 D。考查介词短语。A. in contrast to对比,截然不同;B. in defense of为……辩护;C. in face of面对;D. in relation to与……有关。句意:根据周围的环境辨别方位仍然是我们生存的一项极其重要的技能。故选D。

2. break into

【原句再现】 ...had had their security systems broken into in the previous year.(P50,L27)……他们的安全系统在前一年遭到入侵。

【点拨】 1) break away (from) ① 突然逃掉或离开 The thief broke away from the policeman.

② 断绝往来,脱离 He broke away from all his old friends.

③ 改掉(旧习惯),破除(旧作法) You must break away from such old habits.

2) break down ① (机器、车辆等)坏了 My car broke down after an hours driving.

② (计划、谈判等)失败 Their plans have broken down.

③ (谈话、通讯等)中断 He broke down as he was calling.

④ (健康、精神等)变坏 Her health broke down under the pressure of work.

【高考真题】 Oldfashioned phones matter when wireless networks in disasters.(2013福建卷28)

A. turn down B. turn out

C. break down D. break out

【解析】 C。考查动词短语辨析。A. 调小,拒绝;B. 结果证明……;C. 出故障,分解;D. 爆发。根据句意:当发生灾难无线网络无法使用的时候,老式的电话就有作用了。故答案为C。

【高考真题】 He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead, because the airconditioning system . (2012陕西卷19)

A. broke in B. broke up

C. broke out D. broke down

【解析】 D。考查动词短语辨析。break in打断;闯入;开始工作;break up结束,散开;分解;break out爆发;break down崩溃,垮掉;出毛病;抛锚。题干意思是:他时不时地停下来擦去额头的汗水,因为空调出毛病了。选D。

3) break in ① 突然进来,强行进入 He broke in and stole her jewels.

② 插嘴,打岔 Please dont break in on our conversation.

4) break into ① 强行进入 The thieves planned to break into a bank.

② 突然……起来 The man broke into a run when he saw the police.

③ 打断,插嘴 He broke into the discussion with a shout of warning.

④ 占用时间 Social activities break into my time.

【拓展1】 break into 与 break in 有时可表示相同的意思,但前者通常为及物的,后者通常为不及物的。

5) break off ① 停止讲话 He broke off in the middle of a sentence.

② 暂停,休息 Lets break up for a rest.

③ (使)折断 The mast has (been) broken off.

6) break out (火灾、战争等)突然发生或爆发

The American Civil War broke out in 1860.

【拓展2】 break out是不及物动词,所以不能带宾语,也不能用于被动语态。

7) break through ① 突破,有重要创见

Scientists are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.

② 克服,征服 You must try to break through your shyness.

③ 強行穿过(进入) The enemys defences were strong but our soldiers broke through.

【拓展3】 break through有时指太阳、月亮等从云层里出来。The sun broke through at noon.

8) break up ① 解散,驱散 The police broke up the crowd.

② (学校等)放假 When do you break up for Christmas?

③ 结束,破裂 The weather shows signs of breaking up.

④ 击碎,撞碎 The ship broke up on the rocks.

⑤ 绝交 Shes just broken up with her boyfriend.

3. a / the key to sth. or doing sth. (做)某事的关键

【原句再现】 ..., would no doubt agree that teamwork is a key to dealing with cybercrime, ... (P51,L57)

以to作为介词的短语归纳:the key to the bike 自行车钥匙; the answer to Exercise One练习一的答案;a secretary to the managing director 总经理的秘书;the words to a tune 一致的言语

the entrance to the park 通向公园的入口;the way to my home通向我家的路;the only access to the library 到图书馆的唯一通路

4. belong to

【原句再现】 One of the conditions of belonging to the organization... (P62,L28) 加入该组织的条件之一……

【点拨】 表示“属于”

The English book belongs to me.=The English book is mine.

【俚语】 拥有

Who belongs to the English book? 这本英语书是谁的?

【拓展1】 belong to可引申指“是……的成员”。

Do you belong to the tennis club?

【拓展2】 belong to 没有进行时态,也没有被动语态。

【拓展3】 belonging n. [常用复数] 所有物,行李

It didnt take me long to arrange my belongings.整理行李没花去我多少时间。

5. put into effect

【原句再现】 ...these laws must be put into effect by member countries.(P62,L28)

【点拨】 实行、实现、实施

The new system will soon be put into effect.

【拓展1】 put into effect的近义词组:put into practice实行,实现

It is time to put into practice the things you have learned.

【拓展2】 put短语归纳:put aside 存钱;put away 放好,收起来;存钱;put an end to 结束;put back 把 (钟) 拨慢;推迟;阻碍;put down 扑灭,平息,镇压;放下;put forward 提出;put into 插入;译成;put off 延期,拖延;put on 上演;穿戴;put on weight 长胖;put out 熄灭,扑灭;伸出,拿出;put sb. to bed 打发某人睡觉;put sb. to the trouble of 麻烦某人做;put up 挂起,张贴;举起,抬起;建造,搭起;为某人提供膳宿;put up with 忍受,容忍;put ones heart into 用心去做

【高考真题】 At the last moment, Tom decided to a new character to make the story seem more likely. (2013全国新课标卷30)

A. put up B. put in

C. put on D. put off

【解析】 B。考查动词短语辨析。根据句意,Tom为了使故事看起来更加具有可能性,他加入了一个新角色。

【高考真题】 You had better some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic.(2012福建卷29)

A. set aside B. take up

C. put away D. give out

【解析】 A。根据后半句so that you can keep yourself energetic可知上半句应该是建议对方要多留出时间进行运动,set aside留出,拨出;take up占据,从事;put away收拾好;give out发出,分发,根据句意只能选择A项。

【高考真题】 Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can almost every word her teacher says. (2012全国卷27)

A. put out B. put down

C. put away D. put together

【解析】 B。考查动词短语辨析。put out熄灭;put down记下,写下;put away收拾好;put together放在一起。句意:Mary非常擅长在课上记笔记。她能把老师说的每个词写下来。

