王茜 蔡林森
摘要 [目的]建立一种超高效液相色谱法测定青稞酒中阿斯巴甜的检测方法。[方法]将青稞酒10.0 g在平行蒸发仪上减压蒸发至近干再用超纯水定容至10 mL,待分析。采用艾杰尔C18柱分离,在220 nm波长下检测。以0.02 mol/L的乙酸銨缓冲液和甲醇(V/V=87/13)为流动相,流速为1.0 mL/min,柱温40 ℃,进样量10 μL。[结果]阿斯巴甜在10~200 μg/mL线性良好(R2=0.999 8),检出限为5 μg/mL,加标回收率为93.0%~102.5%。[结论]此方法前处理简单、操作简便,具有较好的准确性和重复性,可用于青稞酒中阿斯巴甜的检测。
关键词 阿斯巴甜;青稞酒;高效液相色谱;含量测定
中图分类号 TS261文献标识码 A
文章编号 0517-6611(2019)21-0214-02
Study on the Method of Aspartame Content Determination in Highland Barley Liquor
WANG Qian1,CAI Linsen2
(1.Food Inspection and Testing Institute of Qinghai Province, Xining,Qinghai 810001;2.Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institut of Qinghai Province,Xining,Qinghai 810001)
Abstract [Objective] The research aimed to establish a method for the determination of aspartame content in highland barley liquor by HPLC.[Method]10.0 g liquor sample was palced on multivapor for decompressionevaporation until almost dry.Then ultrapure water was injected to 10 mL for subsequent analysis. C18 column and the loq 220 nm was used for separation 0.02 moL/L ammouium acetate buffer and methanol (V/V=87/13)was used as mobile phase.The flowing rate was 1.0 mL/min. The column temperature was at 40 ℃.The injection volume was 10 μL.[Result]Aspartame showed a good linear relationship at 10-200 μg/mL(R2=0.999 8).The recovery was 93.0%-102.5% and the detection limit was 5 μg/mL.[Conclusion] The method has the advantages of simple pretreatment, simple operation, good accuracy and repeatability, and can be used for the detection of aspartame in highland barley lipouor.
Key words Aspartame;Highland baveley liquor;High performance liquid chromatography;Content determination
作者简介 王茜(1968—),女,山西原平人,高级工程师,从事食品安全检测和实验室管理工作。
收稿日期 2019-07-08;修回日期 2019-07-23
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验材料
试剂及耗材:阿斯巴甜(99.8%,天津阿尔塔公司);甲醇(质谱级,Fisher scientific);乙酸铵(色谱纯,美国Fluka公司);0.22 μm滤膜(上海安普科学仪器公司)。